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The House CalendarThe Advance Journal and Calendar of the House of Representatives Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Calling of the House to Order by the Speaker.
Prayer by Deacon John McAuliffe, Our Lady of Hope, Portland.
National Anthem by Greely High School Madrigals, Cumberland.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Journal of Thursday, April 27, 2023. _________________________________
(2-1) The Following Communication: (H.C. 152)
April 28, 2023
The Honorable Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Clerk Hunt:
Pursuant to my authority under House Rule 201.1 (I) (a), I am temporarily appointing Representative Colleen Madigan of Waterville to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, replacing Representative Michel Lajoie of Lewiston, effective Friday, April 28, 2023.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this temporary appointment.
S/Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House
(2-2) The Following Communication: (H.C. 149)
May 2, 2023
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the Committee on Judiciary has approved the request by the sponsor, Representative Gramlich of Old Orchard Beach, to report the following "Leave to Withdraw:"
L.D. 1137 An Act to Prohibit Deceptive Advertising in Limited Pregnancy Services Centers
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the Committee on Health and Human Services has approved the requests by the sponsor, Senator Baldacci of Penobscot, to report the following "Leave to Withdraw:"
L.D. 858 An Act to Require the State to Invest in Federal Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
L.D. 872 An Act to Ensure That Adequate State Resources Are Available to Provide In-person Response to Calls Received on the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
L.D. 1044 An Act Directing the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and the Commissioner of Corrections to Develop Alternative Responses to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Emergency Calls
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the Committee on Labor and Housing has approved the request by the sponsor, Senator Daughtry of Cumberland, to report the following "Leave to Withdraw:"
L.D. 270 An Act to Help Retired Federal Employees
S/Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House
(2-3) The Following Communication: (H.C. 150)
May 2, 2023
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the following Joint Standing Committees have voted unanimously to report the following bills out "Ought Not to Pass:"
Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services L.D. 1143 An Act to Address Late Medical Billing by Limiting Hospital Billing to One Year Inland Fisheries and Wildlife L.D. 604 An Act to Extend the Night Hunting Season for Coyotes to Immediately Following the Muzzle-loading-only Deer Hunting Season Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business L.D. 342 An Act to Streamline Licensing by Matching Federal Licensing Requirements for Occupations Licensed Federally L.D. 366 An Act to Promote Workforce Development L.D. 1115 An Act Regarding Economic Development Funds for Federally Recognized Indian Tribes L.D. 1628 An Act to Reform the Occupational Licensing Regime by Including Portability and Removing Good Character Requirements Marine Resources L.D. 352 An Act to Establish the Maine Mariculture Development Collaborative State and Local Government L.D. 969 An Act to Implement Requirements for Certain Bills Veterans and Legal Affairs L.D. 1255 An Act to Improve the Security of Voting Places L.D. 1594 An Act to Provide for Voters Expressing Preferences in Ranked-choice Voting
S/Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House
(2-4) The Following Communication: (H.C. 151)
May 2, 2023
Honorable Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Clerk Hunt:
Please be advised that pursuant to her authority, Governor Janet T. Mills has nominated the following:
on April 28, 2023
Hannah Carter of Orono and James A. Carlson of Gorham for appointment to the Maine Connectivity Authority Board of Directors. Pursuant to 35-A MRSA §9404, these appointments are contingent on the Maine State Senate’s confirmation after review by the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology.
David M. MacMahon of Poland, the Honorable Michael H. Michaud of East Millinocket and Patricia Riley of Brunswick for reappointment to the University of Maine System Board of Trustees. Pursuant to Title 5, MRSA §12004-C, these reappointments are contingent on confirmation by the Maine State Senate after review by the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs.
S/Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House
(2-5) The Following Communication: (S.C. 390)
April 27, 2023
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0002
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
In accordance with 3 M.R.S.A. §158 and Joint Rule 506 of the 131st Maine Legislature, please be advised that the Senate today confirmed the following nominations:
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs:
· Valerie R. Landry of Ocean Park for appointment, to the University of Maine System, Board of Trustees,
· Owen McCarthy of Gorham for appointment, to the University of Maine System, Board of Trustees,
· John W. Moore, Jr. of Farmington for appointment, to the University of Maine System, Board of Trustees.
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs:
· Sari S. Greene of South Portland for reappointment, to the Gambling Control Board.
Best Regards,
S/Darek M. Grant Secretary of the Senate
PETITIONS, BILLS AND RESOLVES REQUIRING REFERENCE (3-1) Bill "An Act to Facilitate the Provision of Medically Appropriate Levels of Care for Clients of Correctional Facilities" (H.P. 1193) (L.D. 1863)
Sponsored by Representative SACHS of Freeport. Cosponsored by Senator BEEBE-CENTER of Knox and Representatives: GATTINE of Westbrook, HASENFUS of Readfield, LOOKNER of Portland, MATHIESON of Kittery, MILLIKEN of Blue Hill, SALISBURY of Westbrook, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senator: LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec. Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-2) Bill "An Act to Create the Educational Opportunity Account Program" (H.P. 1190) (L.D. 1860)
Sponsored by Representative LIBBY of Auburn. Cosponsored by Senator BRAKEY of Androscoggin and Representatives: BOYER of Poland, DRINKWATER of Milford. (3-3) Bill "An Act to Reduce Chronic Student Absenteeism" (H.P. 1191) (L.D. 1861)
Sponsored by Representative ROBERTS of South Berwick. Cosponsored by Representatives: BRENNAN of Portland, CLOUTIER of Lewiston, MEYER of Eliot, ROEDER of Bangor, SALISBURY of Westbrook. Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS suggested and ordered printed.
(3-4) Bill "An Act to Reimburse Training Costs for Emergency Medical and Public Safety Dispatchers" (H.P. 1189) (L.D. 1859)
Sponsored by Representative LIBBY of Auburn. Cosponsored by Senator BRAKEY of Androscoggin and Representatives: LEE of Auburn, SHAW of Auburn. Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-5) Bill "An Act to Ensure Access to Newly Born Male Infant Circumcision by Requiring MaineCare Coverage" (H.P. 1188) (L.D. 1858)
Sponsored by Representative MURPHY of Scarborough. Cosponsored by Senator RAFFERTY of York and Representatives: DODGE of Belfast, GRAHAM of North Yarmouth, JAUCH of Topsham, MADIGAN of Waterville, MEYER of Eliot, MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth, ZAGER of Portland, Senator: BRENNER of Cumberland. Approved for introduction by a majority of the Legislative Council pursuant to Joint Rule 205. Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES suggested and ordered printed.
(3-6) Resolve, to Study the Establishment of a MaineCare Public Health Plan (H.P. 1186) (L.D. 1856)
Sponsored by Representative ARFORD of Brunswick. Cosponsored by President JACKSON of Aroostook and Representatives: CLUCHEY of Bowdoinham, COLLINGS of Portland, MASTRACCIO of Sanford, PERRY of Calais, PRINGLE of Windham, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senators: BAILEY of York, GROHOSKI of Hancock. Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES suggested and ordered printed.
(3-7) Resolve, to Name 2 Brooks in the Town of Orient (H.P. 1198) (L.D. 1868)
Sponsored by Representative UNDERWOOD of Presque Isle. Cosponsored by Representatives: QUINT of Hodgdon, SWALLOW of Houlton. Approved for introduction by a majority of the Legislative Council pursuant to Joint Rule 205. Committee on INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE suggested and ordered printed.
(3-8) Bill "An Act to Establish the Community Housing and Rural Development Authority" (H.P. 1197) (L.D. 1867)
Sponsored by Representative LOOKNER of Portland. Cosponsored by Senator VITELLI of Sagadahoc and Representatives: BELL of Yarmouth, GATTINE of Westbrook, GOLEK of Harpswell, JAUCH of Topsham, KESSLER of South Portland, MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth, RANA of Bangor, SACHS of Freeport. Committee on INNOVATION, DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT AND BUSINESS suggested and ordered printed.
(3-9) Bill "An Act Establishing the Maine Sentencing Guidelines Commission" (H.P. 1195) (L.D. 1865)
Sponsored by Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland. Cosponsored by Representatives: MOONEN of Portland, RECKITT of South Portland. Committee on JUDICIARY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-10) Bill "An Act to Complete and Implement the Comprehensive Review of the Classification and Compensation System for Executive Branch Employees" (H.P. 1184) (L.D. 1854)
Sponsored by Representative GATTINE of Westbrook. Cosponsored by Senator BALDACCI of Penobscot and Representatives: ABDI of Lewiston, ANKELES of Brunswick, ARFORD of Brunswick, BELL of Yarmouth, BOYLE of Gorham, BRENNAN of Portland, CLOUTIER of Lewiston, CLUCHEY of Bowdoinham, COLLINGS of Portland, COPELAND of Saco, CRAFTS of Newcastle, CRAVEN of Lewiston, CRAY of Palmyra, CROCKETT of Portland, DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, DHALAC of South Portland, DILL of Old Town, DODGE of Belfast, DOUDERA of Camden, EATON of Deer Isle, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, FAY of Raymond, GEIGER of Rockland, GERE of Kennebunkport, GOLEK of Harpswell, GRAHAM of North Yarmouth, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, HASENFUS of Readfield, HEPLER of Woolwich, HOBBS of Wells, JACKSON of Oxford, JAUCH of Topsham, KESSLER of South Portland, KUHN of Falmouth, LANDRY of Farmington, LaROCHELLE of Augusta, LEE of Auburn, LOOKNER of Portland, MADIGAN of Waterville, MALON of Biddeford, MASTRACCIO of Sanford, MATHIESON of Kittery, MATLACK of St. George, MEYER of Eliot, MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth, MILLIKEN of Blue Hill, MONTELL of Gardiner, MOONEN of Portland, MORIARTY of Cumberland, MURPHY of Scarborough, O'CONNELL of Brewer, O'NEIL of Saco, OSHER of Orono, PAULHUS of Bath, PERRY of Calais, PERRY of Bangor, PLUECKER of Warren, POIRIER of Skowhegan, PRINGLE of Windham, RANA of Bangor, RECKITT of South Portland, RIELLY of Westbrook, RISEMAN of Harrison, ROBERTS of South Berwick, ROEDER of Bangor, RUNTE of York, RUSSELL of Verona Island, SACHS of Freeport, SALISBURY of Westbrook, SARGENT of York, SAYRE of Kennebunk, SHAGOURY of Hallowell, SHEEHAN of Biddeford, SKOLD of Portland, SMITH of Palermo, STOVER of Boothbay, SUPICA of Bangor, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, TERRY of Gorham, WARREN of Scarborough, WHITE of Waterville, WILLIAMS of Bar Harbor, ZAGER of Portland, ZEIGLER of Montville, Senators: BAILEY of York, BEEBE-CENTER of Knox, BLACK of Franklin, BRENNER of Cumberland, CARNEY of Cumberland, CHIPMAN of Cumberland, CURRY of Waldo, DAUGHTRY of Cumberland, GROHOSKI of Hancock, HICKMAN of Kennebec, INGWERSEN of York, President JACKSON of Aroostook, LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec, LAWRENCE of York, MOORE of Washington, NANGLE of Cumberland, PIERCE of Cumberland, RAFFERTY of York, RENY of Lincoln, ROTUNDO of Androscoggin, TIPPING of Penobscot, VITELLI of Sagadahoc. (3-11) Bill "An Act to Restore Balanced Powers During a State of Emergency" (H.P. 1192) (L.D. 1862)
Sponsored by Representative WHITE of Guilford. Cosponsored by Senator BRAKEY of Androscoggin and Representatives: CAMPBELL of Orrington, DRINKWATER of Milford, HAGGAN of Hampden, LEMELIN of Chelsea, LYMAN of Livermore Falls, PAUL of Winterport, RUDNICKI of Fairfield, Senator: BENNETT of Oxford. Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT suggested and ordered printed.
(3-12) Bill "An Act to Eliminate the Lodging Tax on Campground Sites and Revert to Using the Current Sales Tax" (H.P. 1182) (L.D. 1852)
Sponsored by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan. Cosponsored by Representatives: HENDERSON of Rumford, RUDNICKI of Fairfield, Senator: HARRINGTON of York. (3-13) Bill "An Act to Conform the Mining Excise Tax Laws to the Maine Metallic Mineral Mining Act and Set the Mining Excise Tax at 10 Percent" (EMERGENCY) (H.P. 1183) (L.D. 1853)
Sponsored by Representative COLLINGS of Portland. Cosponsored by Representatives: LANDRY of Farmington, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland. (3-14) Resolve, Directing the Office of Tax Policy to Study Maine's Mining Excise Tax (H.P. 1185) (L.D. 1855)
Sponsored by Representative PERRY of Bangor. (GOVERNOR'S BILL) (3-15) Bill "An Act to Create the Public Safety Health and Wellness Reimbursement Fund to Benefit Public Safety Workers and Volunteers" (H.P. 1187) (L.D. 1857)
Sponsored by Representative COPELAND of Saco. Cosponsored by Senator BAILEY of York and Representatives: BRIDGEO of Augusta, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, MALON of Biddeford, MILLIKEN of Blue Hill, RECKITT of South Portland, SALISBURY of Westbrook, STOVER of Boothbay, Senator: CURRY of Waldo. (3-16) Bill "An Act to Establish 5 New Tax Brackets and a Surcharge for Higher Income Levels" (H.P. 1196) (L.D. 1866)
Sponsored by Representative COLLINGS of Portland. Cosponsored by Representative: PERRY of Bangor. Committee on TAXATION suggested and ordered printed.
(3-17) Bill "An Act to Allow Replacement Candidates to Qualify for Certification Under the Maine Clean Election Act" (H.P. 1181) (L.D. 1851)
Sponsored by Representative TERRY of Gorham.
Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS suggested and ordered printed.
(3-18) Bill "An Act to Increase Maine's Housing Supply by Prohibiting Certain Zoning Requirements in Areas Where Public Sewer and Water Infrastructure Are Available and in Designated Growth Areas" (H.P. 1194) (L.D. 1864)
Sponsored by Representative BOYLE of Gorham. Cosponsored by Senator LAWRENCE of York and Representatives: BELL of Yarmouth, DOUDERA of Camden, GERE of Kennebunkport, Senator: PIERCE of Cumberland.
Joint Select Committee on HOUSING suggested and ordered printed.
(4-1) On motion of Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, the following Joint Resolution: (H.P. 1180) (Cosponsored by Senator BRENNER of Cumberland and Representatives: ARFORD of Brunswick, BRENNAN of Portland, CRAFTS of Newcastle, GEIGER of Rockland, MADIGAN of Waterville, SACHS of Freeport, STOVER of Boothbay, ZAGER of Portland)
WHEREAS,the mental health and well-being of all children, youth, adults and families in the State are of fundamental importance to the Legislature; and
WHEREAS, since 1999, the national suicide rate has increased more than 30%, with more than 10 million individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts and 1.4 million individuals attempting suicide annually in the United States; and
WHEREAS, approximately 129 individuals die by suicide in the United States each day;and
WHEREAS, suicide, opioid misuse and addiction and children's mental health issues are areas of concern in the State; and
WHEREAS, there are approximately 65,000 adults in the State who are living with a serious mental illness, including, but not limited to, bipolar disorder, severe depression and schizophrenia, and 27.2% of the children in the State have a mental illness, the highest rate of any state in the nation; and
WHEREAS, the effective treatment of mental health conditions is critical to reducing thenumber of individuals and families who find themselves in mental health crises, to breaking individual and generational cycles of mental illness and to promoting healing;and
WHEREAS, recovery from a mental illness requires access to professional services and involves families and caregivers as allies in recovery and as critical members of the care delivery team;and
WHEREAS, maintaining an open dialogue regarding mental health conditions encourages individuals struggling with mental illness to seek help and is an essential component to fighting the stigma associated with mental illness; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Thirty-first Legislature now assembled in the First Special Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize May 2023 as Mental Health Awareness Month in order to raiseawareness of mental health conditions and services and to break the stigma surrounding mental illness in the State.
(4-2) On motion of Representative THORNE of Carmel, the following Joint Resolution: (H.P. 1199) (Cosponsored by Senator STEWART of Aroostook and Representatives: ADAMS of Lebanon, ALBERT of Madawaska, ARATA of New Gloucester, ARDELL of Monticello, BAGSHAW of Windham, BLIER of Buxton, BOYER of Poland, BRADSTREET of Vassalboro, CAMPBELL of Orrington, CARLOW of Buxton, CARMICHAEL of Greenbush, COLLAMORE of Pittsfield, COPELAND of Saco, COSTAIN of Plymouth, CYRWAY of Albion, DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, DHALAC of South Portland, DILL of Old Town, DODGE of Belfast, DOUDERA of Camden, DRINKWATER of Milford, DUCHARME of Madison, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, FOSTER of Dexter, FREDERICKS of Sanford, GATTINE of Westbrook, GOLEK of Harpswell, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, GRIFFIN of Levant, GUERRETTE of Caribou, HAGGAN of Hampden, HOBBS of Wells, HYMES of Waldo, JAUCH of Topsham, JAVNER of Chester, KESSLER of South Portland, KUHN of Falmouth, LANDRY of Farmington, LANIGAN of Sanford, LaROCHELLE of Augusta, LAVIGNE of Berwick, LEE of Auburn, LYMAN of Livermore Falls, MADIGAN of Waterville, MALON of Biddeford, MASON of Lisbon, MATHIESON of Kittery, MATLACK of St. George, MILLETT of Waterford, MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth, MOONEN of Portland, MORIARTY of Cumberland, MORRIS of Turner, NEWMAN of Belgrade, NUTTING of Oakland, O'CONNELL of Brewer, PARRY of Arundel, PAUL of Winterport, PAULHUS of Bath, PERKINS of Dover-Foxcroft, PERRY of Bangor, POIRIER of Skowhegan, POLEWARCZYK of Wiscasset, QUINT of Hodgdon, ROEDER of Bangor, RUDNICKI of Fairfield, RUNTE of York, RUSSELL of Verona Island, SAMPSON of Alfred, SAYRE of Kennebunk, SHAGOURY of Hallowell, SKOLD of Portland, SMITH of Palermo, SOBOLESKI of Phillips, STOVER of Boothbay, STROUT of Harrington, SUPICA of Bangor, SWALLOW of Houlton, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, UNDERWOOD of Presque Isle, WHITE of Waterville, WHITE of Guilford, WOOD of Greene, WOODSOME of Waterboro, WORTH of Ellsworth, ZAGER of Portland, ZEIGLER of Montville, Senators: BENNETT of Oxford, BRENNER of Cumberland, CARNEY of Cumberland, CURRY of Waldo, FARRIN of Somerset, KEIM of Oxford, LAWRENCE of York)
WHEREAS,the freedom and security that United States citizens enjoy today are results of the vigilant commitment of the United States Armed Forces in preserving that freedom and security; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the importance of maintaining a strong, well-equipped, well-educated and well-trained military for the United States to safeguard freedoms, humanitarianism and peacekeeping efforts around the world; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to promote awareness of and reflect upon the sacrifices thatmembers of the United States Armed Forces have made in the past and continue to make every day in order to support the Constitution and to preserve the freedoms and liberties that enrich the Nation and to show appreciation for those sacrifices;and
WHEREAS, it is important to give greater recognition for the dedication and sacrifices that individuals who serve in the United States Armed Forces have made and continue to make on behalf of the United States; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to emphasize the importance of the United States Armed Forces to all persons in the United States and to celebrate the proper honor and pride United States citizens feel towards members of the United States Armed Forces for their service; and
WHEREAS, it is important to preserve and foster the honor and respect that the UnitedStates Armed Forces deserve for vital service on behalf of the United States;and
WHEREAS, it is important to instill in the youth of the United States the significance ofthe contributions that members of the United States Armed Forces have made in securing and protecting the freedoms that United States citizens enjoy today; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to underscore the vital support and encouragement that families of members of the United States Armed Forces lend to the strength and commitment of those members;and
WHEREAS, it is important to acknowledge the contributions of the many individuals whohave served in the United States Armed Forces since inception of the Armed Forces;now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Thirty-first Legislature now assembled in the First Special Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to designate May 2023 as Military Appreciation Month, to recognize, honor and encourage the dedication and commitment of members of the United States Armed Forces inserving the United States and to encourage greater support for the role of the United States Armed Forces in maintaining the United States as a strong nation and in contributing to world peace.
In accordance with House Rule 519 and Joint Rule 213, the following items: Recognizing: (5-1) the Falmouth/Waynflete Women's Slalom Team, of Falmouth, which won the Slalom Event at the Class A State Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 433)
(5-2) Mitch Ham, of Falmouth, who won the 2023 Travis Roy Award as the State's premier senior Class A hockey player. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 434)
(5-3) Pat Dorian, of Sidney, who was named the 2022 Legendary Game Warden of the Year for his outstanding 34-year career as a game warden. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 435)
(5-4) Jared Herrick, of Harmony, a game warden with the Maine Warden Service, who received a 2022 Exemplary Service Award for his work in apprehending three night hunters within minutes of shots being heard in a remote part of the north Maine woods. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 436)
(5-5) Michael Latti, of Limerick, a Game Warden of the Maine Warden Service, and K9 Luna, who received the 2022 K9 Search and Rescue of the Year Award from the Maine Warden Service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 437)
(5-6) Scott Susi, of Caribou, for his 20 years of service with Caribou Fire and Ambulance, including 11 years as Chief. Chief Susi first became a volunteer firefighter for the department in 2003, then became a full time employee in 2005. He has served as Chief since 2012 and has been named Maine Firefighter of the Year and Maine Fire Chief of the Year during his tenure. We extend our appreciation and best wishes;
(SLS 438)
(5-7) Ross DuBois, of Madawaska, on his retirement as Chief of the Madawaska Police Department. Chief DuBois started his career in Madawaska as a Patrolman in 1989. He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2011 and Lieutenant in 2015 and has served as Chief since November 2016, for a total of 34 years of public service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 439)
(5-8) Peter Sirois, of Eagle Lake, on his receiving an Honorary Degree from the University of Maine at Fort Kent. Mr. Sirois served as the President and Chief Executive Officer at Northern Maine Medical Center for 10 years. During his 33 years of service at the center, he was the Chief Operating Officer and Controller. He also has worked as the administrator of the Maine Veterans Home in Scarborough and the administrator of Borderview Manor in Van Buren. He has served on several boards, including those of the Aroostook Mental Health Center, America's First Mile, Acadia Federal Credit Union, Aroostook Home Health Services, Valley Home Health Services and Allagash Wilderness Waterway Foundation and has been a member of the Fort Kent Lions Club. He is a trained paramedic, registered Maine Guide and Maine Notary Public, and he has been a licensed Maine Nursing Home Administrator since 1990. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 440)
(5-9) Dan Berube, of Van Buren, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 441)
(5-10) Lendell Tarr, of Ashland, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 442)
(5-11) the West Gardiner Volunteer Fire Department, which is celebrating its 75th Anniversary. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 281) Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell. Cosponsored by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec.
(5-12) Camden Wengler, of Cumberland, a student at Greely High School and a member of the school's debate team, who won the House of Representatives Final for the Maine Qualifiers for the 2023 National Catholic Forensic League National Finals in Louisville, Kentucky. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 282) Presented by Representative GRAHAM of North Yarmouth. Cosponsored by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, Representative MORIARTY of Cumberland.
(5-13) Ruth Weeks, of Cumberland, a student at Greely High School and a member of the school's debate team, who won the Senate Final of the Maine Forensic Association State Tournament and the Maine Qualifiers for the 2023 National Speech and Debate Association National Finals in Phoenix, Arizona. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 283) Presented by Representative GRAHAM of North Yarmouth. Cosponsored by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, Representative MORIARTY of Cumberland.
(5-14) Jo McAlary, of Rockport, who is celebrating her 100th birthday on August 8, 2023. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 284) Presented by Representative DOUDERA of Camden. Cosponsored by Senator BEEBE-CENTER of Knox.
In Memory of: (5-15) Julian Settlemire, of China. Mrs. Settlemire began her early career in banking before switching to the chiropractic field, working closely with the Maine Chiropractic Assistants Association while working as Dr. Leonard G. Saulter's office manager for over 10 years. She then worked for the MaineCare program for a few years before returning to the chiropractic office with a position as the office manager for Dr. Daniel Poole at Pathways in Oakland. She continued to provide health insurance consultation to chiropractic offices up until 2021. In April 2009, she began working at Marshall Communications, where she began as an office manager then business manager. Her free time was largely spent at the theater, where in 2009 she began serving in a board position with ACAT in Waterville. She then worked on the Waterville Opera House board and was active during the transition with Waterville Creates!, when she focused on advocating for an additional, creative space to develop directors, writers, actors and technicians. During the design phase of the new arts building, she championed additional restrooms for female-identifying patrons as part of inclusive design. Mrs. Settlemire will be long remembered and sadly missed by her family and friends and all those whose lives she touched;
(HLS 285) Presented by Representative FAY of Raymond. Cosponsored by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec, Representative SMITH of Palermo.
Change of Committee (6-1) Representative ROEDER from the Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING on Bill "An Act to Require Compliance with Natural or Agricultural Resource Protection Ordinances" (H.P. 29) (L.D. 54)
Reporting that it be REFERRED to the Joint Select Committee on HOUSING.
(6-2) Representative ROEDER from the Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING on Bill "An Act to Increase the Workforce in the State" (H.P. 208) (L.D. 310)
Reporting that it be REFERRED to the Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS.
Divided Report (6-3) Majority Report of the Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-39) on Bill "An Act to Prohibit Open Burning Under a Red Flag Warning and Regulate Recreational Campfires" (S.P. 16) (L.D. 24) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "B" (S-40) on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: Comes from the Senate with the Majority OUGHT TO PASS AS AMENDED Report READ and ACCEPTED and the Bill PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-39).
_________________________________ (6-4) Majority Report of the Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-35) on Resolve, Directing Maine Emergency Medical Services to Convene a Stakeholder Group to Explore Emergency Medical Services Career Pathways and Educational Opportunities in the State (S.P. 110) (L.D. 244) Signed: Senator: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Resolve.
Signed: Senator: Representatives: Comes from the Senate with the Majority OUGHT TO PASS AS AMENDED Report READ and ACCEPTED and the Resolve PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-35).
_________________________________ (6-5) Majority Report of the Committee on JUDICIARYreporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-44) on Bill "An Act to Update the Procedures for Issuance of Orders Related to Involuntary Hospitalizations" (S.P. 213) (L.D. 459) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: Representative DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe - of the House - supports the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-44) Report. Comes from the Senate with the Majority OUGHT TO PASS AS AMENDED Report READ and ACCEPTED and the Bill PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-44).
_________________________________ (6-6) Majority Report of the Committee on JUDICIARYreporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-45) on Bill "An Act to Clarify the Powers of a Conservator to Transfer Property" (S.P. 309) (L.D. 751) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Senator: Representative: Representative DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe - of the House - supports the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-45) Report. Comes from the Senate with the Majority OUGHT TO PASS AS AMENDED Report READ and ACCEPTED and the Bill PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-45).
_________________________________ (6-7) Majority Report of the Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-42) on Bill "An Act to Amend Certain Laws Governing Pari-Mutuel Pools on Harness Racing" (EMERGENCY) (S.P. 132) (L.D. 311) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "B" (S-43) on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: Comes from the Senate with the Majority OUGHT TO PASS AS AMENDED Report READ and ACCEPTED and the Bill PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-42).
_________________________________ (6-8) Majority Report of the Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-78) on Bill "An Act to Protect the Environment by Funding Ash Tree Management" (H.P. 734) (L.D. 1162) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Senator: Representatives: _________________________________ (6-9) Majority Report of the Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS reporting Ought Not to Pass on Bill "An Act to Return the Name of the Maine Community College System to the Maine Technical College System" (H.P. 115) (L.D. 174) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-76) on same Bill.
Signed: Representatives: _________________________________ (6-10) Majority Report of the Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass on Bill "An Act to Amend the Opioid Education Requirements" (H.P. 838) (L.D. 1323) Signed: Senator: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Senator: Representatives: _________________________________ (6-11) Majority Report of the Committee on INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE reporting Ought Not to Pass on Bill "An Act to Provide Youth Lifetime Hunting Licenses to Eligible Dependents of Veterans Who Are 100 Percent Disabled" (H.P. 203) (L.D. 305) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-77) on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: _________________________________ (6-12) Majority Report of the Committee on JUDICIARYreporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-86) on Bill "An Act Regarding the Qualification of Expert Witnesses in Certain Family Court Actions" (H.P. 343) (L.D. 538) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: Representative DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe - of the House - supports the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-86) Report. _________________________________ (6-13) Majority Report of the Committee on JUDICIARYreporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-84) on Bill "An Act to Lower the Amount of Seized Currency in a Criminal Asset Forfeiture over Which the Currency May Be Transferred to the Federal Government" (H.P. 609) (L.D. 962) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: Representative DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe - of the House - supports the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-84) Report. _________________________________ (6-14) Majority Report of the Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING reporting Ought Not to Pass on Bill "An Act to Permit a Short-term Waiver from the Minimum Wage for Chronically Unemployed Individuals" (H.P. 530) (L.D. 841) Signed: Senators: Representatives: Minority Report of the same Committee reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-80) on same Bill.
Signed: Representative: _________________________________ (6-15) Nine Members of the Committee on JUDICIARYreport in Report "A" Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-88) on Bill "An Act to Prohibit Marriage of Any Person Under 18 Years of Age" (H.P. 276) (L.D. 443)
Signed: Senators: Representatives: Two Members of the same Committee report in Report "B" Ought to Pass on same Bill.
Representatives: Two Members of the same Committee report in Report "C" Ought Not to Pass on same Bill.
Signed: Senator: Representative: Representative DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe - of the House - supports Report "A" Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-88). _________________________________ CONSENT CALENDAR
First Day
In accordance with House Rule 519, the following items appeared on the Consent Calendar for the First Day: (7-1) (S.P. 28) (L.D. 36) Bill "An Act to Make Corrections to the Maine Insurance Code" Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-38) (7-2) (S.P. 181) (L.D. 400) Resolve, Directing the Department of Environmental Protection to Examine Setback Requirements for Outdoor Wood Boilers Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-46) (7-3) (H.P. 15) (L.D. 11) Bill "An Act to Strengthen Temporary Protections for Children Living in Dwellings with Identified Lead Hazards" Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass (7-4) (H.P. 52) (L.D. 82) Bill "An Act to Improve Access to Children's Behavioral Health Services" Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass (7-5) (H.P. 84) (L.D. 138) Bill "An Act Regarding the Terms of Trustees of the Phippsburg Cemetery District" Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT reporting Ought to Pass (7-6) (H.P. 278) (L.D. 449) Bill "An Act to Authorize the Department of Health and Human Services to License Home-based and Community-based Services for Persons with an Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder or a Related Condition or an Acquired Brain Injury and Define Autism Spectrum Disorder" Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass (7-7) (H.P. 678) (L.D. 1083) Bill "An Act to Amend the Membership of the Rare Disease Advisory Council" (EMERGENCY) Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass (7-8) (H.P. 64) (L.D. 96) Bill "An Act to Ensure Release of Relevant Background Investigation Material to Current Employers of Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers" Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-90) (7-9) (H.P. 94) (L.D. 153) Bill "An Act to Allow Electronic Distribution of Certain Documents to Municipalities and Electronic Acknowledgment of Receipt of Certain Documents as Acceptable Communications" Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-85) (7-10) (H.P. 160) (L.D. 239) Bill "An Act to Establish the Hessel's Hairstreak as the Maine State Butterfly" Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-87) (7-11) (H.P. 361) (L.D. 556) Bill "An Act Concerning Bureau of Motor Vehicles Fees, Fines and Driver's License Reinstatement" Committee on TRANSPORTATION reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-82) (7-12) (H.P. 505) (L.D. 816) Bill "An Act to Provide Integrated Behavioral Health Services to Sexual Violence Survivors" Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESreporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-81) (7-13) (H.P. 506) (L.D. 817) Bill "An Act to Allow the Crew Member of a Holder of an Elver Fishing License to Empty an Elver Fyke Net" (EMERGENCY) Committee on MARINE RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-89) (7-14) (H.P. 570) (L.D. 914) Bill "An Act to Amend the Duties of the Office of Affordable Health Care" Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-83) (7-15) (H.P. 623) (L.D. 976) Resolve, to Establish the Task Force on Accessibility to Appropriate Communication Methods for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Patients Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-91) (7-16) (H.P. 690) (L.D. 1095) Bill "An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Public Sector Bargaining in Public Schools by Providing an Exemption to the Time Limit on Negotiations" Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-79)
Emergency Measure
(10-1) An Act to Improve Access to Civil Legal Services (S.P. 235) (L.D. 564)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed. This being an emergency measure, a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the House necessary.
Emergency Measure
(10-2) Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Chapter 171: Control of Petroleum Storage Facilities, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Environmental Protection (H.P. 46) (L.D. 71)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed. This being an emergency measure, a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the House necessary.
Acts (10-3) An Act to Define "Mail" in the Employment Security Law to Include Electronic Notification and to Extend the Appeal Times for Claimants (H.P. 17) (L.D. 13) (10-4) An Act to Limit Public Access to or Dissemination of Electronic Citation and Electronic Warning Information (S.P. 15) (L.D. 23) (10-5) An Act to Streamline Rulemaking for Revisions to Screening Levels for the Solid Waste Beneficial Use Program (S.P. 20) (L.D. 28) (10-6) An Act to Update the Responsibilities of the Clean-up and Response Fund Review Board (S.P. 46) (L.D. 74) (10-7) An Act Regarding the Funding of Lake Water Quality Restoration and Protection Projects (H.P. 105) (L.D. 164) (10-8) An Act to Assist Municipalities in Preventing Damage from Storm Water (H.P. 174) (L.D. 276) (10-9) An Act to Require Mortgage Holders to Notify a Homeowner's Insurance Company on the Sale or Transfer of a Mortgage (H.P. 358) (L.D. 553) (10-10) An Act to Expand Availability of Naloxone Hydrochloride (H.P. 377) (L.D. 600)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed.
Resolves (10-11) Resolve, to Establish the Task Force to Review Work Practices and Treatment of Pharmacists (H.P. 173) (L.D. 275)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed.
The following matters, in the consideration of which the House was engaged at the time of adjournment, have preference in the Orders of the Day and continue with such preference until disposed of as provided by House Rule 502.
1. Expression of Legislative Sentiment Recognizing Walker Oliver, of Hodgdon (SLS 81)
- In Senate, READ and PASSED. - CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - February 7, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative QUINT of Hodgdon. PENDING - PASSAGE.
2. Joint Order, Directing the Joint Select Committee on Housing to Study the Foreclosure Process in the State (H.P. 372)
- CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - February 14, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative DUCHARME of Madison. PENDING - PASSAGE.
3. Bill "An Act to Protect Maine Taxpayers by Requiring a Person to Be a United States Citizen to Receive General Assistance Benefits and to Ensure Municipal Compliance with Federal Immigration Laws" (H.P. 437) (L.D. 668)
(Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES suggested) - CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - February 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative GREENWOOD of Wales. PENDING - REFERENCE.
4. Expression of Legislative Sentiment in Memory of Jacqueline M. Labbe, of Minot (HLS 82)
- CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - February 28, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative LIBBY of Auburn. PENDING - ADOPTION.
- In Senate, READ and ADOPTED. - CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ADOPTION.
6. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (9) Ought Not to Pass - Minority (3) Ought to Pass - Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY on Bill "An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program" (H.P. 227) (L.D. 376)
- CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
7. Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 100: Enforcement Procedures, a Major Substantive Rule of the Maine Health Data Organization (EMERGENCY) (H.P. 251) (L.D. 418)
- CARRIED OVER to any special or regular session, of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 594 on March 30, 2023. TABLED - March 28, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - FINAL PASSAGE.
8. Expression of Legislative Sentiment in Memory of Sarah Watson, of Vassalboro (SLS 328)
- In Senate, READ and ADOPTED. TABLED - April 5, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro. PENDING - ADOPTION.
9. Expression of Legislative Sentiment Recognizing Shawn Vincent, of Auburn (HLS 238)
TABLED - April 12, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative ARATA of New Gloucester. PENDING - PASSAGE.
10. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (8) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-31) - Minority (5) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES on RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish a Right to a Clean and Healthy Environment (H.P. 575) (L.D. 928)
TABLED - April 12, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
11. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (6) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-47) - Minority (3) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on TAXATION on Bill "An Act to Support Parents by Providing a Sales Tax Exemption for Diapers" (H.P. 185) (L.D. 287)
TABLED - April 20, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative MATLACK of St. George. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
12. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (11) Ought Not to Pass - Minority (1) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-52) - Committee on TRANSPORTATION on Bill "An Act to Protect Vehicle Buyers by Limiting Vehicle Document Preparation Fees" (H.P. 416) (L.D. 639)
TABLED - April 25, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
13. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (8) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-57) - Minority (3) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS on Bill "An Act to Require All Candidates for Any State or County Office to Follow the Same Rules for Submission of Signatures Regarding Deadlines and the Number of Signatures" (H.P. 704) (L.D. 1108)
TABLED - April 25, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative SUPICA of Bangor. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
14. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (10) Ought to Pass - Minority (3) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT on Bill "An Act to Validate Certain Proceedings Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Notes by the City of Rockland" (EMERGENCY) (H.P. 573) (L.D. 917)
TABLED - April 27, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - Motion of Representative STOVER of Boothbay to ACCEPT the Majority OUGHT TO PASS Report.
15. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (9) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-73) - Minority (2) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on TAXATION on Bill "An Act to Create Parity in the Taxation of Medicine" (H.P. 346) (L.D. 541)
TABLED - April 27, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative PERRY of Bangor. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
16. Joint Order, Propounding Questions to the Supreme Judicial Court Regarding the Processing of Citizen-initiated Legislation (H.P. 1158)
TABLED - April 27, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - PASSAGE.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 1
(1-1) Bill "An Act to Support Maine Loggers' and Truckers' Right to Work in Maine by Improving Labor Standards" (S.P. 758) (L.D. 1874)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY and ordered printed.
(1-2) Bill "An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Invest in a Green Energy Materials Building at the University of Maine" (S.P. 755) (L.D. 1871)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS and ordered printed.
(1-3) Bill "An Act to Require the Payment of Child Support by an Intoxicated Driver Who Kills a Parent" (S.P. 754) (L.D. 1870)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on JUDICIARY and ordered printed.
(1-4) Bill "An Act to Restore Balanced Emergency Powers" (S.P. 756) (L.D. 1872)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT and ordered printed.
(1-5) Bill "An Act to Provide Heating Relief with Tax-free Home Energy Savings Accounts" (S.P. 757) (L.D. 1873)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on TAXATION and ordered printed.
(1-6) Bill "An Act to Prohibit the Private Funding of Elections" (S.P. 753) (L.D. 1869)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS and ordered printed.
© 2024 - The Maine House of Representatives
Last Edited: Monday, October 7, 2024