First Regular Session
Advance Journal and Calendar
Troy D. Jackson |
http://legislature.maine.gov/senate |
Darek M. Grant |
1st Legislative Day
In Senate Chamber, Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
Pursuant to the Provisions of the Constitution and the laws of the State of Maine, the Senators-elect of the One-Hundred and Thirty-Second Legislature convened in the Senate Chamber and were called to order by Darek M. Grant, Secretary of the Senate of the One-Hundred and
Thirty-First Legislature.
Prayer by Dr. Kharma Amos of Unitarian Universalist Church in Brunswick.
National Anthem Performed by Julia Gagnon of Cumberland.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Mark W. Lawrence of York County.
The Following Senate Communication:
S.C. 1
December 2, 2024
To Darek M. Grant, Secretary of the Senate in the One Hundred and Thirty-first Legislature:
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, pursuant to the provisions of Title 3 MRS, Section 1, hereby certify that the following are the names and residences of the Senators-elect to the One Hundred and Thirty-second Legislature, in accordance with the tabulation submitted to the Governor on November 25, 2024:
District 1 Susan Y. Bernard, Caribou
District 2 Harold L. Stewart III, Presque Isle
District 3 Bradlee Thomas Farrin, Norridgewock
District 4 Stacey K. Guerin, Glenburn
District 5 Russell J. Black, Wilton
District 6 Marianne Moore, Calais
District 7 Nicole C. Grohoski, Ellsworth
District 8 Michael Tipping, Orono
District 9 Joseph M. Baldacci, Bangor
District 10 David G. Haggan, Hampden
District 11 Glenn Chip Curry, Belfast
District 12 Anne H. Beebe-Center, Rockland
District 13 Cameron D. Reny, Bristol
District 14 Craig V. Hickman, Winthrop
District 15 Richard T. Bradstreet, Vassalboro
District 16 Scott Wynn Cyrway, Albion
District 17 Jeffrey L. Timberlake, Turner
District 18 Richard A. Bennett, Oxford
District 19 Joseph E. Martin, Rumford
District 20 Bruce Bickford, Auburn
District 21 Margaret R. Rotundo, Lewiston
District 22 James D. Libby, Standish
District 23 Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry, Brunswick
District 24 Denise Tepler, Topsham
District 25 Teresa S. Pierce, Falmouth
District 26 Timothy E. Nangle, Windham
District 27 Jill C. Duson, Portland
District 28 Rachel Talbot Ross, Portland
District 29 Anne M. Carney, Cape Elizabeth
District 30 Stacy Fielding Brenner, Scarborough
District 31 Donna Bailey, Saco
District 32 Henry L. Ingwersen, Arundel
District 33 Matthew A. Harrington, Sanford
District 34 Joseph E. Rafferty Jr., Kennebunk
District 35 Mark W. Lawrence, Eliot
In Testimony Whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, given under my hand at Augusta this second day of December in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-four.
S/Shenna Bellows
Secretary of State
On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 1
ORDERED, that a message be sent to Governor Janet T. Mills, informing her that a quorum of Senators-elect is present in the Senate Chamber, ready to take and subscribe to the oaths of office required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties.
The Honorable Janet T. Mills, Governor of the State of Maine, enters and addresses the Senate.
The Senators-elect take and subscribe to the oaths of office required by the Constitution.
The Governor withdraws from the Senate Chamber.
Out of order and under suspension of the Rules, on motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 4
ORDERED, that a committee of seven be appointed by the President to which the returns of votes for Senators for the political years of 2025 and 2026 shall be referred for examination and report.
(2-1) The Following Communication:
S.C. 2
December 2, 2024
To the President of the Senate in the One Hundred and Thirty-second Legislature:
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Maine, having tabulated the returns of the votes cast for State Senators at the General Election held on the fifth day of November in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-four;
REPORT AS FOLLOWS; that the following named persons having received a plurality of the votes cast, appear to have been elected;
District 1
Bernard, Susan Y., Caribou 13,248
McLaughlin, Vaughn James, Fort Fairfield 6,892
District 2
Rush, Matthew J., Houlton 6,999
Stewart, Harold L. III, Presque Isle 13,695
District 3
Brownell, Ethan S., Pittsfield 6,740
Farrin, Bradlee Thomas, Norridgewock 14,088
District 4
Evans, Richard A., Dover-Foxcroft 7,624
Guerin, Stacey K., Glenburn 15,741
District 5
Black, Russell J., Wilton 15,267
O'Donnell, Kathleen B., Wilton 7,926
District 6
Goble, Jonathan C., Cherryfield 7,461
Moore, Marianne, Calais 15,597
District 7
Grohoski, Nicole C., Ellsworth 15,692
Hutchins, Sherman, Penobscot 9,606
District 8
Kenney, Leo C., Orono 10,108
Tipping, Michael, Orono 10,240
District 9
Baldacci, Joseph M., Bangor 11,601
Cyr, Richard R., Hermon 8,196
District 10
Daniels, Michele LaBree, Brewer 10,676
Haggan, David G., Hampden 14,095
District 11
Curry, Glenn Chip, Belfast 13,761
Meyer, Robert Charles, Searsport 10,775
District 12
Beebe-Center, Anne H., Rockland 14,344
Rocknak, William Scott, Camden 9,979
District 13
Harmon, Dale C., Boothbay 11,143
Reny, Cameron D., Bristol 13,896
District 14
Hickman, Craig V., Winthrop 12,763
McDonnell, Shannon, Winthrop 11,491
District 15
Bradstreet, Richard T., Vassalboro 10,820
LaRochelle, Raegan French, Augusta 10,621
District 16
Cyrway, Scott Wynn, Albion 10,806
White, Nathaniel J., Fairfield 9,305
District 17
Timberlake, Jeffrey L., Turner 14,751
Watson, Thomas Riley, Lisbon 7,005
District 18
Bennett, Richard A., Oxford 15,206
Miller, Linda Kay, Bridgton 8,310
District 19
Bryant, Bruce S., Rumford 9,793
Martin, Joseph E., Rumford 12,901
District 20
Bickford, Bruce, Auburn 11,174
Sheats, Bettyann W., Auburn 10,187
Ward, Dustin R., New Gloucester 930
District 21
Rotundo, Margaret R., Lewiston 12,599
District 22
Libby, James D., Standish 14,838
McMahon, Anne Marie, Sebago 8,501
District 23
Daughtry, Matthea Elisabeth Larsen, Brunswick 18,898
Lawler, Michael J., Brunswick 8,489
District 24
Andresen, Suzanne, West Bath 1,525
Pierce, Jeffrey K., Dresden 10,320
Tepler, Denise, Topsham 13,406
District 25
Pierce, Teresa S., Falmouth 17,896
Read, James, Falmouth 9,835
District 26
Cianchette, Kenneth J., Windham 11,177
Nangle, Timothy E., Windham 12,124
District 27
Duson, Jill C., Portland 16,500
Holman, Dale Jay, Portland 4,876
District 28
Ross, Rachel Talbot, Portland 18,254
District 29
Carney, Anne M., Cape Elizabeth 17,518
Howell, Christopher M., South Portland 5,884
District 30
Brenner, Stacy Fielding, Scarborough 15,021
Hamill, Donald R., Scarborough 9,875
District 31
Bailey, Donna, Saco 13,107
Pendleton, Craig A., Old Orchard Beach 9,624
District 32
Ingwersen, Henry L., Arundel 12,262
Schutz, Alfred F., Arundel 8,729
District 33
Harrington, Matthew A., Sanford 12,432
Lauzon, Daniel J., Lebanon 8,076
District 34
Ducharme, Bradley Scott, Kennebunk 11,941
Rafferty, Joseph E. Jr., Kennebunk 15,064
District 35
Lawrence, Mark W., Eliot 16,491
Rakic, Julie N., Kittery 9,453
I, Shenna Bellows, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing report is a true tabulation of the votes cast for State Senators at the General Election, as reported to me on the returns from the cities, towns, and plantations of the State.
S/Shenna Bellows
Secretary of State
(2-2) The Following Communication:
S.C. 3
The Honorable Darek Grant
Secretary of the Senate
3 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0003
Dear Secretary Grant:
Number of Votes in Favor 600,191
Number of Votes Opposed 201,034
Number of Votes in Favor 433,394
Number of Votes Opposed 365,100
Number of Votes in Favor 410,979
Number of Votes Opposed 391,176
Number of Votes in Favor 440,560
Number of Votes Opposed 354,626
Number of Votes in Favor 358,912
Number of Votes Opposed 451,366
S/Shenna Bellows
Secretary of State
Senate Order
(4-1) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 5
ORDERED, that a message be sent to the House of Representatives proposing a Convention of the two branches of the Legislature in the Hall of the House at 3:00 in the afternoon on December 4, 2024 for the purpose of electing a Secretary of State for the political years 2025 and 2026, a Treasurer of State for the political years 2025 and 2026, an Attorney General for the political years 2025 and 2026 and a State Auditor for the political years 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.
(4-2) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 6
ORDERED, that the Rules of the Senate of the 131st Legislature are the Rules of the Senate of the 132nd Legislature. Amendments to the Senate Rules may be adopted by a majority vote on or before the 3rd Friday in January of 2025.
(4-3) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 7
ORDERED, that the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to invite the clergy to officiate as Chaplains of the Senate as requested by any member of the Senate; and be it further
ORDERED, that all clergy acting as Chaplains of the Senate shall receive $30 for each officiation, which is to be approved by the Secretary of the Senate.
(4-4) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 8
ORDERED, that all Bills and Resolves carrying or requiring an appropriation or involving a loss of revenue that are in order to be passed to be enacted, or finally passed, shall, at the request of a member of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs or the Presiding Officer, be placed on a special calendar to be called up for consideration only by the same.
(4-5) On motion by Senator BENNETT of Oxford, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 12
ORDERED, that all Bills and Resolves carrying or requiring an appropriation or involving a loss or gain of revenue that are in order to be passed to be enacted, or finally passed, shall, at the request of a member of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs or the Presiding Officer, be placed on a special calendar to be called up for consideration only by the same.
(4-6) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 9
ORDERED, that all Bills and Resolves carrying or requiring an appropriation of highway revenue or involving a loss of highway revenue that are in order to be passed to be enacted, or finally passed, shall, at the request of a member of the Committee on Transportation or the Presiding Officer, be placed on a special calendar to be called up for consideration only by the same.
(4-7) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 10
ORDERED, that pursuant to Joint Rule 353, subsection 10, a special study table is established in the Senate.
(4-8) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 11
ORDERED, that the President of the Senate is authorized, at her discretion, to permit radio or sound, television film or live television, or any two or three of these communication media, on the floor of the Senate.
Joint Orders
(4-9) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 1
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Joint Rules of the 131st Legislature are the Joint Rules of the 132nd Legislature, except for the following changes.
Joint Rule 202 is amended by striking out all of the first paragraph and inserting in its place the following:
All requests for bills and resolves submitted by Legislators for a first regular session must be submitted in complete form, as provided in Joint Rule 208, to the Revisor of Statutes by 4:00 p.m. on January 10, 2025.
Joint Rule 301 is amended by amending the 2nd indented paragraph to read:
There are established 17 joint standing committees, which must be appointed at the commencement of the first regular session and which exercise jurisdiction in the following areas:
Agriculture, conservation and forestry
Appropriations and financial affairs
Criminal justice and public safety
Education and cultural affairs
Energy, utilities and technology
Environment and natural resources
Health coverage, insurance and financial services
Housing and economic development
Innovation, development, economic
advancement and business
(4-10) On motion by Senator BENNETT of Oxford, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 2
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Joint Rules be amended by amending Joint Rule 302 to read:
Each Except for the
joint standing committee having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs, each
of the joint standing committees consists of 13 members, 3 from the Senate and 10 from the
House of Representatives. The joint standing committee having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs consists of 21 members, 5 from the Senate and 16 from the House
of Representatives. The first Senate member named is the Senate chair. The first House
member named is the House chair. The Senate chair shall preside and in the Senate
chair's absence, the House chair shall preside and, thereafter, as the need may arise, the chair
shall alternate between the members from each chamber in the sequence of their
appointment to the committee. The sequence of appointment for the biennium is as announced by the
presiding officers in each chamber. Every member of the Senate and the House of
Representatives is entitled to at least one initial committee assignment.
(4-11) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 3
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House shall purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed to carry on the business of the Senate and House, respectively.
(4-12) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 4
ORDERED, the House concurring, that all printing and binding authorized by the Legislature shall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House.
(4-13) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 5
ORDERED, the House concurring, that a sufficient number of copies of the Legislative Record for the 132nd Legislature be printed, one copy for each of the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who so desires, the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, with the remainder to be deposited with the State Law Librarian for exchange and library use; and be it further
ORDERED, that a suitable index be prepared for such Legislative Record, under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House.
(4-14) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 6
ORDERED, the House concurring, that there be paid to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives as advances on account of compensation established by statute, 12 payments on a biweekly basis commencing January 15, 2025, according to lists certified to the State Controller by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, respectively.
(4-15) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 7
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Executive Director of the Legislative Council, with the approval of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, is authorized and directed to prepare weekly, from expense accounts to be submitted to the Executive Director by the members of the Senate and House, expense rosters showing the entitlement of each member for meals allowance and lodging reimbursement and to transmit the same to the State Controller for processing and payment, in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Interim Committee of the 101st Legislature created to study and report on a method of implementing the administration of the provision of law relating to the mileage and expenses for members of the Legislature; and be it further
ORDERED, that the Executive Director of the Legislative Council is authorized and directed to provide the forms necessary for such purpose and to provide suitable space in the Executive Director's office for the filing and safekeeping of all such expense accounts and other papers and records pertaining thereto.
(4-16) On motion by Senator BENNETT of Oxford, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 8
ORDERED, the House concurring, that the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules shall convene no later than January 9, 2025 to review, consider and report on the following items as possible amendments to the Joint Rules:
1. Elimination of or limitations on the use of concept drafts;
2. Changes to dates of cloture for first and second regular sessions;
3. Changes to the process of referring legislative documents to committees;
4. Limitations on sponsorship and cosponsorship;
5. Changes to the process of submitting joint resolutions, including reducing the vote to request the calling of an Article V constitutional convention to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to a majority vote;
6. Changes to notices for committee public hearings and work sessions and the availability of sponsor amendments;
7. Improvements to the consistency of processes for public notice, public participation and decorum across all committees;
8. Changes to committee reports and voting hours;
9. Changes to the process regarding fiscal notes;
10. Changes to the processes regarding budgets and appropriations;
11. Other matters considered or identified by the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules of the 131st Legislature; and
12. Any matters referred to the committee.
(4-17) On motion by Senator PIERCE of Cumberland, the following Joint Order:
S.P. 9
ORDERED, the House concurring, that when the Senate and House adjourn, they do so until the call of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, respectively.
Senate Order
(4-1) On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 2
ORDERED, that a message be sent to Governor Janet T. Mills, informing her that the Senate has elected Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry of Cumberland County as President of the Senate for the 132nd Legislature, and that President Daughtry is present in the Senate Chamber, ready to take and subscribe to the oaths of office required by the Constitution to qualify her to enter upon the discharge of her official duties.
Senate Order
(4-1) On motion by Senator DUSON of Cumberland, the following Senate Order:
S.O. 3
ORDERED, that a message be sent to the House, informing that Body that the Senate has organized by the choice of Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry of Cumberland County as President; Darek M. Grant of Augusta as Secretary of the Senate; and Jared T. Roy of Winterville Plantation as Assistant Secretary of the Senate of the 132nd Legislature and is assembled and ready to transact such business as may come before the Senate.
Joint Orders
(1-1) The following Joint Order:
H.P. 1
ORDERED, the Senate concurring, that the Speaker of the House is authorized, at the Speaker’s discretion, to permit radio or television in the Hall of the House of Representatives during joint conventions.
Comes from the House, READ and PASSED.
(1-2) The following Joint Order:
H.P. 2
ORDERED, the Senate concurring, that there be prepared by the Legislative Information Office, under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, after adjournment of the present session, a compilation of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve.
Comes from the House, READ and PASSED.