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First Regular Session of the 119th


     Sec. FF-1. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01


Provides funds for the salary and fringe benefits costs needed to establish one Senior Computer Programmer/Analyst position and one Legislative Analyst position effective October 1, 1999. All Other funds are provided for the partial restoration of the statutory length of the legislative session by one week for the Second Regular Session of the 119th Legislature and by 2 weeks for the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature.

Legislative Branchwide

Provides funds for costs related to the Legislature's computer migration project. To the extent possible, the migration to a client-server network must be undertaken in a manner that maintains the Legislature's current electronic access to executive branch systems.

Interstate Cooperation - Commission on

Provides additional funding for the commission.

LEGISLATURE ____________ ____________
TOTAL $1,571,517 $243,974
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL $1,571,517 $243,974

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