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The House CalendarThe Advance Journal and Calendar of the House of Representatives Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Calling of the House to Order by the Speaker.
Prayer by Reverend Shane Stoops, First United Pentecostal Church, Augusta.
National Anthem by Kendra Winson, Carthage.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Journal of Thursday, March 16, 2023. _________________________________
(2-1) The Following Communication: (H.C. 102)
March 10, 2023
Honorable Valerie Stanfill, Chief Justice Maine Supreme Judicial Court Capitol Judicial Center 1 Court Street Augusta, Maine 04330
Dear Chief Justice Stanfill:
We are pleased to invite you to address a Joint Session of the 131st Maine Legislature in the House Chamber on Thursday, March 23 at 10:45 a.m. concerning the State of the Judiciary and any other matters that you may care to bring to our attention.
We look forward to seeing you then.
S/Troy D. Jackson President of the Senate
S/Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House
(2-2) The Following Communication: (H.C. 104)
March 10, 2023
Honorable Janet T. Mills Governor, State of Maine #1 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Governor Mills:
We are pleased to invite you to a Joint Session of the 131st Maine Legislature on Thursday, March 23 at 10:45 a.m. for the State of the Judiciary Address in the House Chamber.
We look forward to hearing from you.
S/Troy D. Jackson President of the Senate
S/Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House
(2-3) The Following Communication: (H.C. 101)
March 21, 2023
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources has approved the request by the sponsor, Representative Underwood of Presque Isle, to report the following "Leave to Withdraw:"
L.D. 964 An Act to Eliminate the Paint Stewardship Assessment Paid by Consumers (EMERGENCY)
S/Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House
(2-4) The Following Communication: (H.C. 105)
March 21, 2023
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
Pursuant to Joint Rule 310, the following Joint Standing Committees have voted unanimously to report the following bills out "Ought Not to Pass:"
Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services L.D. 252 An Act Relating to Long-term Care Pharmacies Transportation L.D. 110 An Act to Prohibit Leaving a Child Under 10 Years of Age Alone in a Motor Vehicle L.D. 125 An Act to Allow Driver Education Instructors to Administer Driver's License Road Tests L.D. 161 An Act to Modify the Law Regarding Tinted Glass in Motor Vehicles
S/Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House
(2-5) The Following Communication: (S.C. 200)
Honorable Rachel Talbot Ross Speaker of the House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0002
Dear Speaker Talbot Ross:
In accordance with 3 M.R.S.A. §158 and Joint Rule 506 of the 131st Maine Legislature, please be advised that the Senate today confirmed the following nomination:
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Taxation, Douglas Kelley Young, Esquire of Portland for reappointment to the Maine Board of Tax Appeals.
Best Regards,
S/Darek M. Grant Secretary of the Senate
PETITIONS, BILLS AND RESOLVES REQUIRING REFERENCE (3-1) Bill "An Act to Provide Reimbursement for Health Care Expenses of Retired State Police Law Enforcement Dogs" (H.P. 782) (L.D. 1234)
Sponsored by Representative HEPLER of Woolwich. Cosponsored by Senator LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec and Representatives: CLOUTIER of Lewiston, CRAY of Palmyra, FAY of Raymond, GUERRETTE of Caribou, HALL of Wilton, JAUCH of Topsham, STOVER of Boothbay, Senator: BLACK of Franklin. (3-2) Bill "An Act to Provide Compensation to and to Limit Work Hours of Jail Employees" (H.P. 783) (L.D. 1235)
Sponsored by Representative COLLINGS of Portland. (3-3) Resolve, to Study Training in Racial Issues, Racial Justice and Social Issues at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy and Study Additional Requirements for Law Enforcement Officers and Candidates (H.P. 795) (L.D. 1247)
Sponsored by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach. Cosponsored by Senator BEEBE-CENTER of Knox and Representatives: HASENFUS of Readfield, LAJOIE of Lewiston, MADIGAN of Waterville, MATHIESON of Kittery, MILLIKEN of Blue Hill, RECKITT of South Portland, SALISBURY of Westbrook, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland. Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-4) Bill "An Act to Prohibit Certain Higher Education Institutions from Requiring Vaccines Approved Under Emergency Use Authorization for Admission or Attendance" (EMERGENCY) (H.P. 776) (L.D. 1228)
Sponsored by Representative SMITH of Palermo. Cosponsored by Representatives: HENDERSON of Rumford, HYMES of Waldo, QUINT of Hodgdon, SCHMERSAL-BURGESS of Mexico, STROUT of Harrington. (3-5) Bill "An Act to Establish a Minimum Hourly Wage for School Support Staff" (H.P. 785) (L.D. 1237)
Sponsored by Representative COLLINGS of Portland. Cosponsored by Senator BRENNER of Cumberland and Representatives: PAULHUS of Bath, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senator: President JACKSON of Aroostook. (3-6) Bill "An Act to Increase Access to Oral Health Care by Expanding the Maine Dental Education Loan Program" (H.P. 804) (L.D. 1256)
Sponsored by Representative MASTRACCIO of Sanford. Cosponsored by Senator GROHOSKI of Hancock and Representatives: CLUCHEY of Bowdoinham, CRAVEN of Lewiston, CROCKETT of Portland, MEYER of Eliot, ROBERTS of South Berwick, STOVER of Boothbay, WHITE of Waterville. (3-7) Bill "An Act to Require School Identification Cards to Include the Telephone Number of a Suicide Prevention Hotline" (H.P. 811) (L.D. 1263)
Sponsored by Representative LYMAN of Livermore Falls. Cosponsored by Senator TIMBERLAKE of Androscoggin and Representatives: MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth, SAMPSON of Alfred, Senators: KEIM of Oxford, LIBBY of Cumberland, RAFFERTY of York. (3-8) Resolve, Establishing the Commission to Update Maine's Public Policy on Higher Education (H.P. 812) (L.D. 1264)
Sponsored by Representative MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth. Cosponsored by President JACKSON of Aroostook and Representatives: BRENNAN of Portland, DODGE of Belfast, LYMAN of Livermore Falls, SAMPSON of Alfred, SARGENT of York, SAYRE of Kennebunk, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senator: RAFFERTY of York. Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS suggested and ordered printed.
(3-9) Bill "An Act to Balance Renewable Energy Development with Natural and Working Lands Conservation" (H.P. 775) (L.D. 1227)
Sponsored by Representative PLUECKER of Warren. Cosponsored by Representatives: CRAFTS of Newcastle, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, HEPLER of Woolwich, O'CONNELL of Brewer, ZEIGLER of Montville. (3-10) Bill "An Act to Increase Adoption of Solar Power in Maine" (H.P. 780) (L.D. 1232)
Sponsored by Representative SKOLD of Portland. Cosponsored by Senator BRENNER of Cumberland and Representatives: BOYLE of Gorham, GEIGER of Rockland, GERE of Kennebunkport, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, JAUCH of Topsham, RANA of Bangor, SAYRE of Kennebunk, WARREN of Scarborough. Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-11) Bill "An Act to Include Endangered and Threatened Species Habitat in the Definition of 'Significant Wildlife Habitat' Under the Natural Resources Protection Act" (H.P. 794) (L.D. 1246)
Sponsored by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach. Cosponsored by Senator BRENNER of Cumberland and Representatives: BELL of Yarmouth, CAMPBELL of Orrington, CLUCHEY of Bowdoinham, DOUDERA of Camden, LANDRY of Farmington, O'NEIL of Saco, SOBOLESKI of Phillips, Senator: BENNETT of Oxford. Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES suggested and ordered printed.
(3-12) Bill "An Act to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Fund Out-of-state Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder When In-state Treatment Is Unavailable" (H.P. 772) (L.D. 1211)
Sponsored by Representative BABIN of Fort Fairfield. Cosponsored by Representatives: DUNPHY of Embden, FOSTER of Dexter, PAUL of Winterport. (3-13) Bill "An Act to Require MaineCare to Give a 60-day Notice Prior to Terminating Benefits" (H.P. 774) (L.D. 1226)
Sponsored by Representative NESS of Fryeburg. Cosponsored by Senator BALDACCI of Penobscot and Representatives: CARLOW of Buxton, DHALAC of South Portland, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, JAVNER of Chester, MORRIS of Turner, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senator: BENNETT of Oxford. (3-14) Bill "An Act to Support Peer Mentors for Parents Involved in the Child Protective Services System" (H.P. 777) (L.D. 1229)
Sponsored by Representative MEYER of Eliot. Cosponsored by Senator INGWERSEN of York and Representatives: BRENNAN of Portland, CLOUTIER of Lewiston, CRAFTS of Newcastle, CRAVEN of Lewiston, FAY of Raymond, MADIGAN of Waterville, MASTRACCIO of Sanford, STOVER of Boothbay. (3-15) Bill "An Act to Increase the Provision of Children's Behavioral Health Services in Rural Areas and to Provide Support for Families of Children Receiving Services" (H.P. 784) (L.D. 1236)
Sponsored by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville. Cosponsored by Senator GROHOSKI of Hancock and Representatives: GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, PERRY of Calais, RISEMAN of Harrison. (3-16) Bill "An Act to Require Reporting on the Percentage of Approved Care Being Delivered to Individuals" (H.P. 786) (L.D. 1238)
Sponsored by Representative CLUCHEY of Bowdoinham. Cosponsored by Representatives: CRAVEN of Lewiston, FAY of Raymond, GATTINE of Westbrook, JAVNER of Chester, ZAGER of Portland, Senator: MOORE of Washington. (3-17) Bill "An Act to Develop a Pilot Program to Provide Legal Representation to Families in the Child Protection System" (H.P. 788) (L.D. 1240)
Sponsored by Representative STOVER of Boothbay. Cosponsored by Representatives: CRAVEN of Lewiston, GATTINE of Westbrook, GRAHAM of North Yarmouth, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, MADIGAN of Waterville, MEYER of Eliot, MILLETT of Cape Elizabeth. (3-18) Bill "An Act to Ensure the Quality of Bottled Water" (H.P. 796) (L.D. 1248)
Sponsored by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach. Cosponsored by Senators: BRENNER of Cumberland, CHIPMAN of Cumberland, Senator BENNETT of Oxford and Representatives: FAY of Raymond, JAUCH of Topsham, KESSLER of South Portland, MATHIESON of Kittery, O'NEIL of Saco, PLUECKER of Warren, SAYRE of Kennebunk, Senator: GROHOSKI of Hancock. (3-19) Bill "An Act Regarding Paying Providers Sufficiently, Maintaining Short Waiting Lists and Creating a Cause of Action for Aggrieved Persons in the System of Care for Clients with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism" (H.P. 798) (L.D. 1250)
Sponsored by Representative OSHER of Orono. Cosponsored by Senator BAILEY of York and Representatives: COPELAND of Saco, CRAVEN of Lewiston, GOLEK of Harpswell, RISEMAN of Harrison, SHAGOURY of Hallowell, STOVER of Boothbay, Senator: INGWERSEN of York. (3-20) Bill "An Act to Provide Coverage and Prior Authorization of Medications and Services During a MaineCare Provider's Enrollment Period" (H.P. 802) (L.D. 1254)
Sponsored by Representative ARFORD of Brunswick. Cosponsored by Senator BALDACCI of Penobscot and Representatives: ANKELES of Brunswick, ARATA of New Gloucester, CRAVEN of Lewiston, DHALAC of South Portland, LEMELIN of Chelsea, MADIGAN of Waterville, SHAGOURY of Hallowell, ZAGER of Portland. Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES suggested and ordered printed.
(3-21) Bill "An Act Regarding Timely Payment of Undisputed Insurance Claims" (H.P. 792) (L.D. 1244)
Sponsored by Representative O'NEIL of Saco. Cosponsored by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, President JACKSON of Aroostook and Representatives: GEIGER of Rockland, MADIGAN of Waterville, MALON of Biddeford, MATHIESON of Kittery, PERRY of Calais, ZAGER of Portland, Senators: BAILEY of York, HICKMAN of Kennebec. (3-22) Bill "An Act to Protect the Quality of Care Provided via Telehealth by Prohibiting Physicians from Prescribing Abortion-inducing Drugs or Devices Through Telehealth or Other Electronic Communication" (H.P. 797) (L.D. 1249)
Sponsored by Representative PAUL of Winterport. Cosponsored by Senator BRAKEY of Androscoggin and Representatives: ARATA of New Gloucester, ARDELL of Monticello, HAGGAN of Hampden, HYMES of Waldo, JAVNER of Chester, LIBBY of Auburn, SMITH of Palermo, Senator: GUERIN of Penobscot. (3-23) Bill "An Act to Ensure Choices in Health Insurance Markets by Limiting the Requirement to Offer Clear Choice Design Health Plans" (H.P. 800) (L.D. 1252)
Sponsored by Representative MORRIS of Turner. (3-24) Bill "An Act to Maintain the Integrity of the Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Markets" (H.P. 801) (L.D. 1253)
Sponsored by Representative MORRIS of Turner. (3-25) Bill "An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Credit Card and Debit Card Surcharge Prohibition" (H.P. 810) (L.D. 1262)
Sponsored by Representative WOODSOME of Waterboro. (3-26) Bill "An Act to Amend the Maine Producer Licensing Act to Authorize Licensure as a Pet Insurance Producer" (H.P. 814) (L.D. 1266)
Sponsored by Representative MORRIS of Turner. Cosponsored by Representative: PERRY of Calais. (3-27) Bill "An Act to Provide Alternative Methods of Payment to Health Care Providers" (H.P. 815) (L.D. 1267)
Sponsored by Representative NUTTING of Oakland. Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES suggested and ordered printed.
(3-28) Bill "An Act to Allow Sunday Hunting with a Bow and Arrow or Crossbow" (H.P. 789) (L.D. 1241)
Sponsored by Representative WARREN of Scarborough. Cosponsored by Senator BLACK of Franklin and Representatives: CLOUTIER of Lewiston, DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, JAUCH of Topsham, MASON of Lisbon, ROEDER of Bangor, WHITE of Waterville, Senator: President JACKSON of Aroostook. Committee on INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE suggested and ordered printed.
(3-29) Bill "An Act to Clarify Immunity from Liability for Municipalities Engaged in Recycling Activities" (H.P. 799) (L.D. 1251)
Sponsored by Representative HASENFUS of Readfield. (3-30) Bill "An Act to Recover Legal Fees for Low-income Individuals in Actions or Proceedings" (H.P. 807) (L.D. 1259)
Sponsored by Representative SKOLD of Portland. Cosponsored by Senator TIPPING of Penobscot and Representatives: BRENNAN of Portland, CLOUTIER of Lewiston, DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach, MOONEN of Portland, PERRY of Calais, SHEEHAN of Biddeford, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland. (3-31) Bill "An Act to Establish Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Gross Sexual Assaults and Sex Trafficking of Children" (H.P. 809) (L.D. 1261)
Sponsored by Representative ADAMS of Lebanon. Cosponsored by Representative GREENWOOD of Wales, Senator BRAKEY of Androscoggin, Senator HARRINGTON of York and Representatives: BAGSHAW of Windham, FREDERICKS of Sanford, JAVNER of Chester, LAVIGNE of Berwick, LEMELIN of Chelsea, PAUL of Winterport, POMERLEAU of Standish. Committee on JUDICIARY suggested and ordered printed.
(3-32) Resolve, Directing the Maine Public Employees Retirement System to Study the Creation of an Interstate Compact Concerning the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset (H.P. 778) (L.D. 1230)
Sponsored by Representative GREENWOOD of Wales. Cosponsored by Senator BALDACCI of Penobscot and Representatives: BRENNAN of Portland, DODGE of Belfast, DRINKWATER of Milford, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, HAGGAN of Hampden, WOODSOME of Waterboro, Senators: KEIM of Oxford, NANGLE of Cumberland. Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING suggested and ordered printed.
(3-33) Bill "An Act Regarding the Maine State Cemetery Preservation Commission" (H.P. 781) (L.D. 1233)
Sponsored by Representative GREENWOOD of Wales. Cosponsored by Senator BALDACCI of Penobscot and Representatives: COPELAND of Saco, FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor, MATLACK of St. George, PAULHUS of Bath, RISEMAN of Harrison, RUDNICKI of Fairfield, WOODSOME of Waterboro, Senator: NANGLE of Cumberland. (3-34) Bill "An Act to Make General Election Day a State Holiday and to Allow Certain Employees an Opportunity to Vote" (H.P. 787) (L.D. 1239)
Sponsored by Representative COLLINGS of Portland. Cosponsored by Representative DHALAC of South Portland, Senator DUSON of Cumberland and Representatives: ABDI of Lewiston, DANA of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, KUHN of Falmouth, RANA of Bangor, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland, Senators: BRENNER of Cumberland, HICKMAN of Kennebec, President JACKSON of Aroostook. (3-35) Resolve, to Establish the Committee to Study the Creation of a State Calendar (H.P. 791) (L.D. 1243)
Sponsored by Representative OSHER of Orono. Cosponsored by Senator BRENNER of Cumberland and Representatives: ABDI of Lewiston, ANKELES of Brunswick, COPELAND of Saco, DHALAC of South Portland, O'CONNELL of Brewer, PAULHUS of Bath, STOVER of Boothbay, Speaker TALBOT ROSS of Portland. (3-36) Resolve, to Study Expansion of Civics Education and Engagement Through the Secretary of State (H.P. 808) (L.D. 1260)
Sponsored by Representative RIELLY of Westbrook. Cosponsored by Representatives: ABDI of Lewiston, DHALAC of South Portland, FAY of Raymond, Senator: VITELLI of Sagadahoc. Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT suggested and ordered printed.
(3-37) Bill "An Act to Protect Housing by Increasing the Property Tax Fairness Credit" (H.P. 773) (L.D. 1225)
Sponsored by Representative O'NEIL of Saco. Cosponsored by Senator BAILEY of York and Representatives: ABDI of Lewiston, GERE of Kennebunkport, MADIGAN of Waterville, MALON of Biddeford, MASTRACCIO of Sanford, MOONEN of Portland, SUPICA of Bangor, Senator: HICKMAN of Kennebec. (3-38) Bill "An Act to Bring Fairness in Income Taxes to Maine Families by Adjusting the Tax Brackets" (H.P. 779) (L.D. 1231)
Sponsored by Representative CARMICHAEL of Greenbush. (3-39) Bill "An Act to Increase the Personal Property Tax Exemption for Farm Machinery" (H.P. 806) (L.D. 1258)
Sponsored by Representative TERRY of Gorham. (3-40) Bill "An Act to Provide for a Local Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Exemption for Qualifying Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Persons" (H.P. 816) (L.D. 1268)
Sponsored by Representative DOUDERA of Camden. Committee on TAXATION suggested and ordered printed.
(3-41) Bill "An Act to Eliminate Certain Motor Vehicle Inspections" (H.P. 790) (L.D. 1242)
Sponsored by Representative PERKINS of Dover-Foxcroft. Cosponsored by Representatives: BABIN of Fort Fairfield, BOYER of Poland, HAGGAN of Hampden, WHITE of Guilford. (3-42) Bill "An Act to Require Registration of Motorized Bicycles or Tricycles or Motorized Scooters" (H.P. 793) (L.D. 1245)
Sponsored by Representative LAJOIE of Lewiston. Cosponsored by Representatives: BRIDGEO of Augusta, CRAVEN of Lewiston, LEE of Auburn. Committee on TRANSPORTATION suggested and ordered printed.
(3-43) Bill "An Act to Improve the Security of Voting Places" (H.P. 803) (L.D. 1255)
Sponsored by Representative ARFORD of Brunswick. Cosponsored by Senator DAUGHTRY of Cumberland and Representatives: BELL of Yarmouth, CRAVEN of Lewiston, DOUDERA of Camden, KUHN of Falmouth, RISEMAN of Harrison, SUPICA of Bangor, Senators: BRENNER of Cumberland, CARNEY of Cumberland.
Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS suggested and ordered printed.
(3-44) Bill "An Act to Increase Housing Capacity and Protect the Municipal Tax Base and Working Lands" (H.P. 805) (L.D. 1257)
Sponsored by Representative CRAFTS of Newcastle. Cosponsored by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec and Representatives: ANKELES of Brunswick, DUCHARME of Madison, GEIGER of Rockland, JAUCH of Topsham, LANDRY of Farmington, PLUECKER of Warren, POLEWARCZYK of Wiscasset. (3-45) Bill "An Act to Make Adjustments to Affordable Housing Requirements" (H.P. 813) (L.D. 1265)
Sponsored by Representative RISEMAN of Harrison.
Joint Select Committee on HOUSING suggested and ordered printed.
In accordance with House Rule 519 and Joint Rule 213, the following items: Recognizing: (5-1) Edgar Post, of Spruce Head, who is celebrating his 102nd birthday on March 14, 2023. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 224)
(5-2) Adam Ayan, of Portland, who was nominated for Best Engineered Recording, Non Classical for his work on Father John Misty's "Chloe and the Next 20th Century" at the 65th annual GRAMMY Awards. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 225)
(5-3) Julia Black, of Scarborough, who won the 2023 Southwestern Maine Activities Association Championship in the Senior 400 Meters Event. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 226)
(5-4) Ryan Vigue, Brendan Amann, Evan Wardrop and Ethan Shulz, of Scarborough, students at Scarborough High School, who won the 400 Freestyle Relay Event at the Class A Boys State Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 227)
(5-5) Evan Wardrop, of Scarborough, a student at Scarborough High School, who won the 100 Backstroke Event at the Class A Boys State Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 228)
(5-6) Stephen Ranger, Ryan Vigue, Owen Kasper and Ethan Shulz, of Scarborough, students at Scarborough High School, who won the 200 Freestyle Relay Event at the Class A Boys State Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 229)
(5-7) Ethan Shulz, of Scarborough, a student at Scarborough High School, who won the 100 Freestyle and 200 Freestyle Events at the Class A Boys State Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 230)
(5-8) Evan Wardrop, Owen Kasper, Brendan Amann and Stephen Ranger, of Scarborough, students at Scarborough High School, who won the 200 Medley Relay Event at the Class A Boys State Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 231)
(5-9) the Scarborough High School Red Rover Robotics Team, which won the State Tournament Championship at the Vex Robotics Competition and will go on to compete at the National Vex Robotics Championship in Dallas, Texas. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 232)
(5-10) the Scarborough High School Zero Brain Cells Robotics Team, which won the State Tournament Championship and the Excellence Award at the Vex Robotics Competition and will go on to compete at the National Vex Robotics Championship in Dallas, Texas. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 233)
(5-11) Luke Burns, of Gorham, who won the Class A State Wrestling Championship in the 182-pound Weight Class. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 234)
(5-12) Brynn Lavigueur, of Brewer, a student at Brewer High School, who won the 100 Yard Backstroke and 50 Yard Freestyle Events at the Class B State Girls Swimming and Diving Championships. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 238)
(5-13) the Brewer High School Girls Indoor Track Team, which won the Class A North Good Sportsmanship Award. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 239)
(5-14) the Dexter Regional High School Girls Basketball Team, which won the Class C North Championship. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 240)
(5-15) the Eastern Slopes Regional Broadband Team, of Lovell, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 241)
(5-16) Bruce Farnham, of Weld, on his retirement after 35 years of service from managing Mount Blue State Park. At over 8,200 acres, the park is the State's second largest, drawing well over 60,000 people each year, and is the centerpiece of Franklin County. Under his tenure, 3,200 acres were added as a result of massive federal, state and private fund-raising efforts. He was a founding member of the Tumbledown Conservation Alliance, which became a part of a multiyear effort to protect nearly 30,000 acres in the Tumbledown Mountain and Mount Blue State Park region. He also served as a key member of the Tumbledown-Mount Blue Region Management Committee and the Natural Resources Committee of the Office of Tourism. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 242)
(5-17) Melford Pelletier, of Wallagrass, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 243)
(5-18) Friends of the Nequasset Cemetery, of Woolwich, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 244)
(5-19) James Marston, of Auburn, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 245)
(5-20) Craig Russell, of Eddington, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 246)
(5-21) Curtis Slininger, of Hampden, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 247)
(5-22) Laurie Berube Giles, of Plymouth, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 248)
(5-23) Donn Woodard, of Detroit, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 249)
(5-24) Janet White, of New Portland, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 250)
(5-25) Mary Cobb, of Baldwin, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 251)
(5-26) Community Resource Center of Naples, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 252)
(5-27) Bruce and Marion Bryant, of Newfield, recipients of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 253)
(5-28) Sebago Warming Hut, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 254)
(5-29) Roger Allaire, of Shapleigh, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 255)
(5-30) Craig Hill, of Mount Chase, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 256)
(5-31) Dale Hanscom, of Mattawamkeag, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 257)
(5-32) Varney H. Brackett, of Weston, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 258)
(5-33) Dwight Coperthwaite, of Littleton, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 259)
(5-34) Adopt-a-Block of Aroostook, of Houlton, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 260)
(5-35) the Teachers, Students and Staff of the Stratton School, of Stratton, recipients of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 261)
(5-36) the Stratton School Garden Team, of Stratton, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 262)
(5-37) the Eastern Slopes Regional Broadband Team, of Stoneham, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 263)
(5-38) Judith Grover Tent #17 Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865, of Woodstock, recipients of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 264)
(5-39) the Eastern Slopes Regional Broadband Team, of Stow, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 265)
(5-40) Lisa Arsenault, of Mexico, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 266)
(5-41) East Range II School, of Topsfield, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 267)
(5-42) Jack Patrick White, of Palmyra, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 268)
(5-43) Warren Shaw, Jr., of Etna, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 269)
(5-44) Robert C. Browne, Jr., of Vassalboro, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 270)
(5-45) James Lane, of China, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 271)
(5-46) Donna Sawyer, of Cambridge, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 272)
(5-47) Southern Aroostook Community School, of Dyer Brook, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 274)
(5-48) Claire Collins, of Greene, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 275)
(5-49) the Litchfield Broadband Committee, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 276)
(5-50) Michael and Connie Boisvert, of Sabattus, recipients of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 277)
(5-51) Amy Raymond, of Wales, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 278)
(5-52) Ronald Emery and Elaine Philbrook, of China, recipients of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 279)
(5-53) the Hartford and Sumner Food Bank, of Hartford, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 280)
(5-54) the Maine Chiropractic Association, of Lewiston, which is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. The Maine Chiropractic Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of chiropractic as a healing art, was formed on October 1, 1922 in Augusta, with Dr. Percy C. Hardy as its first President. The association's first Champion of Chiropractic Care was B.J. Palmer, who encouraged the young association to introduce a chiropractic licensure bill immediately. On April 7, 1923, the licensure bill was signed by the Governor. Dr. Isabelle Hieserick of Biddeford applied on September 25, 1923 and was granted the first Maine chiropractic license on October 2, 1923. As of 2023, the association is headquartered in Lewiston and serves 195 member doctors and over 1,000 associated staff as well as patients throughout the State, offering help to member doctors through continuing education and member involvement and serving as a resource to the chiropractic community. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(SLS 281)
(5-55) the Ecology Learning Center, of Unity, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 172) Presented by Representative HYMES of Waldo. Cosponsored by Senator CURRY of Waldo.
(5-56) Irene Weld, of Dixfield, who is celebrating her 102nd birthday on June 4, 2023. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 173) Presented by Representative SCHMERSAL-BURGESS of Mexico. Cosponsored by Senator KEIM of Oxford.
(5-57) Connor Pelletier, of St. Francis, a senior at Fort Kent Community High School, who is a recipient of a 2023 Principal's Award for outstanding academic achievement and citizenship, sponsored by the Maine Principals' Association. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 191) Presented by Representative THERIAULT of Fort Kent. Cosponsored by President JACKSON of Aroostook.
(5-58) Ainsley Alley, of Winter Harbor, a senior at Sumner Memorial High School, who is a recipient of a 2023 Principal's Award for outstanding academic achievement and citizenship, sponsored by the Maine Principals' Association. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 192) Presented by Representative FAULKINGHAM of Winter Harbor. Cosponsored by Senator MOORE of Washington.
(5-59) David Bucknam, of Skowhegan, recipient of a Spirit of America Foundation Award. The Spirit of America Foundation was established to encourage and promote volunteerism, and the foundation presents awards to honor local individuals, organizations or projects in appreciation of community service. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 194) Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan. Cosponsored by Senator FARRIN of Somerset.
(5-60) Peyton Cyr, of Madawaska, a senior at Madawaska Middle/High School, who is a recipient of a 2023 Principal's Award for outstanding academic achievement and citizenship, sponsored by the Maine Principals' Association. We extend our congratulations and best wishes;
(HLS 195) Presented by Representative ALBERT of Madawaska. Cosponsored by President JACKSON of Aroostook.
In Memory of: (5-61) the Honorable Mabel Desmond, of Mapleton. Mrs. Desmond had a decades-long career as a teacher at several schools, including as a faculty member at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. She served as a four-term state representative, from 1994 to 2002, representing the towns of Mapleton, Castle Hill, Ashland, Washburn, Wade, Woodland and New Sweden, and chaired the Maine Education Research Institute Task Force from 1998 to 2002. Her support of Governor Angus King's Maine Learning Initiative, better known as the Laptop Project, helped lead to every seventh-grade and eighth-grade student in Maine having their own laptop to use during their school years. She served on the Maine State Board of Education from 2007 to 2010. She was an active and leading member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, an international organization promoting personal and professional growth for women educators and excellence in education. She served as secretary, treasurer and president for the University of Maine at Presque Isle Alumni Association, was a member of the Maine Education Association and the National Education Association and served as county president of the Aroostook Retired Educator's Association. She received the University of Maine at Presque Isle Alumni Service Award, the State Leader in Education Award and the Legislator of the Year Award, as well as the Maine Education Association - Retired County Leadership Award. Mrs. Desmond will be long remembered and sadly missed by her family and friends and all those whose lives she touched;
(SLS 223)
(5-62) Helen Jean Kilby, of Edmunds Township. Mrs. Kilby was employed for over 30 years at the Superintendent of Schools Office for School Union 104 and AOS 77. She also worked at her parents' store, C and M Fuels, and Training and Development Corporation in Bangor. She was an active member of the Holy Trinity Chapel in Dennysville. Mrs. Kilby will be long remembered and sadly missed by her husband of nearly 50 years, Ronald, her family and friends and all those whose lives she touched;
(SLS 235)
(5-63) Juanita Frances Davis, of East Machias. A nurse, Mrs. Davis had a career in health care that spanned many decades. She worked as a social worker, in home health care and in hospitals and nursing homes. She also served as a foster grandparent at Elm Street School for 25 years, helping children in all areas, and was a leader of the Cub Scouts for 22 years. Mrs. Davis will be long remembered and sadly missed by her family and friends and all those whose lives she touched;
(SLS 236)
(5-64) Robert Patterson, of Perry. Mr. Patterson was a veteran of the United States Navy. He had many jobs throughout his working life, including at the New Friendly Restaurant, and he enjoyed serving his community, including with the Perry Volunteer Fire Department and Perry Rec Committee. He also umpired many baseball and Little League games, coached the Perry Elementary School soccer team and drove graduating classes on class trips and sports teams to their games. More recently, he served as Perry's Town Warden. Mr. Patterson will be long remembered and sadly missed by his wife of 32 years, Jennifer, his family and friends and all those whose lives he touched;
(SLS 237)
(5-65) Peter McAfee Leslie, of Waterford. Mr. Leslie had a career in international investment banking. He initially worked for seven years in Brazil for Citibank before joining a New York investment bank, for which he traveled in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. In 1972, he co-founded Leslie, Weinert and Company, Inc., a firm specializing in Latin American investment banking with clients that included governments, corporations, financial institutions and the United Nations. In 1986, he retired to Maine and devoted himself to public service. He was appointed to national commissions to improve the financing of postsecondary education and to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations. Locally, he supported the arts, cultural endeavors and community organizations and served on the Cape Elizabeth school board, the Maine Audubon Society, the Maine Health Care Finance Commission and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. He was appointed to the State of Maine Committee to Study the Retirement System in 1987 and in 1993 to the State of Maine Committee to Study the Retirement System, which he served as vice-chair. He was appointed a Trustee of the Maine State Retirement System in September 1995 and was elected Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees in 2005. He served as Chair of the Board of Trustees from 2007 to 2016 and retired from the board in 2017. Mr. Leslie will be long remembered and sadly missed by his wife of 58 years, Kathleen, his family and friends and all those whose lives he touched;
(SLS 273)
(5-66) Dan Davis, of Hallowell. Mr. Davis was a veteran of the United States Navy. He had a career working at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in the division handling hazardous materials emergencies and was a founder of Sebago Lake Distillery in Gardiner. He served on the board of the Hallowell Water District and as Harbormaster for more than a decade. In 2018, he and his friends formed the Maine Orange Growers Association, and he was a founding member of the Hallowell Bourbon Council. Mr. Davis will be long remembered and sadly missed by his family and friends and all those whose lives he touched;
(HLS 181) Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell. Cosponsored by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec.
(5-67) Steven Robinson, of Eliot. Mr. Robinson was the Public Works Director for the Town of Eliot. He began his municipal career in 1979, working his way up until he was appointed Public Works Director in 2019. He also served for over 10 years as a member of the Eliot Fire Department, and he ran Steve's Auto Detailing with his son, Christopher. Mr. Robinson will be long remembered and sadly missed by his wife of 28 years, Ellen, his family and friends and all those whose lives he touched;
(HLS 193) Presented by Representative MEYER of Eliot. Cosponsored by Senator LAWRENCE of York.
(5-68) Dorothy Mae McPherson, of Mexico. Ms. McPherson will be long remembered and sadly missed by her family and friends;
(HLS 196) Presented by Representative HENDERSON of Rumford. Cosponsored by Senator KEIM of Oxford, Representative SCHMERSAL-BURGESS of Mexico.
Change of Committee (6-1) Representative ZEIGLER from the Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY on Bill "An Act to Study the Shared Use of the Public Right of Way" (H.P. 196) (L.D. 298)
Reporting that it be REFERRED to the Committee on TRANSPORTATION.
First Day
In accordance with House Rule 519, the following items appeared on the Consent Calendar for the First Day: (7-1) (S.P. 23) (L.D. 31) Bill "An Act to Allow the Commissioner of Transportation to Reduce Speed Limits at Construction Sites with Input from Municipalities and Utilities" Committee on TRANSPORTATION reporting Ought to Pass (7-2) (S.P. 152) (L.D. 331) Resolve, to Name a Bridge in the Town of Canaan After Staff Sergeant Richard Gerald Salsbury Committee on TRANSPORTATION reporting Ought to Pass (7-3) (S.P. 169) (L.D. 362) Bill "An Act to Clarify Coverage for Retired County and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and Municipal Firefighters Under the State Employer Group Health Plan" Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES reporting Ought to Pass (7-4) (S.P. 41) (L.D. 49) Bill "An Act to Authorize the Deorganization of Drew Plantation" (EMERGENCY) Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT reporting Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-8) (7-5) (H.P. 243) (L.D. 392) Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 305: Natural Resources Protection Act - Permit by Rule, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Environmental Protection (EMERGENCY) Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES reporting Ought to Pass (7-6) (H.P. 357) (L.D. 552) Bill "An Act Regarding the Definition of 'Reportable Accident'" Committee on TRANSPORTATION reporting Ought to Pass
Acts (10-1) An Act to Simplify an Assessment Notice Requirement Under Department of Labor Laws (H.P. 18) (L.D. 14) (10-2) An Act Regarding the Committee Structure of the State Workforce Board (S.P. 59) (L.D. 120) (10-3) An Act to Provide Revenue for Property Tax Relief and Capital Infrastructure Projects (H.P. 107) (L.D. 166) (10-4) An Act to Designate Granitic Pegmatite as the Maine State Rock (S.P. 128) (L.D. 269) (10-5) An Act to Amend Maine's Underground Oil Storage Tank Laws (S.P. 140) (L.D. 319)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed.
Resolves (10-6) Resolve, Designating Maine Turnpike Approach Road in South Portland as Samantha Smith Way (S.P. 13) (L.D. 21) (10-7) Resolve, to Rename the Bridge Between Bingham and Concord Township on Route 16 the Jason Dore Memorial Bridge (S.P. 36) (L.D. 44) (10-8) Resolve, to Designate the Route 170 Bridge Located in Webster Plantation the Gary "Swampy" Worster Memorial Bridge (S.P. 139) (L.D. 318) (10-9) Resolve, Designating the Desert of Maine Overpass the Matthew MacMillan Overpass (S.P. 219) (L.D. 502)
Reported by the Committee on Engrossed Bills as truly and strictly engrossed.
The following matters, in the consideration of which the House was engaged at the time of adjournment, have preference in the Orders of the Day and continue with such preference until disposed of as provided by House Rule 502.
1. Expression of Legislative Sentiment Recognizing Walker Oliver, of Hodgdon (SLS 81)
- In Senate, READ and PASSED. TABLED - February 7, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative QUINT of Hodgdon. PENDING - PASSAGE.
2. Joint Order, Directing the Joint Select Committee on Housing to Study the Foreclosure Process in the State (H.P. 372)
TABLED - February 14, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative DUCHARME of Madison. PENDING - PASSAGE.
3. Bill "An Act to Protect Maine Taxpayers by Requiring a Person to Be a United States Citizen to Receive General Assistance Benefits and to Ensure Municipal Compliance with Federal Immigration Laws" (H.P. 437) (L.D. 668)
(Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES suggested) TABLED - February 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative GREENWOOD of Wales. PENDING - REFERENCE.
4. Expression of Legislative Sentiment Recognizing Scott Graffam, of Norway (HLS 81)
TABLED - February 28, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative MILLETT of Waterford. PENDING - PASSAGE.
5. Expression of Legislative Sentiment in Memory of Jacqueline M. Labbe, of Minot (HLS 82)
TABLED - February 28, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative LIBBY of Auburn. PENDING - ADOPTION.
6. Resolve, to Create the Commission to Study the Operations of the Maine Legislature (EMERGENCY) (S.P. 436) (L.D. 1067)
- In Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. TABLED - March 7, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - REFERENCE IN CONCURRENCE.
7. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (8) Ought to Pass - Minority (5) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES on Bill "An Act to Expand Access to Postsecondary Education for Low-income Parents" (H.P. 9) (L.D. 5)
TABLED - March 9, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
- In Senate, READ and ADOPTED. TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ADOPTION.
9. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (8) Ought to Pass as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-6) - Minority (5) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS on Bill "An Act to Support Rural Service Programming and Promote Volunteerism" (H.P. 89) (L.D. 143)
TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
10. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (9) Ought Not to Pass - Minority (3) Ought to Pass - Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY on Bill "An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program" (H.P. 227) (L.D. 376)
TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
11. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (9) Ought to Pass - Minority (4) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on JUDICIARY on Bill "An Act to Amend the Maine Parentage Act Regarding Joinder of Parties" (H.P. 83) (L.D. 137)
TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
12. HOUSE DIVIDED REPORT - Majority (12) Ought to Pass - Minority (1) Ought Not to Pass - Committee on TAXATION on Bill "An Act Regarding the Monitoring of Municipal Abandoned Property" (H.P. 90) (L.D. 144)
TABLED - March 16, 2023 (Till Later Today) by Representative TERRY of Gorham. PENDING - ACCEPTANCE OF EITHER REPORT.
State of Maine House Supplement No. 1
(1-1) Bill "An Act to Create the Animal Cruelty Task Force" (S.P. 497) (L.D. 1216) (1-2) Bill "An Act Establishing a System to Appeal Administrative Actions or Management Plans of the Bureau of Parks and Lands" (S.P. 499) (L.D. 1218) (1-3) Bill "An Act to Establish Rights for Holders of Certain Leases and Easements on Land Managed by the Bureau of Parks and Lands" (S.P. 500) (L.D. 1219) (1-4) Bill "An Act to Increase Land Access for Historically Disadvantaged Populations" (S.P. 511) (L.D. 1274)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY and ordered printed.
(1-5) Resolve, to Create a Pilot Program for Alternative Teacher Certification (S.P. 498) (L.D. 1217)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on EDUCATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS and ordered printed.
(1-6) Bill "An Act to Clarify Cost Allocations and Insurance in the Joint Use of Public Utility Equipment" (S.P. 504) (L.D. 1223)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on ENERGY, UTILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY and ordered printed.
(1-7) Bill "An Act to Clarify the Laws to Combat Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Contamination" (S.P. 495) (L.D. 1214) (1-8) Bill "An Act to Exempt Some Businesses from Certain Laws Relating to Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Accordance with the Size of the Business" (S.P. 510) (L.D. 1273)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES and ordered printed.
(1-9) Bill "An Act to End the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products" (S.P. 496) (L.D. 1215) (1-10) Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services to Seek Federal Approval for Reimbursement of Community-based Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (S.P. 505) (L.D. 1224) (1-11) Bill "An Act to Empower Patients and Eliminate Welfare Cliffs in the MaineCare Program by Establishing a MaineCare Savings Account Pilot Program" (S.P. 506) (L.D. 1269)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES and ordered printed.
(1-12) Bill "An Act to Require Lyme Disease Vaccine Coverage for State-regulated Health Plans" (S.P. 501) (L.D. 1220) (1-13) Bill "An Act to Protect Maine People from Inflation by Restoring Gold and Silver as Legal Tender" (S.P. 507) (L.D. 1270) (1-14) Bill "An Act to Require a Disclaimer on Promotional Materials for Medicare, Medicaid and MaineCare Products by Private Entities" (S.P. 508) (L.D. 1271) (1-15) Bill "An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Property Investment by Credit Unions" (S.P. 514) (L.D. 1277)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES and ordered printed.
(1-16) Bill "An Act to Index Unemployment Benefits to the Unemployment Rate" (S.P. 509) (L.D. 1272) (1-17) Bill "An Act to Require Timely Payment for Salaried Employees" (S.P. 515) (L.D. 1278)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on LABOR AND HOUSING and ordered printed.
(1-18) Bill "An Act to Clarify the Powers of the Government Oversight Committee and Enable Committee Access to Department of Health and Human Services Documents Related to Investigations of Child Deaths" (S.P. 512) (L.D. 1275)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT and ordered printed.
(1-19) Resolve, to Study the Economic Effects of Instituting a Seasonal Sales Tax (S.P. 493) (L.D. 1212) (1-20) Bill "An Act to Reform Income Taxes by Reducing Tax Rates for Each of the 3 Income Tax Brackets" (S.P. 494) (L.D. 1213) (1-21) Bill "An Act to Expand Child Care Services Through an Employer-supported Tax Credit" (S.P. 503) (L.D. 1222) (1-22) Bill "An Act to Create and Sustain Jobs and Affordable Housing Through the Development of Cooperatives and Employee-owned Businesses" (S.P. 513) (L.D. 1276)
Come from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on TAXATION and ordered printed.
(1-23) Bill "An Act to Make Changes to the Distribution Amounts to Certain Maine Clean Election Act Candidates in Contested General Elections" (S.P. 502) (L.D. 1221)
Comes from the Senate, REFERRED to the Committee on VETERANS AND LEGAL AFFAIRS and ordered printed.
© 2025 - The Maine House of Representatives
Last Edited: Sunday, February 9, 2025