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The House CalendarThe Advance Journal and Calendar of the House of Representatives Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Pursuant to Article IV, Part 3, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Maine, the Representatives-Elect to the One Hundred and Thirty-Second Legislature assemble in the Hall of the House and are called to Order by ROBERT B. HUNT of Yarmouth, Clerk of the House of the One Hundred and Thirty-First Legislature.
Prayer by Reverend Paul Sullivan, S.J., Our Lady of Hope Parish, Portland.
National Anthem by Julia Gagnon, Cumberland.
Pledge of Allegiance. _________________________________
(2-1) The Following Communication: (H.C. 1)
December 2, 2024
To Robert B. Hunt, Clerk of the House in the One Hundred and Thirty-first Legislature:
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, pursuant to the provisions of Title 3 MRSA, Section 1, hereby certify that the following are the names and residences of the Representatives-elect to the One Hundred and Thirty-second Legislature, in accordance with the tabulation submitted to the Governor on November 25, 2024:
District 1 Lucien J.B. Daigle, Fort Kent District 2 Roger C. Albert, Madawaska District 3 Mark Michael Babin, Fort Fairfield District 4 Timothy C. Guerrette, Caribou District 5 Joseph F. Underwood, Presque Isle District 6 Donald James Ardell, Monticello District 7 Gregory L. Swallow, Houlton District 8 Tracy Lynn Quint, Hodgdon District 9 Arthur Kevin Mingo, Calais District 10 William R. Tuell, East Machias District 11 Tiffany Strout, Harrington District 12 Billy Bob Faulkingham, Winter Harbor District 13 Russell P. White, Ellsworth District 14 Gary Friedmann, Bar Harbor District 15 Holly Rae Eaton, Deer Isle District 16 Nina Azella Milliken, Blue Hill District 17 Steven M. Bishop, Bucksport District 18 Mathew David McIntyre, Lowell District 19 Richard H. Campbell, Orrington District 20 Dani L. O'Halloran, Brewer District 21 Ambureen Rana, Bangor District 22 Laura D. Supica, Bangor District 23 Amy J. Roeder, Bangor District 24 Joseph C. Perry, Bangor District 25 Laurie Osher, Orono District 26 James F. Dill, Old Town District 27 Gary A. Drinkwater, Milford District 28 Irene A. Gifford, Lincoln District 29 Kathy Irene Javner, Chester District 30 James L. White, Guilford District 31 Chad R. Perkins, Dover-Foxcroft District 32 Steven D. Foster, Dexter District 33 Kenneth Wade Fredette, Newport District 34 Abigail W. Griffin, Levant District 35 James E. Thorne, Carmel District 36 Kimberly M. Haggan, Hampden District 37 Reagan L. Paul, Winterport District 38 Benjamin C. Hymes, Waldo District 39 Janice S. Dodge, Belfast District 40 D. Michael Ray, Lincolnville District 41 Victoria W. Doudera, Camden District 42 Valli D. Geiger, Rockland District 43 Ann H. Matlack, St. George District 44 William D. Pluecker, Warren District 45 Abden S. Simmons, Waldoboro District 46 Lydia V. Crafts, Newcastle District 47 Wayne K. Farrin, Jefferson District 48 Holly B. Stover, Boothbay District 49 Allison Lee Hepler, Woolwich District 50 David A. Sinclair, Bath District 51 Rafael Leo Macias, Topsham District 52 Sally Jeane Cluchey, Bowdoinham District 53 Michael H. Lemelin, Chelsea District 54 Karen L. Montell, Gardiner District 55 Daniel Joseph Shagoury, Hallowell District 56 Randall Adam Greenwood, Wales District 57 Tavis Rock Hasenfus, Readfield District 58 Sharon C. Frost, Belgrade District 59 David M. Rollins, Augusta District 60 William R. Bridgeo, Augusta District 61 Alicia Carol Collins, Sidney District 62 Katrina J. Smith, Palermo District 63 Paul R. Flynn, Albion District 64 Flavia M. DeBrito, Waterville District 65 Cassie Lynn Julia, Waterville District 66 Robert W. Nutting, Oakland District 67 Shelley J. Rudnicki, Fairfield District 68 Amanda Noelle Collamore, Pittsfield District 69 Dean A. Cray, Palmyra District 70 Jennifer Lynn Poirier, Skowhegan District 71 John E. Ducharme III, Madison District 72 Elizabeth M. Caruso, Caratunk District 73 Michael A. Soboleski, Phillips District 74 Randall C. Hall, Wilton District 75 Stephan M. Bunker, Farmington District 76 Sheila A. Lyman, Livermore Falls District 77 Tammy L. Schmersal-Burgess, Mexico District 78 Rachel A. Henderson, Rumford District 79 Michael J. Lance, Paris District 80 Caldwell Jackson, Oxford District 81 Peter Conley Wood, Norway District 82 Nathan J. Wadsworth, Hiram District 83 Marygrace Caroline Cimino, Bridgton District 84 Mark Walker, Naples District 85 Kimberly Pomerleau, Standish District 86 Rolf A. Olsen Jr., Raymond District 87 David W. Boyer Jr., Poland District 88 Quentin J. Chapman, Auburn District 89 Adam R. Lee, Auburn District 90 Laurel D. Libby, Auburn District 91 Joshua K. Morris, Turner District 92 Stephen J. Wood, Greene District 93 Julia A.G. McCabe, Lewiston District 94 Kristen Sarah Cloutier, Lewiston District 95 Mana Hared Abdi, Lewiston District 96 Michel A. Lajoie, Lewiston District 97 Richard G. Mason, Lisbon District 98 Kilton M. Webb, Durham District 99 Cheryl A. Golek, Harpswell District 100 Daniel J. Ankeles, Brunswick District 101 Poppy T. Arford, Brunswick District 102 Melanie Fleming Sachs, Freeport District 103 Arthur L. Bell, Yarmouth District 104 Amy B. Arata, New Gloucester District 105 Anne P. Graham, North Yarmouth District 106 Barbara A. Bagshaw, Windham District 107 Mark C. Cooper, Windham District 108 Parnell William Terry, Gorham District 109 Eleanor Y. Sato, Gorham District 110 Christina R.C. Mitchell, Cumberland District 111 Amy D. Kuhn, Falmouth District 112 W. Edward Crockett, Portland District 113 Grayson B. Lookner, Portland District 114 Dylan R. Pugh, Portland District 115 Michael F. Brennan, Portland District 116 Samuel Lewis Zager, Portland District 117 Matthew Moonen, Portland District 118 Yusuf M. Yusuf, Portland District 119 Charles A. Skold, Portland District 120 Deqa Abdi Dhalac, South Portland District 121 Christopher J. Kessler, South Portland District 122 Matthew D. Beck, South Portland District 123 Michelle Nicole Boyer, Cape Elizabeth District 124 Sophia Bailey Warren, Scarborough District 125 Kelly Noonan Murphy, Scarborough District 126 Andrew M. Gattine, Westbrook District 127 Morgan J. Rielly, Westbrook District 128 Suzanne M. Salisbury, Westbrook District 129 Marshall F. Archer, Saco District 130 Lynn Holland Copeland, Saco District 131 Lori Kathryn Gramlich, Old Orchard Beach District 132 Ryan M. Fecteau, Biddeford District 133 Marc G. Malon II, Biddeford District 134 Traci Gere, Kennebunkport District 135 Daniel R. Sayre, Kennebunk District 136 John M. Eder, Waterboro District 137 Nathan M. Carlow, Buxton District 138 Mark John Blier, Buxton District 139 David C. Woodsome, Waterboro District 140 Wayne R. Parry, Arundel District 141 Lucas John Lanigan, Sanford District 142 Anne-Marie Mastraccio, Sanford District 143 Ann Marie Fredericks, Sanford District 144 Jeffrey Sean Adams, Lebanon District 145 Robert Alan Foley, Wells District 146 Walter Gerard Runte Jr., York District 147 Holly T. Sargent, York District 148 Thomas Arthur Lavigne, Berwick District 149 Tiffany Danielle Roberts, South Berwick District 150 Michele Meyer, Eliot District 151 Kristi Michele Mathieson, Kittery
In Testimony Whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, given under my hand at Augusta this second day of December in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-four.
S/Shenna Bellows Secretary of State
Motion by Representative-Elect KUHN of Falmouth, that Representative-Elect SARGENT of York, Representative-Elect CLOUTIER of Lewiston, Representative-Elect ZAGER of Portland, Representative-Elect FROST of Belgrade, Representative-Elect ARATA of New Gloucester, Representative-Elect BLIER of Buxton and Representative-Elect JAVNER of Chester be appointed a Committee to wait upon the Governor and inform her that a quorum of the members of the House of Representatives-Elect have assembled in the Hall of the House of Representatives and request her attendance to administer to them the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties.
The Governor, the Honorable JANET T. MILLS, enters and administers to the members-elect and they subscribe the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to discharge their official duties.
The Governor retires. _________________________________
Motion by Representative BRIDGEO of Augusta, that Representative CARLOW of Buxton, Representative FOLEY of Wells, Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan, Representative SATO of Gorham, Representative RIELLY of Westbrook and Representative ABDI of Lewiston be appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count votes for the Speaker.
Representative MEYER of Eliot moves that the name of RYAN D. FECTEAU of Biddeford be placed in nomination for the Speaker of the House.
Representative DOUDERA of Camden seconds the motion.
Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan moves that the name of BILLY BOB FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor be placed in nomination for the Speaker of the House.
Representative ARDELL of Monticello seconds the motion.
Representative MOONEN of Portland moves that nominations cease. _________________________________
The Honorable ROBERT B. HUNT, Clerk of the House of the 131st Maine Legislature, administers the necessary oath of office to qualify the Speaker of the House to enter upon the discharge of his official duties. _________________________________
Motion by Representative MONTELL of Gardiner, that Representative HAGGAN of Hampden, Representative PARRY of Arundel, Representative BRIDGEO of Augusta, Representative DODGE of Belfast and Representative RANA of Bangor be appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count votes for the Clerk of the House.
Representative MOONEN of Portland moves that the name of ROBERT B. HUNT of Yarmouth be placed in nomination for the Clerk of the House.
Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach seconds the motion.
Representative FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor moves that the name of FRANK GLEASON of Cornville be placed in nomination for the Clerk of the House.
Representative SMITH of Palermo seconds the motion.
Representative BRENNAN of Portland moves that nominations cease. _________________________________
The Speaker of the House administers the necessary oath of office to qualify the Clerk of the House of the 132nd Maine Legislature to enter upon the discharge of his official duties. _________________________________
Motion by Representative RIELLY of Westbrook, that Representative CRAY of Palmyra, Representative WADSWORTH of Hiram, Representative MONTELL of Gardiner and Representative SAYRE of Kennebunk be appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count votes for Assistant Clerk of the House.
Representative MEYER of Eliot moves that the name of MICHELLE DUNPHY of Old Town be placed in nomination for Assistant Clerk of the House.
Representative HASENFUS of Readfield seconds the motion.
Representative FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor moves that the name of AARON KREGENOW of Augusta be placed in nomination for Assistant Clerk of the House.
Representative SMITH of Palermo seconds the motion.
Representative MOONEN of Portland moves that nominations cease. _________________________________
The Speaker of the House administers the necessary oaths of office to qualify the Assistant Clerk of the House and the Sergeant-at-Arms to enter upon the discharge of their official duties. _________________________________
Motion by Representative LEE of Auburn, that Representative MATHIESON of Kittery, Representative STOVER of Boothbay, Representative BUNKER of Farmington, Representative PLUECKER of Warren, Representative COOPER of Windham, Representative HENDERSON of Rumford and Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield be appointed a Committee to notify the Governor of the organization of the House. _________________________________
(4-1) On motion of Representative MOONEN of Portland, the following House Order: (H.O. 1)
ORDERED, that the House Rules of the 131st Maine House of Representatives are the House Rules of the 132nd Maine House of Representatives.
(2-1) The Following Communication: (H.C. 2)
December 2, 2024
To the Speaker of the House in the One Hundred and Thirty-second Legislature:
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Maine, having tabulated the returns of the votes cast for State Representatives at the General Election held on the fifth day of November in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-four;
REPORT AS FOLLOWS; that the following named persons having received a plurality of the votes cast, appear to have been elected:
District 1 Daigle, Lucien J.B., Fort Kent 3,170 Martin, John L., Eagle Lake 1,698
District 2 Albert, Roger C., Madawaska 2,734 Martin, Roland Daniel, Sinclair 2,186
District 3 Babin, Mark Michael, Fort Fairfield 2,577 McCrea, David Harold, Fort Fairfield 2,202
District 4 Guerrette, Timothy C., Caribou 3,480 Paradis, Samantha Phyllis, Caribou 1,152
District 5 Freeman, Kevin Gregory, Presque Isle 1,827 Underwood, Joseph F., Presque Isle 2,210
District 6 Ardell, Donald James, Monticello 3,130 Tompkins, Melanie A., Mapleton 1,647
District 7 Swallow, Gregory L., Houlton 3,518
District 8 Collins, Nicole J., Reed Plantation 1,096 Quint, Tracy Lynn, Hodgdon 3,865
District 9 McGaw, Darin L., Baileyville 1,791 Mingo, Arthur Kevin, Calais 2,878
District 10 Colman, Peter G., Lubec 1,344 Tuell, William R., East Machias 4,144
District 11 Rogers, Roland Eben III, Jonesport 1,542 Strout, Tiffany, Harrington 3,483
District 12 Bamford, Norman Edward, Sullivan 2,152 Faulkingham, Billy Bob, Winter Harbor 3,378
District 13 White, Russell P., Ellsworth 2,768 Worth, J. Mark, Ellsworth 2,317
District 14 Friedmann, Gary, Bar Harbor 4,291 Gray, Sandra J., Lamoine 1,989
District 15 Eaton, Holly Rae, Deer Isle 3,112 Joyce, Jason M., Swans Island 2,822
District 16 Milliken, Nina Azella, Blue Hill 4,575
District 17 Bishop, Steven M., Bucksport 2,862 Russell, Ronald B., Verona Island 2,702
District 18 McIntyre, Mathew David, Lowell 4,126
District 19 Campbell, Richard H., Orrington 4,520
District 20 Jude, Patrick, Brewer 2,456 O'Halloran, Dani L., Brewer 2,575
District 21 Edelman, Reda H., Bangor 1,429 Lapointe, Colby Michael, Bangor 523 Rana, Ambureen, Bangor 2,358
District 22 O'Neal, Colleen T., Bangor 1,729 Supica, Laura D., Bangor 2,081
District 23 Cartier, Justin P., Bangor 2,296 Roeder, Amy J., Bangor 2,961
District 24 LaPointe, Daniel, Orono 1,697 Perry, Joseph C., Bangor 3,104
District 25 Casey, Thomas J., Orono 1,185 Osher, Laurie, Orono 2,465
District 26 Dill, James F., Old Town 2,958 Ouellette, Christina M., Bradley 2,156
District 27 Crockett, Peter Alan, Argyle Township 1,393 Drinkwater, Gary A., Milford 3,770
District 28 DiPentino, Natalie D., Enfield 1,210 Gifford, Irene A., Lincoln 3,642
District 29 Javner, Kathy Irene, Chester 3,117 York, Laurie E., TA R7 Wels (Dolby) 2,009
District 30 Sidell, W. Louis, Guilford 1,688 White, James L., Guilford 3,752
District 31 Brown, Joseph Thomas, Orneville Township 1,781 Perkins, Chad R., Dover-Foxcroft 2,960
District 32 Foster, Steven D., Dexter 4,012
District 33 Fredette, Kenneth Wade, Newport 4,307
District 34 Griffin, Abigail W., Levant 4,268
District 35 Thorne, James E., Carmel 4,624
District 36 Haggan, Kimberly M., Hampden 3,319 Wright, Shelby D., Hampden 2,712
District 37 Cuddy, Scott William, Winterport 2,721 Paul, Reagan L., Winterport 3,278
District 38 Ellis, Stephen B., Waldo 2,249 Hymes, Benjamin C., Waldo 2,769
District 39 Dodge, Janice S., Belfast 3,932 Hemenway, Stephen J., Northport 1,860
District 40 McLaughlin, Joseph M., Lincolnville 2,675 Ray, D. Michael, Lincolnville 3,187
District 41 Doudera, Victoria W., Camden 4,556 Raymond, Cory C., Rockport 1,530
District 42 Geiger, Valli D., Rockland 2,992 Hopkins, Jamie L., Owls Head 1,935
District 43 Matlack, Ann H., St. George 3,161 Sprague, Heather Anne, Cushing 2,489
District 44 Pluecker, William D., Warren 2,731 Thombs, Ray A. Jr., Union 2,369
District 45 Simmons, Abden S., Waldoboro 3,082 Stone, Jennifer A., Waldoboro 2,377
District 46 Crafts, Lydia V., Newcastle 4,186 Daxland, Mary Lou J., Newcastle 2,192
District 47 Farrin, Wayne K., Jefferson 3,087 Polewarczyk, Edward J., Wiscasset 2,882
District 48 Hunt, James William III, Southport 2,101 Stover, Holly B., Boothbay 4,058
District 49 Brown, Vincent E., West Bath 2,471 Hepler, Allison Lee, Woolwich 3,923
District 50 Eames, Harold Alfred III, Bath 1,486 Sinclair, David A., Bath 3,463
District 51 Brillant, Leon C., Topsham 2,289 Macias, Rafael Leo, Topsham 3,543
District 52 Cluchey, Sally Jeane, Bowdoinham 2,748 Guilmette, David W., Richmond 2,734
District 53 Lemelin, Michael H., Chelsea 3,250 Tunkle, Judy E., Dresden 2,247
District 54 Montell, Karen L., Gardiner 2,683 Williams, Scott Douglas, Gardiner 2,261
District 55 Boyd, Joe N., West Gardiner 2,863 Shagoury, Daniel Joseph, Hallowell 2,993
District 56 Ackley, Kent F., Monmouth 2,558 Greenwood, Randall Adam, Wales 3,120
District 57 Hasenfus, Tavis Rock, Readfield 3,245 Piccininni, Donna L., Winthrop 2,269
District 58 Frost, Sharon C., Belgrade 3,159 Newman, Daniel J., Belgrade 3,116
District 59 Emerson, Marcus E., Augusta 2,272 Rollins, David M., Augusta 2,601
District 60 Bridgeo, William R., Augusta 2,701 MacDowell, Wendy Lee, Augusta 2,119
District 61 Collins, Alicia Carol, Sidney 3,262 Jones, Laura M., Vassalboro 2,233
District 62 Smith, Katrina J., Palermo 3,461 Swift, Pamela Jo, Palermo 1,942
District 63 Flynn, Paul R., Albion 3,272 Trahan, Lee A., Winslow 2,200
District 64 DeBrito, Flavia M., Waterville 2,679 Malcolm, Ruth Ann, Waterville 1,415
District 65 Brown, Tammy, Waterville 1,609 Julia, Cassie Lynn, Waterville 2,295 Others 5
District 66 Barnes, Alicia, Oakland 2,060 Nutting, Robert W., Oakland 3,205
District 67 Rudnicki, Shelley J., Fairfield 2,537 Townsend, Matthew C., Fairfield 2,337
District 68 Blake, Brian J., Troy 1,612 Collamore, Amanda Noelle, Pittsfield 3,250
District 69 Blanchard, Jessica B., Palmyra 1,340 Cray, Dean A., Palmyra 3,572
District 70 Gray, Cecil R. III, Skowhegan 1,508 Poirier, Jennifer Lynn, Skowhegan 2,549
District 71 Dorney, Ann E., Norridgewock 1,717 Ducharme, John E. III, Madison 3,232
District 72 Caruso, Elizabeth M., Caratunk 3,475 Soma-Hernandez, Cynthia J., Anson 1,324
District 73 Bond, Tiffany, Rangeley 2,557 Soboleski, Michael A., Phillips 3,114
District 74 Hall, Randall C., Wilton 3,610 Kimber, Gregory M., Temple 1,856
District 75 Bunker, Stephan M., Farmington 2,317 Gauvin, Randall D., Farmington 2,310
District 76 Hoke, Tamara, Jay 1,866 Lyman, Sheila A., Livermore Falls 3,271
District 77 Schmersal-Burgess, Tammy L., Mexico 3,998
District 78 Giroux, Eric Lee, Rumford 2,089 Henderson, Rachel A., Rumford 2,865
District 79 Lance, Michael J., Paris 2,747 Nutt, Charlotte, Woodstock 2,383
District 80 Hill, Roberta J., Buckfield 1,669 Jackson, Caldwell, Oxford 3,780
District 81 Beal, Joan S., Norway 2,816 Wood, Peter Conley, Norway 2,840
District 82 Sekera, Nichole, Fryeburg 2,355 Wadsworth, Nathan J., Hiram 3,206
District 83 Castleman-Ross, Carrye L., Bridgton 2,870 Cimino, Marygrace Caroline, Bridgton 2,938
District 84 Dove, Cassandra Anne, Baldwin 2,080 Walker, Mark, Naples 3,438
District 85 Pomerleau, Kimberly, Standish 3,878
District 86 Messinger, Craig Robert, Raymond 2,685 Olsen, Rolf A. Jr., Raymond 2,912
District 87 Boyer, David W. Jr., Poland 3,752
District 88 Chapman, Quentin J., Auburn 2,847 Damien, Stefanie Mahr, Auburn 2,336
District 89 Janelle, John G., Auburn 1,325 Lee, Adam R., Auburn 1,764
District 90 Campbell, Daniel E., Auburn 2,678 Libby, Laurel D., Auburn 2,832
District 91 Morris, Joshua K., Turner 4,469
District 92 Girardin, Scott, Sabattus 2,019 Wood, Stephen J., Greene 3,239
District 93 McCabe, Julia A.G., Lewiston 3,156
District 94 Cloutier, Kristen Sarah, Lewiston 2,128 Snow-Black, Kendil E., Lewiston 1,443
District 95 Abdi, Mana Hared, Lewiston 2,160
District 96 Clement, Kerryl Lee, Lewiston 2,517 Lajoie, Michel A., Lewiston 2,556
District 97 Mason, Richard G., Lisbon 3,425
District 98 Lebida, Guy M., Bowdoin 2,942 Webb, Kilton M., Durham 2,996
District 99 Golek, Cheryl A., Harpswell 3,643 Hall, Sean N., Harpswell 2,392
District 100 Ankeles, Daniel J., Brunswick 4,490 Prescott, Ivon H. Jr., Brunswick 1,230
District 101 Arford, Poppy T., Brunswick 4,932
District 102 Finegan, James J. Jr., Freeport 1,828 Sachs, Melanie Fleming, Freeport 4,276
District 103 Bell, Arthur L., Yarmouth 5,135
District 104 Arata, Amy B., New Gloucester 3,422 Strickler, Colleen D., New Gloucester 2,485
District 105 Austin, Susan M., Gray 2,914 Graham, Anne P., North Yarmouth 3,335
District 106 Bagshaw, Barbara A., Windham 3,041 Poland, Doris A., Windham 2,659
District 107 Cooper, Mark C., Windham 2,437 Corey, Patrick Wayne, Windham 820 Pringle, Jane P., Windham 2,301
District 108 Moody, M. Thad, Gorham 2,550 Terry, Parnell William, Gorham 2,647
District 109 Livingston, Alan R., Gorham 2,552 Sato, Eleanor Y., Gorham 3,335
District 110 Jordan, Scott William, Cumberland 2,305 Mitchell, Christina R.C., Cumberland 4,172
District 111 Jones, John L., Falmouth 2,039 Kuhn, Amy D., Falmouth 4,583
District 112 Crockett, W. Edward, Portland 4,196 Wolejko, Steven Alan, Portland 1,655
District 113 Lookner, Grayson B., Portland 3,625
District 114 Pugh, Dylan R., Portland 3,337 Wakem, Jacob Murray, Portland 1,103
District 115 Brennan, Michael F., Portland 4,714
District 116 Zager, Samuel Lewis, Portland 4,537
District 117 Moonen, Matthew, Portland 3,720
District 118 Yusuf, Yusuf M., Portland 3,323
District 119 Doyle, Peter Ignatius, Portland 852 Skold, Charles A., Portland 4,913
District 120 Dhalac, Deqa Abdi, South Portland 3,342
District 121 Kessler, Christopher J., South Portland 4,024 Walter, Tammy B., Cape Elizabeth 1,516
District 122 Beck, Matthew D., South Portland 4,327 Pock, Michael R., South Portland 1,009
District 123 Boyer, Michelle Nicole, Cape Elizabeth 4,861 Christy, Annie, Cape Elizabeth 1,710
District 124 Rosenblatt, Annalee Z., Scarborough 2,039 Warren, Sophia Bailey, Scarborough 4,003
District 125 Murphy, Kelly Noonan, Scarborough 3,806 Sterling, Kayla A., Scarborough 2,320
District 126 Gattine, Andrew M., Westbrook 3,785
District 127 Poitras, Ryan C., Westbrook 1,352 Rielly, Morgan J., Westbrook 3,027
District 128 Ellis, Charles William, Westbrook 1,792 Salisbury, Suzanne M., Westbrook 3,359
District 129 Archer, Marshall F., Saco 4,043
District 130 Copeland, Lynn Holland, Saco 3,209 Sirois, Theodore L., Saco 2,031
District 131 Eccleston, Scott Benedetto, Old Orchard Beach 2,224 Gramlich, Lori Kathryn, Old Orchard Beach 3,739
District 132 Fecteau, Ryan M., Biddeford 3,524
District 133 Malon, Marc G. II, Biddeford 4,007
District 134 Gere, Traci, Kennebunkport 3,801 Jordan, Elizabeth A., Kennebunkport 2,330
District 135 Craig, Scott E., Kennebunk 2,653 Sayre, Daniel R., Kennebunk 3,925
District 136 Conners, Michelle Kathryn, Waterboro 2,386 Eder, John M., Waterboro 3,143
District 137 Carlow, Nathan M., Buxton 3,359 Gleason, Elizabeth Jane, Buxton 2,386
District 138 Barden, Michael Thomas III, Limington 977 Blier, Mark John, Buxton 2,892 McKinney, Michael Anthony, Cornish 1,626
District 139 Krolick, Clifford T., Parsonsfield 1,722 Woodsome, David C., Waterboro 3,594
District 140 Nedeau, Jason, Arundel 2,373 Parry, Wayne R., Arundel 3,435
District 141 Kidder, Patricia E., Sanford 2,477 Lanigan, Lucas John, Sanford 2,478
District 142 Bell, Amy C., Sanford 1,874 Mastraccio, Anne-Marie, Sanford 1,938
District 143 Fredericks, Ann Marie, Sanford 2,596 Manende Hall, Kathryn Theresa, Sanford 1,930
District 144 Adams, Jeffrey Sean, Lebanon 3,317 Cole, Corinna, Lebanon 1,667
District 145 Foley, Robert Alan, Wells 3,534 Smith, James Nelson, Wells 3,265
District 146 Moulton, Bradley S., York 2,655 Runte, Walter Gerard Jr., York 3,365
District 147 Sargent, Holly T., York 4,334
District 148 Lavigne, Thomas Arthur, Berwick 3,220 Lozuaway-McComsey, Tristan, Berwick 2,197
District 149 Davis-Rouillard, Kelly A., North Berwick 2,486 Roberts, Tiffany Danielle, South Berwick 3,219
District 150 Meyer, Michele, Eliot 3,841 Zimmer, Mark Frederick, South Berwick 2,246
District 151 Johnson, Suzanne C., Kittery 1,676 Mathieson, Kristi Michele, Kittery 3,993
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing report is a true tabulation of the votes cast for State Representatives at the General Election, as reported to me on the returns from the cities, towns, and plantations of the State.
S/Shenna Bellows Secretary of State
(2-2) The Following Communication: (H.C. 3)
December 2, 2024
The Honorable Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003
Dear Clerk Hunt:
The following is a summary of the results of the November 5, 2024, Referendum Election, which were submitted to the Governor on November 25, 2024.
Question 1: Citizen Initiative Number of Votes in Favor 600,191 Number of Votes Opposed 201,034
Question 2: Bond Issue Number of Votes in Favor 433,394 Number of Votes Opposed 365,100
Question 3: Bond Issue Number of Votes in Favor 410,979 Number of Votes Opposed 391,176
Question 4: Bond Issue Number of Votes in Favor 440,560 Number of Votes Opposed 354,626
Question 5: State Referendum Number of Votes in Favor 358,912 Number of Votes Opposed 451,366
S/Shenna Bellows Secretary of State
(4-1) On motion of Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, the following Joint Order: (H.P. 1)
ORDERED, the Senate concurring, that the Speaker of the House is authorized, at the Speaker’s discretion, to permit radio or television in the Hall of the House of Representatives during joint conventions.
(4-2) On motion of Representative MOONEN of Portland, the following Joint Order: (H.P. 2)
ORDERED, the Senate concurring, that there be prepared by the Legislative Information Office, under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, after adjournment of the present session, a compilation of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve.
(4-3) On motion of Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, the following House Order: (H.O. 2)
ORDERED, that each adjournment of the House be until 10 o’clock of the following morning unless otherwise ordered.
(4-4) On motion of Representative MOONEN of Portland, the following House Order: (H.O. 3)
ORDERED, that the Clerk of the House is authorized and directed to furnish each member of the House with a copy of the Advance Journal and Calendar of the House, said copy to be on the desk of each member or electronically distributed at the opening of each daily session.
(4-5) On motion of Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, the following House Order: (H.O. 4)
ORDERED, that the remaining subordinate officers of the House be appointed to serve for the present biennium as follows: by the Clerk of the House, a Chief Calendar Clerk, 2 Advance Journal and Calendar Clerks, an Administrative Assistant, a Journal Copy Clerk, a House Reporter, a Senior Systems Support Coordinator, a Telephone Receptionist and a Chamber Activities Coordinator; and be it further ORDERED, that the Clerk of the House is hereby authorized to accept resignations and fill any vacancies of said subordinate officers during the biennium.
(4-6) On motion of Representative MOONEN of Portland, the following House Order: (H.O. 5)
ORDERED, that the Clerk of the House is authorized to invite the clergy of Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner to officiate as Chaplains of the House or to invite clergy from other areas of the State as requested by any member of the House; and be it further ORDERED, that all clergy acting as Chaplains of the House shall receive $30 for each officiation, to be paid on payrolls to be approved by the Clerk of the House.
(4-7) On motion of Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, the following House Order: (H.O. 6)
ORDERED, that the Speaker of the House is authorized, at the Speaker’s discretion, to permit radio or television in the Hall of the House of Representatives while the House is in session.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 1
(2-1) The Following Communication: (H.C. 4)
December 4, 2024
Robert Lindstrom 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Robert,
Pursuant to House Rule 201.1 (I) (b), I am pleased to appoint you as the Sergeant-at-Arms for the 132ndLegislature.
On behalf of the entire House membership, I would like to welcome you and wish you well as you carry out your duties and responsibilities.
S/Ryan D. Fecteau Speaker of the House
State of Maine House Supplement No. 2
(4-1) On motion of Representative MOONEN of Portland, the following House Order: (H.O. 7)
ORDERED, that Representative Ryan D. Fecteau of Biddeford be declared Speaker of the House of Representatives for a term to expire on December 2, 2026; and be it further
ORDERED, that Robert B. Hunt of Yarmouth be declared Clerk of the House of Representatives for a term to expire on December 2, 2026; and be it further
ORDERED, that Michelle Dunphy of Old Town be declared Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives for a term to expire on December 2, 2026.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 3
(1-1) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 1)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Joint Rules of the 131st Legislature are the Joint Rules of the 132nd Legislature, except for the following changes.
Joint Rule 202 is amended by striking out all of the first paragraph and inserting in its place the following:
All requests for bills and resolves submitted by Legislators for a first regular session must be submitted in complete form, as provided in Joint Rule 208, to the Revisor of Statutes by 4:00 p.m. on January 10, 2025.
Joint Rule 301 is amended by amending the 2nd indented paragraph to read:
There are established 17 joint standing committees, which must be appointed at the commencement of the first regular session and which exercise jurisdiction in the following areas:
Agriculture, conservation and forestry
Appropriations and financial affairs
Criminal justice and public safety
Education and cultural affairs
Energy, utilities and technology
Environment and natural resources
Health coverage, insurance and financial services
Housing and economic development
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 4
(1-1) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 3)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House shall purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed to carry on the business of the Senate and House, respectively.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
(1-2) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 4)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that all printing and binding authorized by the Legislature shall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
(1-3) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 5)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that a sufficient number of copies of the Legislative Record for the 132nd Legislature be printed, one copy for each of the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who so desires, the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, with the remainder to be deposited with the State Law Librarian for exchange and library use;and be it further
ORDERED, that a suitable index be prepared for such Legislative Record, under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
(1-4) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 6)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that there be paid to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives as advances on account of compensation established by statute, 12 payments on a biweekly basis commencing January 15, 2025, according to lists certified to the State Controller by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, respectively.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
(1-5) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 7)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Executive Director of the Legislative Council, with the approval of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, is authorized and directed to prepare weekly, from expense accounts to be submitted to the Executive Director by the members of the Senate and House, expense rosters showing the entitlement of each member for meals allowance and lodging reimbursement and to transmit the same to the State Controller for processing and payment, in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Interim Committee of the 101st Legislature created to study and report on a method of implementing the administration of the provision of law relating to the mileage and expenses for members of the Legislature; and be it further
ORDERED, that the Executive Director of the Legislative Council is authorized and directed to provide the forms necessary for such purpose and to provide suitable space in the Executive Director’s office for the filing and safekeeping of all such expense accounts and other papers and records pertaining thereto.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 5
(1-1) The following Joint Order: (S.P. 9)
ORDERED, the House concurring, that when the Senate and House adjourn, they do so until the call of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, respectively.
Comes from the Senate, READ and PASSED.
© 2025 - The Maine House of Representatives
Last Edited: Thursday, February 6, 2025