LD 1349
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classification, functioning behavior and response to use and
management of soils, including the mapping and identification of
soils and the interpretation of soil properties.__Pedology centers
on soils as the biochemically weathered part of the earth's crust,
the collection of natural bodies on the earth's surface, supporting
plants with a lower limit at the deeper of either the
unconsolidated mineral or organic material lying within the zone of
rooting of the native perennial plants or where horizons impervious
to roots have developed the upper few feet of the earth's crust
having properties differing from the underlying rock material as a
result of interactions between climate, living organisms, parent
material and relief.

7.__Practice of geology. "Practice of geology" means the
performance of geological work or service for the public,
including, but not limited to, consultation, investigation,
surveys, evaluation, planning, mapping or inspection of
geological work, in which the performance is related to the
public welfare or the safeguarding of life, health, property and
the environment.

8.__Practice of soil science. "Practice of soil science" means
any professional service that requires the application of
pedological principles and data.__That professional service
includes identification and mapping of soils according to the
standards of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, or its
successor entity, consultation or evaluation.

9.__Qualified soil scientist. "Qualified soil scientist" means
a person who, by reason of that person's knowledge of pedology
and the biological and physical sciences, acquired by
professional education and practical experience, is qualified to
engage in the practice of soil science.

10.__Qualified geologist. "Qualified geologist" means a person
who possesses the qualifications specified for certification,
except that that person is not certified.

11.__Responsible charge of work. "Responsible charge of work"
means the independent control and direction, by the use of
initiative, skill and independent judgment, of work or the
supervision of that work.

12.__Subordinate. "Subordinate" means any person who assists a
certified geologist or certified soil scientist without assuming
the responsible charge of work.

§544-F. Effect of law; organization

1.__Prohibition against practice of geology or soil science
without certification.__A person may not practice or offer to
practice geology or soil science in the State without
certification in accordance with this subchapter, unless
specifically exempted from the certification requirement by this

2.__Effect. This subchapter may not be construed to affect or
prevent the practice of any other legally recognized profession.

3.__Corporations, partnerships, associations and government
agencies.__This subchapter does not prohibit one or more
geologists or soil scientists from practicing through the medium
of a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or government
agency.__In such a partnership or corporation whose primary
activity consists of geological services, or in a government
agency in which geological work is done, at least one partner,
officer or employee must be a certified geologist.__In such a
partnership or corporation whose primary activity consists of
soil science services, or in a government agency in which soil
science work is done, at least one partner, officer or employee
must be a certified soil scientist.__In the case of an agency of
State Government, the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of Human Resources shall classify officers and
employees under the Civil Service Law in a manner that ensures
that at least one certified geologist or certified soil scientist
works for each agency in which geological or soil science work is
done and that any officer or employee who is engaged in the
practice of geology or soil science and who is uncertified works
as a subordinate to a certified geologist or certified soil
scientist and does not have responsible charge of work or

§544-G. Exemptions

The following persons are exempt from the certification
requirement imposed by this subchapter:

1.__Nonresident practicing less than 30 days.__A person not a
resident of and having no established place of business in this
State, practicing or offering to practice the profession of
geologist or soil scientist when that practice does not exceed in
the aggregate more than 30 days in any calendar year, provided
that the person is legally qualified by registration to practice
the profession in that person's own state or country in which the
requirements and qualifications for obtaining a certificate of
registration are equivalent to those specified in this

2.__Nonresident becoming resident or person practicing more
than 30 days.__A person not a resident of and having no
established place of business in this State, or who has recently
become a resident of this State, practicing or offering to
practice for more than 30 days in any calendar year the
profession of geologist or soil scientist, if the person has
filed with the board an application for certification and has
paid the fee required by this subchapter.__The exemption
continues only for such time as the board requires for the
consideration of the application for registration, provided that
such a person is legally qualified to practice that profession in
that person's own state or country in which the requirements and
qualifications for obtaining a certificate of registration are
equivalent to those specified in this subchapter;

3.__Certain employees.__An employee, associate or subordinate
of a person holding a certificate of registration under this
subchapter, or an employee of a person exempted from
certification by subsection 1 or 2, provided that the work of the
employee, associate or subordinate does not include responsible
charge of work or evaluation; and

4.__Federal Government employees.__An officer or employee of
the Federal Government while engaged within this State in the
practice of the profession of geologist or soil scientist for the
Federal Government.

§544-H. Subsurface sewage disposal

A person who is licensed by the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation pursuant to Title 22, section 42, subsection
3-A to evaluate soil for subsurface sewage disposal is exempt
from the certification requirement of this subchapter if the
person's soil evaluation work relates solely to subsurface sewage
disposal systems.

§544-I. Board

The State Board of Certification for Geologists and Soil
Scientists as established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection
19 administers this subchapter and its office is within the
Bureau of Geology and Natural Areas.__The board consists of 7
members, 5 of whom are appointed by the Governor from the
following categories: one academic geologist; one independent
consultant or salaried geologist; one independent consultant or
salaried soil scientist; one other soil scientist; and a
representative of the public. The 6th and 7th members must be the
State Soil Scientist with the State Soil and Water Conservation
Commission, ex officio, and the State Geologist or the State
Geologist's designee, who must be a geologist employed in State

Government, ex officio.__A person, except the representative of
the public, may not be eligible for appointment to the board
unless certified under this subchapter.

1.__Qualifications. Each member of the board must be a citizen
of the United States and a resident of this State for at least 5
years immediately preceding the member's appointment.

2.__Term.__Appointments are for 5-year terms.__Appointments of
members must comply with Title 32, section 60.__A board member
may be removed for cause by the Governor.

3.__Meetings.__The board shall meet at least once a year to
conduct its business and to elect its officers.__Additional
meetings may be held as necessary to conduct the business of the
board and be convened at the call of the chair or a majority of
the board members.__The board shall, every 2 years, elect a chair
who is a member of the board.__A chair may not serve more than 2
consecutive terms.

Four members constitute a quorum.

The board shall keep records and minutes that are necessary to
the ordinary dispatch of its functions.

4.__Hearings.__Hearings may be conducted by the board to
assist with investigations, to determine whether grounds exist
for suspension, revocation or denial of a certification or as
otherwise necessary to the fulfillment of its responsibilities
under this subchapter.

The board may not refuse to renew a certificate for any reason
other than failure to pay a required fee, unless it has afforded
the certificate holder an opportunity for an adjudicatory
hearing.__The board shall hold an adjudicatory hearing at the
written request of any person who is denied a certificate without
a hearing for any reason other than failure to pay a required
fee, provided that the request for hearing is received by the
board within 30 days of the applicant's receipt of written notice
of the denial of the applicant's application, the reasons for the
denial and the applicant's right to request a hearing.__Hearings
are conducted in conformity with Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter
IV.__The board may subpoena witnesses, records and documents in
any hearing it conducts.

5.__Powers and duties.__The board may adopt, amend or repeal
rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II to carry
out this subchapter, including, but not limited to, rules
relating to professional conduct in accordance with the policy of
this subchapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are

routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

A.__The Bureau of Geology and Natural Areas shall compile
and maintain a complete and up-to-date list of all
certifications. The list must be made available to any
person upon request.

B.__On or before August 1st of each year, the board shall
submit to the director of the survey for the preceding
fiscal year ending June 30th its annual report of its
operations and financial position, together with such
comments and recommendations as the director considers

C.__The board shall establish relations with entities that
regulate the practice of geology and the practice of soil
science or closely related disciplines or that certify
geologists or soil scientists in other states and may
establish relations with such entities in other countries
for the purposes of achieving uniformly high professional
standards and mutual recognition of certification.

§544-J. Certification procedure

An application for certification as a geologist or soil
scientist must be made to the board on a form prescribed by the
board and must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee.

An applicant for certification as a geologist or soil
scientist must meet the following standards.

1.__High ethical professional standards.__The applicant must
possess high ethical professional standards.

2.__Geologist examination requirements.__To qualify to sit for
the examination for certification as a geologist, an applicant

A.__Be a graduate of an accredited college or university
with a major in geological sciences, have completed 30
credits in geological sciences at an accredited college or
university or have at least 7 years of professional
geological work that includes either a minimum of 3 years of
professional geological work under the supervision of a
qualified geologist or a minimum of 5 years of responsible
charge of geological work;

B.__Have acquired 7 years of experience in responsible charge of
geological work, toward which an undergraduate

degree with 30 credit hours or more in geological science
courses counts as 2 years of training and each year of
graduate study in the geological sciences counts as 1/2 year
of training, up to a maximum of 2 years of credit; and

C.__Receive credit toward the experience requirement subject
to the evaluation of the board.__An applicant with less than
30 credit hours in geological science courses may be given
proportional work-experience credits for such academic
credit hours as the applicant may have acquired.

3.__Soil scientist examination requirements.__To qualify to
sit for the examination for certification as a soil scientist, an
applicant must be a graduate of an approved 4-year college
curriculum leading to a Baccalaureate Degree, in which the
applicant has successfully completed a minimum of 15 credit hours
of soil or soil-related courses of a pedological nature and have
a specific record of an additional 3 years or more of experience
in soil science of a grade and character that indicates to the
board that the applicant is competent to practice as a soil
scientist and is otherwise qualified. Teaching pedological
courses in a college or university offering an approved 4-year
soil science or agronomic curriculum must be considered as
experience in soils investigations.

Applicants may sit for the general practice examination upon
graduation from an approved 4-year college and may sit for the
professional practice examination upon completion of the
experience requirement stated in this subsection.

"Additional 3 years or more of experience" does not imply a
sequence of obtaining a degree and then experience. Experience
time may not be granted for time while enrolled in courses, but
summer employment must be counted even though a degree may not
have been obtained.

Actual field experience in an acceptable apprenticeship program
counts as experience time.

Each degree beyond the bachelor's degree counts as one year of

Soil-related courses may amount to only 20% of the required 15
credits for a maximum of 3 credits.

4.__Pass examination before board.__The applicant must sit for
and pass an examination before the board or its authorized
representatives.__Such examinations are held at certain specified
times and are of a scope prescribed by the board.

The examinations must test the applicant's knowledge basic to
geology or soil science and ability to apply that knowledge and
to assume responsible charge of work in the practice of geology
or the practice of soil science.

An applicant for certification must meet all the requirements
of this subchapter and, in addition, have 3 years' experience in
geology or soil science as described by this subchapter and in
the rules of the board.

An applicant who fails an examination may be examined again
upon filing a new application and the payment of the prescribed

The board, upon application on its prescribed form and upon
the payment of the application and certification fees, may issue
a certificate as a geologist or soil scientist without written
examination to any person holding a certificate as a geologist or
soil scientist issued by any state or country having equivalent
requirements, when the applicant's qualifications meet the other
requirements of this subchapter and the rules established by the

In determining the qualifications of an applicant for
certification, a majority vote of the board is required.

An applicant who has passed the examination or has otherwise
qualified as a geologist or soil scientist upon payment of the
certification fee fixed by this subchapter must be granted a
certificate as a geologist or soil scientist as appropriate.

§544-K. Expiration and renewal

Certification expires on December 31st annually and becomes
invalid on that date unless renewed.__The Bureau of Geology and
Natural Areas shall notify every person certified under this
subchapter of the certificate expiration date and the amount of
the fee that is required at the person's last known address.__The
notice must be mailed at least one month in advance of the
expiration date.

A certificate may be renewed up to 90 days after the date of
expiration upon payment of a late fee in addition to the renewal
fee.__A person who submits an application for renewal more than
90 days after the certificate renewal date is subject to all
requirements governing new applicants under this subchapter,
except that the board may, in its discretion, giving due
consideration to the protection of the public, waive examination
if the renewal application is made within 2 years from the date
of the expiration.

§544-L. Fees

The director of the survey may establish by rule fees for
purposes authorized under this subchapter in amounts that are
reasonable and necessary for their respective purposes, except
that the fee for any one purpose may not exceed $250 annually.

§544-M. Complaints; violations; investigations; revocations

1.__Powers of board and District Court concerning complaints.
The board shall investigate or cause to be investigated all
complaints against certified geologists or certified soil
scientists and persons granted temporary authorizations pursuant
to this subchapter and all cases of violations of this
subchapter. The board may, pursuant to Title 5, section 10004,
suspend or revoke a certificate issued by it.__In addition, the
board may refuse to issue or renew the certificate or the
District Court may, pursuant to Title 4, chapter 5, suspend,
revoke or refuse to renew the certificate of any registrant who
is found guilty of:

A.__The practice of fraud or deceit in obtaining a
certificate of registration;

B.__Gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the
practice of geology or soil science;

C.__A felony or crime adversely affecting the ethical
standards of the professions regulated by this subchapter,
subject to the limitations of Title 5, chapter 341; or

D.__A violation of this subchapter or a rule of the board.

2.__Preferring of charges. A person may register a complaint
of fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct
against a certified geologist or certified soil scientist.__The
complaint must be in writing and be sworn to by the person making
the complaint and be filed with the secretary of the board.

3. Reissuance of certificate.__The board, for reasons it
determines sufficient, may reissue, following a previous
revocation or nonrenewal, a certificate as a certified geologist
or certified soil scientist to a person whose certificate has
been revoked or has not been renewed, provided 5 members vote in
favor of the reissuance.

4. Enforcement.__It is the duty of the respective officers
charged with the enforcement of laws and ordinances to prosecute
a person charged with a violation of a provision of this

subchapter. It is the duty of the chair of the board, under the
direction of the board, to aid such officers in the enforcement
of this subchapter.

§544-N. Plans prepared

All geologic plans, specifications, reports or documents that
are prepared by a certified geologist or by a subordinate under
the geologist's direction must be signed by the geologist, which
indicates the geologist's responsibility for those geologic
plans, specifications, reports or documents.

All pedological maps, reports or documents that are prepared
by a certified soil scientist or by a subordinate under the soil
scientist's direction must be signed by that certified soil
scientist, which indicates the soil scientist's responsibility
for those pedological maps, reports or documents.

§544-O. Penalties; injunction

A person who violates a provision of this subchapter is guilty
of a Class E crime.

The State may bring an action in Superior Court to enjoin a
person from violating this subchapter, regardless of whether
proceedings have been or may be instituted in the District Court
or whether criminal proceedings have been or may be instituted.

§544-P. Receipts and disbursements

All fees received by the board under this subchapter must be
used to carry out the purposes of this subchapter.__Any balance
of those fees may not lapse, but must be carried forward as a
continuing account to be expended for the same purposes in the
following fiscal years.

Sec. 3. 32 MRSA c. 73, as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 4. Revisor's review; cross-references. The Revisor of Statutes shall
review the Maine Revised Statutes and include in the errors and
inconsistencies bill submitted to the Second Regular Session of
the 120th Legislature pursuant to Title 1, section 94 any
sections necessary to correct and update any cross-references in
the statutes to provisions of law repealed in this Act.


This bill transfers oversight of geologists and soil
scientists from the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation to the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Geology
and Natural Areas.

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