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First Special Session of the 122nd

H.P. 886 - L.D. 1289

An Act Allowing Spirits Tasting Events

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 28-A MRSA §709, sub-§2, ¶¶G and H, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, §4, is amended to read:

     Sec. 2. 28-A MRSA §709, sub-§2, ¶I is enacted to read:

     Sec. 3. 28-A MRSA §1051, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

     6. Spirits taste-testing events on retail licensee's premises. A distiller, licensed distilled spirits sales representative and the State's wholesale liquor provider, with

the written permission of the bureau, may rent or lease an area or room from an on-premises retail licensee for the purpose of inviting retail licensees to taste test spirits. Spirits taste-testing events must be conducted during hours that are authorized by the bureau for the sale of the product on the premises. The following conditions apply to all taste testing conducted under this subsection.

Effective September 17, 2005.

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