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First Regular Session of the 119th


     Sec. A-1. Supplemental appropriations from General Fund. There are appropriated from the General Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to the departments listed the following sums.

1999-00 2000-01

Bureau of Accounts and Control

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the transfer of 2 Programmer Analyst positions and one Senior Programmer Analyst position to the Information Services program. This deappropriation is to be offset by an appropriation to the Bureau of Accounts and Control System Project program in order to pay the Bureau of Information Services for the support of the central administrative system.

Bureau of Accounts and Control System Project

Provides for the appropriation of funds to be used for the payment of data processing charges related to the support of the central administrative system. This appropriation will be offset by a deappropriation of funds in the Bureau of Accounts and Control account through the transfer of 3 positions to the Information Services program.

Buildings and Grounds Operations

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the maintenance of the East Campus.

Capital Construction - Repairs Improve - Renovate State Facilities

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the costs of temporary relocations and moves associated with the reconstruction of the State House and the Tyson, Marquardt and State Office Buildings as well as the increased rent expenses at Edison Drive.

Debt Service - Government Facilities Authority

Provides for the appropriation of funds to pay debt service incurred by the Government Facilities Authority for the renovation of various state buildings and the construction and renovation of corrections facilities. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1585, the State Budget Officer shall calculate the amounts that apply against each agency based on the space occupied and the rental cost of that space and shall transfer the calculated amounts by financial order. These transfers are to be considered adjustments to appropriations and allocations. The State Budget Officer is authorized to adjust allotments by financial order in accounts in other funds to meet the additional rent expenditures.

Elderly Householders' Tax Refund

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to reflect the transfer of administrative expenses from this program to the Bureau of Revenue Services program.

Elderly Householders' Tax Refund

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Maine Residents Property Tax Program in order to merge the 2 programs.

Public Improvements - Planning/Construction - Admin

Provides for the appropriation of funds from the transfer of one Engineering Technician IV position and related All Other from the Public Improvements Safety and Environmental Services program, which is to be eliminated.

Public Improvements - Planning/Construction - Admin

Provides for the appropriation of funds to capitalize the Augusta Riverfront Improvement Authority and for the Augusta Arsenal Project. These funds will be transferred to the authority.

Public Improvements - Division of Safety and Environmental Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the transfer of one Engineering Technician IV position and related All Other to the Public Improvements Planning and Construction Administration account to implement the elimination of the Public Improvements - Division of Safety and Environmental Services program.

Division of Purchases

Provides for the appropriation of funds to develop request-for-proposal requirements and to purchase a client/server purchasing system with Internet interfaces.

Maine Residents Property Tax Program

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to reflect the transfer of administrative expenses from this program to the Bureau of Revenue Services program.

Maine Residents Property Tax Program

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Elderly Householders Tax Refund program to merge the 2 programs.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for administrative expenses through a transfer from the Maine Residents Property Tax and Elderly Householders Tax Refund programs.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds in Personal Services through the transfer of 9 positions to the Information Services program and for the reappropriation of funds in All Other in order to pay the costs associated with data processing services provided by the Bureau of Information Services. The positions are on file in the Bureau of the Budget.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 2 Data Entry Specialist positions, 3 Clerk IV positions, 8 Clerk III positions, 12 Clerk II positions, one Clerk Typist III position and 9 Clerk Typist II positions and related All Other to discontinue the outsourcing of various administrative functions. The bureau will phase in the transition to state-funded positions by January 2000.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 4 Tax Examiner positions, one Management Analyst I position and related All Other costs. The compliance unit positions will focus on nonfilers of individual income tax and IRS LP/EX audit program functions, resulting in an increase in General Fund revenue of $3,000,000 in fiscal year 2000-01.

Salary Plan

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the Salary Plan.

Buildings and Grounds Operations

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to reflect the elimination of contractual services provided for Blaine House operations.

Bureau of General Services - Capital Construction and Improvement Reserve Fund

Provides funds for the programming study, feasibility planning and design work in fiscal year 2000 for the new Forensic Unit. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services and the Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, working jointly, shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs by January 14, 2000 concerning the results of this study.

Homestead Property Tax Exemption Reimbursement

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to be replaced through the use of balance forward from fiscal year 1998-99.

Homestead Property Tax Exemption - Mandate Reimbursement

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to be replaced through the use of balance forward from fiscal year 1998-99.

Maine Residents Property Tax Program

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to be replaced through the use of balance forward from fiscal year 1998-99.

Maine Residents Property Tax Program

Provides for the deappropriation of funds no longer required based on an assessment of program needs.

Personal Property Tax Reform

Provides for the appropriation of funds to meet the ongoing costs of claims in the program.

Tree Growth Tax Reimbursement

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to be replaced through the use of balance forward from fiscal year 1998-99.

TOTAL 6,321,414 19,929,396
Division of Plant Industry

Provides for the appropriation of funds for participation in the centralized Licensing Service Center to provide seamless and automated licensing services that are Internet accessible.

Office of Planning, Policy, Legislation and Information Svcs

Provides for the appropriation of funds for participation in the centralized Licensing Service Center to provide seamless and automated licensing services that are Internet accessible.

Division of Market and Production Development

Provides for the appropriation of funds for increased effort in marketing for Maine agribusiness. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall submit reports on the effectiveness of these expenditures in improving agricultural marketing efforts to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and agriculture, conservation and forestry matters. The first report is due not later than January 14, 2000. The 2nd report is due not later than January 12, 2001.

AND RURAL RESOURCES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 253,586 253,573
Arts - Administration Program

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Arts - Sponsored program for the purpose of combining the 2 programs.

Arts - Sponsored Program

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Arts - Administration program for the purpose of combining the 2 programs.

MAINE ARTS COMMISSION ____________ ____________
Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Assistant Attorney General position and related All Other costs required to represent the Department of Corrections. Funds will be deappropriated from the Department of Corrections Northern Maine Juvenile Facility with the elimination of one Nurse II position to support this request.

Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one-time technology costs associated with the purchase of approximately 45 personal computers to replace outdated equipment.

Human Services Division

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 2 Assistant Attorney General positions and related costs to handle child protective cases.

DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ____________ ____________
TOTAL 254,900 168,711
Geological Survey

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a line-category transfer to support a cooperative agreement with the University of Maine System to share the cost of one Marine Geologist position, address grant matching requirements and support field work. One Marine Geologist position in this program is transferred to the University of Maine System.

DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION ____________ ____________
Administration - Corrections

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Agency Technology Officer position and one Information Systems Support Specialist II position, including the All Other costs to support these positions and to provide funds to develop an information system. The Agency Technology Officer position and the Information Systems Support Specialist II position start October 1, 1999.

Administration - Corrections

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Systems Analyst position, one Data Control Specialist position, One User Support Trainer position, one User Support Technician position and related All Other expenses. Included in the All Other are funds to continue the contract for a departmentwide technology master plan.

Correctional Center

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 14 Correctional Officer I positions, one Unit Manager position, one Staff Development IV position, one Correctional Maintenance Mechanic position, one Account Clerk I position, one Case Manager position, one Assistant Classification Officer position and one Industrial Shop Supervisor position. This request is for the staffing and operations of a new 100-bed female dormitory at the Maine Correctional Center. The Staff Development position will start October 1, 1999 while other positions will start during fiscal year 2000-01. The schedule of starting dates has been provided to the Bureau of the Budget.

Correctional Center

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one part-time Teacher position at the Maine Correctional Center due to reduced federal funding.

Correctional Center

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Vocational Trades Instructor position in fiscal year 2000-01 and to permit the continuation of the Computers for Schools program that was established with grant funds.

Juvenile Community Corrections

Provides for the appropriation of funds to permit the transfer of the Juvenile Community Corrections activities from the Probation and Parole program account. The adult and juvenile community corrections program activities have different operational requirements that makes it necessary for management to monitor them independently. The title Probation Officer will be replaced with that of Juvenile Community Corrections Officer for those officers working with juveniles.

Juvenile Community Corrections

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 17 positions to implement the Department of Corrections' plan for Juvenile Community Corrections: One Resource Coordinator position, one Victim Services Liaison position, 13 Juvenile Caseworker positions and 2 Clerk Typist II positions. Seven of the 13 Juvenile Caseworker positions take effect on January 1, 2001.

Northern Maine Juvenile Detention Facility

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish the Northern Maine Juvenile Facility. Establishes 3 positions in fiscal year 1999-00. Provides funding to reclassify 11 positions effective October 1, 1999. Eight of the 11 positions being reclassified are currently at Charleston Correctional Facility, and these positions will be transferred to the Northern Maine Juvenile Facility effective October 1, 1999. Establishes 111 additional positions in fiscal year 2000-01. Transfers 11 additional positions from the Charleston Correctional Facility to the Northern Maine Juvenile Facility in fiscal year 2000-01. Positions are on file with the Bureau of the Budget.

Northern Maine Juvenile Detention Facility

Provides for the deappropriation of funds from the elimination of one Nurse II position and all other expenses in order to provide the necessary headcount and funding to establish one Assistant Attorney General position in the Department of the Attorney General. This position will provide legal counsel to the Department of Corrections.

Probation and Parole

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the rental of space, cell phones and vehicle lease rentals for the adult probation program.

Probation and Parole

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to permit the transfer of the Juvenile Community Corrections activities from the Probation and Parole program into a separate program account for Juvenile Community Corrections. The differences between the adult probation and parole activities and the juvenile community corrections activities make it necessary to budget and manage these activities under separate program accounts. Position details are on file with the Bureau of the Budget.

Youth Center - Maine

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the establishment of the Southern Maine Juvenile Facility. Establishes 20.5 new positions as follows: effective October 1, 1999 - one Internal Investigator position, one Information System Support Specialist II position, one Juvenile Program Manager position, one Guidance Counselor position, one Special Education Director position, one Clerk Typist III position, one Training School Counselor Supervisor position, one Staff Development Specialist III position, one Psychologist II position; effective July 1, 2000 - 0.5 Chief Volunteer Services position, one Juvenile Program Manager position, one Clerk Typist III position, one Accountant III position, one Master Social Worker position; effective January 1, 2001 - one Building Control Specialist position, one Storekeeper I position, one Correctional Cook position, one Librarian II position; and effective May 1, 2001 - 3 Vocational Trades Instructor positions. Abolishes 40 positions as follows: effective October 1, 1999 - one Assistant to the Superintendent position, Maine Youth Center; effective July 1, 2000 - one Account Clerk I position, one Accountant II position; effective January 1, 2001 - one Correctional Maintenance Mechanic position, one Baker II position; effective June 15, 2001 - 8 Teacher positions, 5 Teacher Aide positions, one Food Service Worker position, one Institutional Clothing Supervisor position, one Correctional Caseworker position, 16 Training School Counselor I positions, one Clerk Typist II position, one Laborer II position and one Plumber II position.

Youth Center - Maine

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 12 intermittent Substitute Teacher positions (2,748 hours total). These services are currently provided through contractual services.

Youth Center - Maine

Provides for the deappropriations of funds from contracted health services. These services will be paid for by one-time money in the Maine Youth Center - Other Special Revenue fund account.

Charleston Correctional Facility

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to transfer 8 positions effective October 1, 1999 and an additional 11 positions after March 2001 to the Northern Maine Juvenile Facility as part of the department's reorganization plan. Positions are on file with the Bureau of the Budget.

Probation and Parole

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 8 Probation Officer positions and 2 Clerk Typist II positions to begin implementing the adult community corrections master plan. Six of the 8 Probation Officer positions will take effect July 1, 2000.

Youth Center - Maine

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Psychologist II position and provides funds in All Other to contract for psychiatric care, crisis intervention training and support, to enhance mental health services for juvenile offenders.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ____________ ____________
TOTAL 2,227,785 6,345,208
Administration - Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer of All Other grant funds for the Civil Air Patrol from the Department of Transportation, Administration - Aeronautics program, and increases the support for the Civil Air Patrol.

Administration - Maine Emergency Management Agency

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the elimination of the General Fund share of one Staff Development Specialist IV position and one Planning and Research Assistant position. Funding for these positions is no longer required due to a reduction in federal funding.

Veterans Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Clerk Typist III position, which is necessary to provide clerical support to the bureau field offices.

TOTAL 15,454 22,499
Administration - Economic and Community Development

Provides for the appropriation of funds from a transfer of funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership from the Maine Science and Technology Foundation.

TOTAL 620,000 620,000
Education In Unorganized Territory

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 6 seasonal part-time Teacher Aide positions (8,820 hours) to comply with student Individual Education Programs as required by Federal law. This request will be offset through the elimination of 2 Teacher positions and a deappropriation in the All Other line category to reflect the discontinuation of contracting for these services.

Education In Unorganized Territory

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the elimination of 2 Teacher positions and a reduction in the All Other line category for contractual services.

Education In Unorganized Territory

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 50 intermittent Substitute Teacher positions (2,314 hours), 10 intermittent Teacher Aide positions (300 hours), 30 intermittent Janitor/Bus Driver positions (1,800 hours) and 20 intermittent Cook positions (500 hours) to provide for essential substitute coverage on pupil days. This request will be offset through the elimination of 7 intermittent positions.

Education In Unorganized Territory

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the elimination of 4 intermittent Teacher positions, one intermittent Teacher Aide position, one intermittent Janitor/Bus Driver position and one intermittent Cook I position.

Governor Baxter School for the Deaf

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 3 Interpreter positions to relieve communication barriers at the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf.

Management Information Systems

Provides for the appropriation of funds for maintenance and network management of the ATM Distance Learning Network. The Commissioner of Education shall present a financial plan to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by January 14, 2000 that continues state support for the network without utilizing General Fund resources.

School Renovation

Provides for a one-time appropriation of funds for school renovations for the purpose of capitalizing a revolving school renovations fund. These funds are to be paid to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank in accordance with the following schedule: $10,000,000 on September 1, 1999 and $13,420,315 on January 1, 2000. Any balance remaining at the end of each fiscal year may not lapse but must be carried forward to be used for the same purpose.

Governor Baxter School for the Deaf

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the All Other line category to establish 3 part-time Teacher positions, one seasonal Occupational Therapist position (1,720 hours), one seasonal Nurse II position (1,720 hours), 2 seasonal part-time Information System Support Specialist II positions (1,720 hours), one seasonal part-time Teacher position (419 hours), 2 seasonal part-time Education Specialist II positions (1,720 hours), 3 seasonal part-time Teaching Assistant for the Deaf positions (1,290 hours), 10 intermittent Substitute Teacher positions (840 hours), and 4 intermittent Residential Advisor positions (860 hours) to reflect the elimination of contracts with individuals currently providing these services, and to provide for essential substitute coverage on pupil days.

Preschool Handicapped

Provides funds to meet projected needs in the program. If additional federal funds are received by this program in fiscal year 1999-00 or fiscal year 2000-01, to the extent possible, the additional federal funds must be used to supplant, rather than supplement, General Fund appropriations. The Commissioner of Education shall submit annual reports detailing program revenue and expenditures by funding source, and any General Fund balances remaining as a result of increased federal funding, to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs no later than January 14, 2000 and January 12, 2001.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 25,620,380 3,208,974
Administration - Environmental Protection

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the transfer of one Commissioner, Department of Environmental Protection position and one Senior Administrative Secretary position from the Administration - Environmental Protection program, Other Special Revenue.

TOTAL 135,499 145,499
Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the transfer of one Lobbyist Registrar position to the Other Special Revenue account.

Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the transfer of one Clerk Typist III position from the Other Special Revenue account.

AND ELECTION PRACTICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL (7,693) (6,544)
Blaine House

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one part-time Governor's Special Assistant position to assist in Blaine House operations. This request is offset through a reduction in contractual services in Building and Grounds Operations in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ____________ ____________
TOTAL 29,619 31,616
State Restoration Grants Program

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Historic Preservation Commission program for the purpose of combining the 2 programs.

Historic Preservation Commission

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the State Restoration Grants program for the purpose of combining the 2 programs.

Office of Management and Budget

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the transfer of a Fraud Investigator position from the Bureau of Family Independence.

Office of Management and Budget

Provides for the appropriation of funds to cover the cost of the food stamp adjustment due to the shift of common costs from TANF to food stamps based on changes in charges to programs from primary to benefiting.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to transfer a Fraud Investigator position to the Office of Management and Budget.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the appropriation of funds to increase the hours of a Fraud Investigator position from 21 to 40 hours to accomplish more timely investigations.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the appropriation of funds for legal immigrants for food stamps.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the appropriation of funds to cover the cost of the food stamp adjustment due to the shift of common costs from TANF to food stamps based on changes in charges to programs from primary to benefiting.

Congregate Housing

Provides funds for up to 3 new assisted living facilities in Maine to serve residents of low to moderate income. The Department of Human Services shall put these projects out to bid through a competitive request for proposal process.

Bureau of Elder and Adult Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to transfer home-based care funds to the Long-term Care - Human Services program.

Bureau of Elder and Adult Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds through the transfer of homemaker and elderly PSSP funds from the Bureau of Child and Family Services.

Bureau of Elder and Adult Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Comprehensive Health Planner I position to coordinate the adult protective services centralized intake unit. One Human Services Caseworker position will be eliminated to fund this position.

Bureau of Elder and Adult Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds from the elimination of one Human Services Caseworker position to fund one Comprehensive Health Planner position in this program.

Bureau of Family Independence - Regional

Provides for the appropriation of funds to cover the cost of the food stamp adjustment due to the shift of common costs from TANF to food stamps based on changes in charges to programs from primary to benefiting.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the appropriation of funds to pay back the milk handling tax to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Long-term Care - Human Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer of home-based care funds in the Bureau of Elder and Adult Services program.

Long-term Care - Human Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for home care services for elderly and disabled adults who are estimated to be on waiting lists as of July 1, 1999.

Nursing Facilities

Provides funds for the state share of a one-time supplemental payment to nursing facilities for the purpose of addressing the problem of recruitment and retention of nonadministrative staff.

Nursing Facilities

Provides funds for the state share of the cost of amending the Nursing Facility Principles of Reimbursement to address the increased operating costs of nursing facilities.

Medical Care - Payments to Providers

Provides for the appropriation of funds on a one-time basis to assist hospitals most severely affected by recent Medicaid payment reductions and by adverse economic conditions in their respective communities. Subject to review of the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, the Department of Human Services shall identify eligible providers and the apportionment of these funds. The Department of Human Services shall examine strategies that would support the long-term viability of the affected hospitals. The department shall hold public hearings in the course of the study as a means of gathering public input. The department shall report back its findings and any recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by January 14, 2000.

Office of Management and Budget Operations - Regional

Provides for the appropriation of funds to cover the costs of the food stamp adjustment due to the shift of common costs from TANF to food stamps based on changes in charges to programs from primary to benefiting.

Purchased Social Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to transfer homemaker and elderly PSSP funds to the Bureau of Elder and Adult Services.

Purchased Social Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the state share of the 2nd and 3rd year of a new initiative to reduce uninvestigated referrals. This request will result in $900,000 of General Fund revenue from Title IV-E reimbursements in fiscal year 1999-00 and fiscal year 2000-01. (See Part L, section 3.)

Service Center - Auditing, Contracting and Licensing

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the transfer of one Alcoholism Regional Planning Coordinator position and one Contract/Grant Specialist position to the Office of Substance Abuse in the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services.

Bureau of Child and Family Services - Regional

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 17 Human Services Aide II positions resulting from the transfer of All Other funds for contracted case management services deemed to have an employer/employee relationship.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Social Services Program Specialist I position, one Clerk Typist II position and one Management Analyst II position and contract for medical and quality improvement contract consultant services to further develop Medicaid managed care.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services for the purpose of providing mental health screening and assessment to children entering Department of Human Services custody in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Human Services.

Medical Care - Payments to Providers

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Bureau of Medical Services to establish one Social Services Program Specialist I position, one Clerk Typist II position and one Management Analyst II position and contract for medical and quality improvement contract consultant services to further develop Medicaid managed care.

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 11,155,165 13,166,833
Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Clerk Typist III position to provide clerical support currently supported by contract.

Licensing Services - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Provides for the appropriation of funds for 2 Clerk-Typist II positions to process and edit hunting and fishing licenses, which are currently supported by contract.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the State's share of 4 Judge positions for the District Courts. These positions are established in the Federal Expenditures Fund account.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 20 Assistant Clerk positions to support the 50 court houses throughout the State. Twelve positions will be funded 100% by the General Fund and 8 positions will be funded 1/3 by the General Fund and 2/3 by the Federal Expenditures Fund. The 8 positions will be devoted to the Family Division Program.

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT ____________ ____________
TOTAL 344,552 521,474
Labor Relations Board

Provides for the appropriation of funds to conduct rulemaking hearings.

Labor Relations Board

Provides for the appropriation of funds for a computerized stenographic machine and software.

Employment Services Activity

Provides for the appropriation of funds associated with allocated cost for apprenticeship activities. Twenty percent of an Administrative Secretary position and an Employment and Training Specialist IV position, 33 1/3% of a Division Director position and a full-time equivalent Employment and Training Specialist II position are transferred from the Federal Expenditures Fund of this same program.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish community centers for the deaf.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds to expand legal interpreting services to the deaf community.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ____________ ____________
TOTAL 258,130 248,831
Library Development Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Library Reader and Information Services program for the purpose of combining programs.

Library Reader and Information Services

Provides funds for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Library Development Services program for the purpose of combining programs.

Library Reader and Information Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the additional operating costs associated with MaineCat and Info Net updates.

MAINE STATE LIBRARY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 75,000 75,000
Division of Community Resource Development

Provides for the appropriation of funds to purchase a new global positioning system to assist in mapping for the watershed program.

Bureau Of Resource Management

Provides for the appropriation of funds for laboratory equipment for pathology studies.

Bureau of Resource Management

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the transfer of 2 Marine Resource Scientist I positions from the Bureau of Resource Management program, Federal Expenditures Fund, to improve research, monitoring and management of marine fisheries.

Bureau of Resource Management

Provides for the appropriation of funds to reorganize one Maintenance Mechanic position to a Boiler Engineer position to more appropriately address maintenance requirements in the Boothbay Harbor facility.

Bureau of Marine Patrol

Provides funds for 4 Marine Patrol Officer positions and related operating costs.

DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 299,089 286,880
Maritime Academy - Operations

Provides for the appropriation of funds to fund the institution's base budget in a manner consistent with other public higher education institutions.

MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 209,819 218,891
Administration - Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds through the transfer of one Social Service Program Manager position from the Office of Substance Abuse in order to reflect headcount in the appropriate program.

Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental Health Institute

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Mental Retardation Services - Community program for psychiatric services in the outpatient clinic.

Medicaid Services - Mental Retardation

Provides for the appropriation of funds through the transfer of funds from the Mental Retardation Services - Community program in order to reflect expenditures in the correct account.

Mental Health Services - Children

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Regional Administration program in order to reflect expenditures in the appropriate program.

Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Regional Administration program in order to reflect expenditures in the appropriate program.

Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the appropriation of funds to continue to honor commitments made in response to the Augusta Mental Health Consent Decree by replacing money previously funded by tax and match.

Mental Retardation Services - Community

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Regional Administration program in order to reflect expenditures in the appropriate program.

Mental Retardation Services - Community

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Disproportionate Share - Augusta Mental Health Institute program for psychiatric services at the outpatient clinic.

Mental Retardation Services - Community

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through the transfer to the Medicaid Services - Mental Retardation program in order to reflect expenditures in the correct account.

Regional Administration

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from Mental Retardation Services - Community, Mental Health Services - Community and Mental Health Services - Children programs in order to reflect expenditures in the appropriate program.

Office of Substance Abuse

Provides for the appropriation of funds through the transfer of one Alcoholism Regional Planning Coordinator position and one Contract and Grant Specialist position from the Department of Human Services, Auditing, Contracting and Licensing Service Center.

Office of Substance Abuse

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer of one Social Service Program Manager position to the Administration - Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services program in order to reflect headcount in the appropriate program.

Administration - Mental Health and Mental Retardation

All Other (36,388) (37,727)
Provides for the deappropriation of funds due to a reduction in contracted services.

Administration - Mental Health and Mental Retardation

Personal Services 45,176 47,355
Provides for the appropriation of funds through the transfer of one part-time Physician III position from the Mental Health Services - Community program in order to reflect headcount in the appropriate program.

Administration - Mental Health and Mental Retardation

Personal Services 281,001 142,589
Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish the following limited-period positions for the purpose of building a comprehensive and integrated database system: One Planning and Research Association I position, one Clerk Typist II position, one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Casework Supervisor position, 3 Intensive Case Manager positions and one Mental Health Program Coordinator position. These positions will end on December 31, 2000.


Personal Services (281,001) (142,589)
Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Administration - Mental Health and Mental Retardation program from various programs in order to fund limited-period positions needed to build a comprehensive and integrated database system.

Disproportionate Share - AMHI

TOTAL 135,199 138,445
Provides for the appropriation of funds for the state match of one Physician III position, one Nurse IV position and 2 part time Medical Care Coordinator positions for the dental clinic in Regions I and II.

Disproportionate Share - BMHI

All Other 12,653 12,920
Provides for the appropriation of funds for the continuation of the dental clinic in Region III.

Freeport Towne Square

Provides for the deappropriation of funds due to the elimination of one Mental Retardation Trainer position and one Manual Training Coordinator position.

Mental Health Services - Child Medicaid

Provides for the appropriation of state matching funds to develop system capacity to support children and their families in their communities.

Mental Health Services - Children

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Department of Human Services for the purpose of providing mental health screening and assessment to children entering the Department of Human Services custody in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Human Services.

Mental Health Services - Children

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Casework Supervisor position, one Psychiatric Social Worker II position and 4 Mental Health Program Coordinator positions to assess mental health needs of juveniles; to assist in development of mental health services; and to provide specialty evaluations and individual counseling as identified through the assessment process.

Mental Health Services - Children

Provides for the appropriation of funds to develop system capacity to support children and their families in their communities; and establishes one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Caseworker position, increases 2 part-time Mental Health - Mental Retardation Caseworker positions to full-time and reclassifies one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Caseworker position to one Mental Health Program Coordinator position.

Mental Retardation Services - Community

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 2 Staff Development Specialist IV positions to provide mandated training, under the Community Consent Decree, to staff, consumers, families and providers.

Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer of one part-time Physician III position to the Administration - Mental Health and Mental Retardation Program in order to reflect headcount in the appropriate program.

Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the appropriation of funds to meet the projected unmet services and support needs of Augusta Mental Health Institute Consent Decree class members.

Mental Retardation Services - Community

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish 6 1/2 Mental Health - Mental Retardation Caseworker positions and one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Casework Supervisor position that are needed for increased residential and day habilitation services for individuals with mental retardation who are not class members. This request is part of the 2-year phase-in of these services. The request will generate $218,627 in General Fund undedicated revenue in fiscal year 1999-00 and $300,139 in fiscal year 2000-01.

Disproportionate Share - BMHI

Provides for the deappropriation of state matching funds in order to transfer savings from one unit closure to the regional office for mental health services in northern and eastern Maine.

Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the appropriation of funds to establish one Mental Health - Mental Retardation Casework Supervisor position, 4 Intensive Case Manager positions and One Mental Health - Mental Retardation Caseworker position to provide mental health services in northern and eastern Maine. This request will generate $54,857 in General Fund revenue in fiscal year 1999-00 and $76,520 in fiscal year 2000-01.

Regional Administration

Provides for the appropriation of funds to transfer 2 Management Analyst II positions from Bangor Mental Health Institute to the regional offices in northern and eastern Maine. This request will generate $28,026 in General Fund revenue in fiscal year 1999-00 and $28,494 in fiscal year 2000-01.

TOTAL 8,120,745 8,715,653
Administration - Museum

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the establishment of 3 part-time Museum Technician I positions and 3 seasonal Museum Technician I positions to educate and safeguard visitors and to recruit and train volunteers for the purpose of enabling the museum to remain open 7 days per week.

Administration - Museum

Provides for the appropriation of funds through a transfer from the Research and Collection - Museum program and the Exhibit Design and Preparation program for the purpose of combining programs.

Exhibit Design and Preparation - Museum

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Administration - Museum program for the purpose of combining programs.

Research and Collection - Museum

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer to the Administration - Museum program for the purpose of combining programs.

Exhibit Design and Preparation - Museum

Provides for the appropriation of funds for replacement of the filter system for the trout stream within the natural history exhibit.

MAINE STATE MUSEUM ____________ ____________
TOTAL 61,758 72,981
Administration - Public Safety

Provides for the deappropriation of funds to permit the transfer of 7 positions from the liquor licensing function to the Bureau of Liquor Enforcement and eliminate one Public Safety Licensing Supervisor position. This request is necessary to align the department structure with authorizing statutes. Position detail is on file with the Bureau of the Budget.

Criminal Justice Academy

Provides for the appropriation of funds to reinstate the General Fund subsidy for operational and training costs associated with the Basic Police School, which was reduced by Public Law 1997, chapter 643, Part UU.

Liquor Enforcement

Provides for the appropriation of funds to permit the transfer of 7 positions and the liquor licensing function from Administration - Public Safety to the Bureau of Liquor Enforcement. This request is necessary to align the departmental functions with the authorizing statutes. Position detail is on file with the Bureau of the Budget.

State Police

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the purchase of 3 all-terrain vehicles necessary for mountain top radio repair maintenance and repair functions.

State Police

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the General Fund share of the transfer of one Forensic Chemist I position and one Clerk Typist III position and related costs from the Federal Expenditures Fund account to continue the DNA functions of the Maine State Police crime lab due to a reduction in federal grant funds.

Maine Drug Enforcement Agency

Provides for the appropriation of funds to continue the normal operation of the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency due to the reduction of revenue from forfeitures and to provide an additional state match for federal Department of Justice grants.

State Police

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the General Fund share of one Forensic Chemist II position, one DNA Forensic Analyst position and one Forensic Specialist position to support the DNA functions of the Maine State Police Crime Lab.

State Police

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the General Fund share of one Identification Specialist III position, one Identification Specialist II position, 2 Identification Specialist I positions, one Programmer Analyst position and one Management Analyst II position. These positions are required to service an increased demand for non-criminal justice background checks, to provide support necessary to maintain the Criminal History Records System, and to provide audit, training and validation services required by law.

State Police

Provides for the deappropriation of funds for the General Fund share of 7 vehicles in fiscal year 1999-00 in order to properly align the budget request for the purchase of these vehicles in fiscal year 2000-01.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 885,883 266,495
Maine Science and Technology Foundation

Provides for the deappropriation of funds for the transfer of funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership to the Department of Economic and Community Development.

TOTAL (620,000) (620,000)
Bureau of Administrative Services and Corporations

Provides for the appropriation of funds in order to combine several programs for the purpose of creating administrative efficiency.

Bureau of Administrative Services and Corporations

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Clerk Typist II position for the elections division.

Elections And Commissions

Provides for the deappropriation of funds in order to combine several programs for the purpose of creating administrative efficiency.

Office of the Secretary of State

Provides for the deappropriation of funds in order to combine several programs for the purpose of creating administrative efficiency.

DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ____________ ____________
St. Croix International Waterway Commission

Provides for the appropriation of funds to maintain part-time staff to meet the commission's legislated mandate and the matching fund commitments with New Brunswick.

TOTAL 15,000 15,000
Maine Technical College System - Board of Trustees

Provides for the appropriation of funds to fully fund the system's base budget request in order to enhance the affordability of higher education consistent with the Community College Partnership.

TOTAL 249,047 829,201
Administration - Aeronautics

Provides for the deappropriation of funds through a transfer of All Other grant funds for the Civil Air Patrol to the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, Administration program.

Highway and Bridge Improvement

Provides for the appropriation of funds for engineering services performed by department staff for projects financed through General Fund Obligation Bond funds.

Transportation Services

Provides for the appropriation of funds for the 10% state match for additional Federal Transit Administration funding provided with TEA-21.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 245,000 245,000
Education and General Activities - University of Maine System

Provides for the appropriation of funds to fully fund the system's base budget request in order to enhance affordability of higher education consistent with the Community College Partnership.

TOTAL 732,262 2,976,492
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 57,502,394 57,737,663

     Sec. A-2. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Federal Expenditures Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Food Assistance Program

Provides for the allocation of funds to allow the expenditure of a federal food assistance grant award.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Environmental Specialist IV position to the Pesticides Control program, Other Special Revenue.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the allocation of funds to purchase a special printer to directly print applicator and dealer licenses from the new License 2000 System.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the allocation of funds for the reorganization of one Planning and Research Associate I position to an Environmental Specialist III position to more appropriately address compliance activities, implement groundwater plans and promote integrated pest management and education for the general public.

TOTAL 12,404 1,941
Atlantic Salmon Authority

Provides for the allocation of funds for the transfer of one Biologist II position from this same program, Other Special Revenue.

ATLANTIC SALMON AUTHORITY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 55,255 55,912
Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the elimination of headcount through the transfer of one Assistant Attorney General position from the Federal Expenditures Fund to the same program in the Other Special Revenue fund.

DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ____________ ____________
Administration - Forestry

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Chief Planner position from the Administrative Services - Conservation program, Federal Expenditures Fund to coordinate the ice storm forest recovery program and existing cooperative forestry programs.

Administrative Services - Conservation

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Chief Planner position to the Administration - Forestry program Federal Expenditures Fund, to coordinate the ice storm recovery program and other existing cooperative forestry programs.

Administrative Services - Conservation

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one GIS Coordinator position to the Division of Forest Policy and Management program, Federal Expenditures Fund in accordance with the mission, terms and conditions of the grants and state and federal cooperative program agreements.

Division of Forest Policy and Management

Provides for the allocation of funds from the transfer of one GIS Coordinator position from the Administrative Services - Conservation program, Federal Expenditures Fund in accordance with the mission, terms and conditions of the grants and state and federal cooperative program agreements.

DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION ____________ ____________
Correctional Center

Provides for the deallocation of funds by reducing one Teacher position to a part-time position due to an anticipated reduction in federal funds.

Probation and Parole

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish 2 Probation Officer positions and related All Other expenses to support a domestic violence unit in Cumberland County from the Arrest Policy Grant.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ____________ ____________
TOTAL 88,368 83,088
Loring Rebuild Facility

Provides for the elimination of 2 Auto Mechanic I positions. The headcount will be used to establish 2 Military Firefighter positions in the Military Training and Operations program.

Military Training and Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds for the establishment of 2 Military Firefighter positions to meet federal standards.

Military Training and Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Environmental Specialist II position for the Air National Guard Bangor International Airport complex.

TOTAL 128,752 133,125
Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Education Specialist III position, one Education Specialist II position and one Secretary position to establish a statewide infrastructure for school health programs.

Learning Systems

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Education Specialist II position to the IDEA/School Age program.

Learning Systems

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer one Education Specialist III position to the IDEA/School Age program.

Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds to transfer one Education Specialist II position from the IDEA/Personnel Preparation account.

Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds to transfer one Education Specialist III position from the Assistance account to the Individuals with Disabilities account.

Learning Systems

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of 10% of one Director of Division of Special Services position and 5% of one Education Specialist III position to the IDEA/School Age program.

Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds to transfer 10% of one Director of Division of Special Services position and 5% of one Education Specialist III position from the Assistance account to the Individuals with Disabilities account.

Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds for the reorganization of one Clerk Stenographer II position to one Clerk Typist III position.

Learning Systems

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of 40% of one Education Specialist I position from Adult Education and 40% of the same position from Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology.

Learning Systems

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of 40% of one Education Specialist I position to the IDEA/School Age program.

Learning Systems

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of 40% of one Education Specialist I position to the IDEA/School Age program.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 141,728 148,961
Land and Water Quality

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Biologist I position and related costs from the Water Quality program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Performance Partnership Grant

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of 3 Conservation Aide positions and related costs from the Water Quality program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Water Quality

Provides for the deallocation of funds from the transfer of one Biologist I position and related costs to the Land and Water Quality program, Federal Expenditures Fund and 3 Conservation Aide positions and related costs to the Performance Partnership Grant program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Office of Management and Budget

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the loss of the federal share of food stamp common costs.

Bureau of Child and Family Services - Central

Provides for the allocation of funds for the cost of operation of the Maine Automated Child Welfare Information System (MACWIS).

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the allocation of federal matching funds to establish 16 Human Service Aide III positions to fully implement welfare reform.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the loss of the federal share of food stamp common costs.

Bureau of Family Independence - Regional

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the loss of the federal share of food stamp common costs.

Foster Care

Provides for the allocation of funds for the federal match on transportation and child-care costs associated with Title IV-E foster care revenue maximization.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Planning and Research Assistant position for the Department of Education and the Department of Human Services Infrastructure Grant.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Health Program Manager position, one Health Educator III position, 2 Medical Care Coordinator positions and one Clerk Typist II position in the Federal Project Grants account to support the Early, Periodic Screening and Detection Training/Immunization program.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the deallocation of funds from the transfer of one Paralegal Assistant position, one Geologist position, one Environmental Specialist II position, one Engineering Technician IV position and one Clerk Typist III position from the Federal Project Grants account to the Public Drinking Water Fund, Other Special Revenue.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds to purchase additional hardware and software to support the immunization registry (IMMPACT).

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Clerk Typist III position for support of the complaint intake unit and paralegal assistant services within the Division of Licensing and Certification. A Comprehensive Health Planner II position in the Bureau of Medical Services will be eliminated to provide the headcount for this position.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Nursing Education Consultant position for professional behavioral consultation services and behavioral crisis intervention for Maine long-term care facilities, including assisted living, within the Division of Licensing and Certification.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Auditor II position in the Division of Survey and Utilization Review to conduct on-site audits for health care providers for identifying fraud and abuse in the Maine Medicaid program.

Nursing Facilities

Provides for the allocation of federal matching funds to match General Fund appropriations in Part A, section 1.

Medical Care - Payments to Providers

Provides funds to match General Fund appropriations in Part A, section 1.

Office of Management and Budget Operations - Regional

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the loss of the federal share of food stamp common costs.

Foster Care

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish 10 Human Services Aide II positions resulting from the transfer of All Other funds for contracted case management services deemed to have an employer/employee relationship.

Bureau of Family Independence

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES). Most of these funds were originally allocated in fiscal year 1997-98 ($929,555) and in fiscal year 1998-99 ($1,333,970) and will be available for reallocation. The remaining balance requested is an additional allocation of $1,446,475.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds for the development and implementation of a birth defects monitoring program.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds through a transfer to the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services for the purpose of providing mental health screening and assessment to children entering Department of Human Services custody in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Human Services.

Bureau of Medical Services

Provides for the allocation of federal matching funds to establish 2 Public Health Nurse positions, one part-time Quality Assurance Program Manager position and one Management Analyst I position and contract for medical and quality improvement contract consultant services to further develop Medicaid managed care.

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 12,815,289 11,843,399
Enforcement Operations - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line-category transfer for this program's share of one Clerk-Typist II position established in the Support Landowners program to provide clerical support to the Support Landowners, Whitewater Rafting Fund and Hunter Safety programs currently provided by contract.

Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line-category transfer for the federal share of one Clerk Typist III position established in the Fisheries and Hatcheries Operations program, General Fund to provide clerical support currently provided by contract.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Federal Expenditures Fund share of 4 Judge positions established for the District Courts and provides for the related costs of these positions.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Federal Expenditures Fund share of 8 Assistant Clerk positions for the Family Division Program and related costs. The 8 positions will be funded 1/3 by the General Fund and 2/3 by the Federal Expenditures Fund.

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT ____________ ____________
TOTAL 477,602 663,707
Administration - Labor

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Publications Coordinator position and one Publications Designer position from the Employment Security Services program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Administration - Labor

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs of the department.

Administration - Labor

Provides for the allocation of funds for the transfer of one Computer Programmer position and one Programmer Analyst position from the Administration - Workers' Compensation Board program, Other Special Revenue.

Administration - Bureau of Labor Standards

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Employment Services Activity

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Employment Security Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Publications Coordinator position and one Publications Designer position to the Administration - Labor program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Employment Security Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Employment Security Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the elimination of 5 Claims Specialist positions.

Regulation and Enforcement

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Data Entry Specialist position to the Safety Education and Training program, Other Special Revenue.

Regulation and Enforcement

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for 2 Rehabilitation Counselor II positions due to increased caseloads.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Director, Division of Deafness position and related costs to coordinate and advocate for deafness services and to reestablish the registry of interpreters for the deaf.

Rehabilitation Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Assistant to the Director, Division of Deafness position and related costs to assist in advocating for and the development of deafness services.

Employment Services Activity

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the allocation of costs associated with apprenticeship activities. Twenty percent of an Administrative Secretary position and an Employment and Training Specialist IV position, 33 1/3% of a Division Director position and one full-time equivalent Employment and Training Specialist II position are allocated to the General Fund of this same program.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ____________ ____________
TOTAL 1,547,201 1,117,300
Bureau of Resource Management

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of 2 Marine Resource Scientist I positions to the Bureau of Resource Management program, General Fund, to provide research, monitoring and management of marine fisheries.

DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES ____________ ____________
TOTAL (100,267) (102,228)
Mental Health Services - Community

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue a statewide study of the effectiveness of 3 approaches to providing housing and support services to persons with severe and persistent mental illness.

Office of Substance Abuse

Provides for the allocation of funds to manage data collection and analyses for a federally funded research project.

Mental Health Services - Children

Provides for the allocation of funds through a transfer from the Department of Human Services for the purpose of providing mental health screening and assessment to children entering Department of Human Services custody in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Human Services.

TOTAL 384,350 134,908
Highway Safety - Department of Public Safety

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Field Examiner II position necessary to provide support in reviewing grant applications, requests for proposal development and grant administration.

State Police

Provides for the allocation of funds for the continuation of 7 limited-period Clerk II positions for the remainder of the federal fiscal period, necessary to complete criminal history record validations.

State Police

Provides for the elimination of one Senior Programmer Analyst position.

State Police

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Forensic Chemist I position and one Clerk Typist III position to the General Fund and Highway Fund State Police accounts to continue the DNA functions of the Maine State Police crime lab due to a reduction in federal grant funds.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 11,528 (46,248)
Transportation Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for additional federal funds within the Federal Transit Administration program for operating grants.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 1,000,000 1,000,000
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 16,562,210 15,033,865

     Sec. A-3. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from Other Special Revenue funds for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

Accident-Sickness-Health Insurance

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue one project Employee Benefits Technician position as established by Financial Order 2638 F9 through December 1, 1999.

Bureau of Accounts and Control

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Bureau of Accounts and Control Audit Recovery account to incur expenditures for contractual services, and related administrative expenses, to seek recovery of excess outlays by state government with the net proceeds of these recovered costs returned to the fund of origin.

Bureau of Accounts and Control - Systems Project

Provides for the allocation of funds for the costs of training sponsored by the Bureau of Accounts and Control.

Division of Financial and Personnel Services - Division of

Provides for the allocation of funds for the continuation of a limited period Management Analyst II position as established by Financial Order 2419 F9 to provide financial management of the State Office Building renovation, and other capital projects, through fiscal years 1999-00 and 2000-01, or until the bulk of the resources have been expended.

Lewiston Office Complex - Bureau of Public Improvements

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the elimination of one Building Custodian position and the transfer of All Other funds resulting from the elimination of the Lewiston Office Complex account to be absorbed into the Lease Operations Fund.

Public Improvements - Planning/Construction - Admin

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Architect position and one Air Quality Technician position and related All Other to support school renovation and construction.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for the establishment of the Revenue Services Taxpayer Education account from the balance of the conference account currently used for this purpose.

Bureau of Revenue Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for 3 Senior Tax Examiner positions, 16 Tax Examiner positions, 2 Clerk Typist III positions, 3 Clerk Typist II positions, and related All Other costs for the purpose of ending the outsourcing strategy for desk audits in sales and income tax.

Financial and Personnel Services - Division of

Provides for the allocation of funds to reflect the transfer of one Clerk Typist II position from the Bureau of Information Services. This position will be reorganized to support the fiscal and personnel functions of the Department.

TOTAL 419,689 432,311
Office of the Commissioner

Provides for the allocation of funds from rental income for maintenance and repairs of the Cony Road facility and for professional development utilizing interest from funds bequeathed to the department.

Office of Agricultural, Natural and Rural Resources

Provides for the allocation of funds for utilizing grants from nonfederal sources in conjunction with the nutrient management program.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Environmental Specialist IV position from the Pesticides Control - Board program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the allocation of funds for a Clerk Typist III position that was filled at a step higher than budgeted.

Board of Pesticides Control

Provides for the allocation of funds for participation in the centralized Licensing Service Center.

Division of Plant Industry

Provides for the allocation of funds for participation in the centralized Licensing Service Center to provide seamless, automated licensing services to the public that are Internet accessible.

Division of Market and Production Development

Provides for the allocation of funds to utilize interest earnings on the Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund to award grants in accordance with the statutory authority.

Rural Rehabilitation

Provides for the allocation of funds to the Rural Rehabilitation Operating Fund to be used for the administrative expenses associated with the Rural Rehabilitation Trust Fund.

TOTAL 371,188 371,056
Atlantic Salmon Authority

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Biologist II position to the Federal Expenditures Fund of this same program.

ATLANTIC SALMON AUTHORITY ____________ ____________
TOTAL (55,255) (55,912)
Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Assistant Attorney General position and related costs to represent the Department of Administrative and Financial Services specifically for legal work relating to state contracts and leases.

Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Assistant Attorney General position and related costs to represent the Department of Public Safety.

Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Assistant Attorney General position and related costs to handle employment discrimination cases.

Administration - Attorney General

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one limited-period Assistant Attorney General position and related costs to handle workers' compensation cases. The position will have an end date of June 8, 2001.

Human Services Division

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Legal Secretary position and related costs to provide support for child protective cases.

DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ____________ ____________
TOTAL 268,466 261,290
Baxter State Park Authority

Provides for the allocation of funds to increase by 240 hours each per year 4 seasonal Gate Keeper positions, to increase by 240 hours per year one seasonal Park Ranger position and to increase by 60 hours per year each 2 Campground Attendant positions.

BAXTER STATE PARK AUTHORITY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 19,054 19,204
Forest Recreation Resource Fund

Provides for the allocation of funds to extend one Assistant Park Ranger position from 320 FTE hours to 640 FTE hours to monitor and maintain a picnic and viewing site and whitewater rafting site.

Insect And Disease Management

Provides for the allocation of funds to extend one half-time project Entomology Technician position to carry out a grant received from the Outdoor Heritage Fund. The position is authorized in Public Law 1997, chapter 643, Part A, section 4 and needs to be extended through December 1999.

Land Management and Planning

Provides for the allocation of funds to increase one Clerk Typist III position from 30 to 40 hours per week to address clerical needs.

Land Management and Planning

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Land Acquisition Specialist position to administer property record management and land acquisition related activities.

Land Management and Planning

Provides for the allocation of funds to extend two Park Ranger positions from 18 to 26 weeks (an increase of 640 FTE hours) and for overtime costs during the heavy use park season.

Maine State Parks Development Fund

Provides for the allocation of funds related to the Maine State Parks and Recreational Facilities Development Fund.

Off-road Recreational Vehicles Program

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer to establish one 465-FTE-hour Clerk Typist II position to provide clerical support to this program.

DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 177,125 170,603
Vocational Training and Industries Program

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the elimination of one Vocational Trades Instructor position.

Corrections - Administration

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Director of Correctional Industries position to coordinate industries statewide for the department.

Youth Center - Maine

Provides for the allocation of funds to contract for health services.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ____________ ____________
TOTAL 131,102 2,007
Administrative Service Center

Provides for the allocation of funds for one intermittent Management Analyst II position, one intermittent Accountant III position and 2 intermittent Account Clerk II positions to process and report U.S. Forestry Service grant funds for the Ice Storm Recovery Project. These positions will end no later than the end of fiscal year 2000-01.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer to increase one Conservation Aide position from 640 FTE hours to full time to improve oil spill tracking and reimbursement.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for field equipment, building improvements and office equipment related to the Uncontrolled Sites Fund.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for field and office equipment to carry out the requirements of the Groundwater Oil Clean-up Fund.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for field and office equipment to carry out hazardous waste management requirements.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for office equipment, building improvements and field equipment to carry out the requirements of the Surface Oil Clean-up Fund.

Remediation And Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Programmer Analyst position and 2 GIS Coordinator positions and related costs to provide more effective licensing and remediation actions. These positions terminate at the end of state fiscal year 2000-01.

Administration - Environmental Protection

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Commissioner, Environmental Protection position and one Senior Administrative Secretary position to the Administration - Environmental Protection program, General Fund.

Land and Water Quality

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Environmental Specialist II position to the Maine Environmental Protection Fund program, Other Special Revenue to be reorganized as 3 Conservation Aide positions.

Maine Environmental Protection Fund

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Environmental Specialist II position from the Land and Water Quality program, Other Special Revenue to be reorganized as 3 seasonal Conservation Aide positions (2,080 FTE hours).

Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management

Provides for the allocation of funds relating to recoveries of spill-related clean-up costs associated with leaking underground storage tanks, to be used for the same purpose pursuant to federal requirements.

TOTAL 1,090,205 598,248
Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Clerk Typist III position to the General Fund account.

Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the allocation of funds for the transfer of one Lobbyist Registrar position from the General Fund account.

Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the allocation of funds for the establishment of one Auditor II position to implement the statutory mandate to provide an alternative campaign financing option for year 2000 elections.

Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

Provides for the allocation of funds for one Accountant II position to implement the statutory mandate to provide an alternative campaign financing option for year 2000 elections.

TOTAL 93,589 92,769
Historic Preservation Commission

Provides for the allocation of funds for 12 seasonal Museum Technician I positions (12,480 hours) and 2 seasonal Museum Technician III positions (2080 hours) established as limited period positions on financial order 002381F, to assess the archaeological impact of all federally funded Department of Transportation projects.

Office of Management and Budget

Provides for the allocation of funds from the transfer of one part-time Clerk Typist II position from the Bureau of Medical Services.

Bureau of Child and Family Services - Central

Provides for the allocation of funds for the state share of costs for the MACWIS system including software maintenance and system enhancements and operational expense.

Bureau of Family Independence - Central

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish 8 Enforcement Agent positions to fully implement federal welfare reform.

Drinking Water Enforcement

Provides for the allocation of funds due to the transfer of one Paralegal Assistant position, one Geologist position, one Environmental Specialist II position, one Engineering Technician IV position and one Clerk Typist III position from the Federal Project Grants account to the Public Drinking Water Fund.

Foster Care

Provides for the allocation of federal matching funds for the 2nd and 3rd years of a new initiative to reduce uninvestigated referrals.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the deallocation of funds to transfer one Health Program Manager position from the Special Revenue Health account to the Plumbing Control Program account.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Toxicologist position in the Special Revenue Health account to meet demands for more risk assessments, site evaluations and setting of maximum exposure guidelines.

Bureau Of Medical Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the elimination of a Comprehensive Health Planner II position.

Bureau Of Medical Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the transfer of one part-time Clerk Typist II position to the Office of Management and Budget.

Control Over Plumbing

Provides for the allocation of funds from the transfer of one Health Program Manager position from the Special Revenue Health account.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Provides for the allocation of funds from increased child support collections due to complete implementation of federal welfare reform that mandates the establishment and enforcement of medical and child support obligations.

Bureau of Family Independence

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES). These funds were originally allocated in fiscal year 1997-98 ($1,000,000) and in fiscal year 1998-99 ($2,000,000) and will be available for reallocation.

Purchased Social Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to support the AmeriCorps Promise Fellows grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service.

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 7,299,801 8,561,830
Office of the Commissioner - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Provides for the allocation of funds for activities to promote fisheries and wildlife resources and hunting and fishing in Maine.

Administrative Services - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Provides for the allocation of funds for an Accountant I position to administer grants and contracts under the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund program and provide accounting services to the department. Costs are shared with the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund program.

Endangered Nongame Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Biologist I position to inventory rare and endangered wildlife in each of the State's 17 ecoregions.

Endangered Nongame Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Biologist I position to assist in managing databases and in the development and standardization of other wildlife databases.

Endangered Nongame Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer to establish one Biologist I position to continue reviewing and updating population surveys of native bird populations currently provided by contract.

Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer for this program's share of one Accountant I position established in the Administrative Services - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife program, to administer grants and contracts under the Outdoor Heritage Program and provide accounting services to the department currently provided by contract.

Support Landowners Program

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer for this program's share of one Clerk Typist II position to provide clerical support to the Support Landowners, Whitewater Rafting Fund and Hunter Safety programs currently provided by contract.

Whitewater Rafting - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Provides for the allocation of funds through a line category transfer for this program's share of one Clerk Typist II position established in the Support Landowners program to provide clerical support to the Support Landowners, Whitewater Rafting Fund and Hunter Safety programs currently provided by contract.

TOTAL 85,838 89,444
Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds for position reclassifications determined through a compensation study that was negotiated through the collective bargaining process consistent with other comparable classification adjustments.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds for position reclassifications determined through a compensation study that was negotiated through the collective bargaining process consistent with other comparable classification adjustments.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds for position reclassifications determined through a compensation study that was negotiated through the collective bargaining process consistent with other comparable classification adjustments.

Courts - Supreme, Superior, District and Administrative

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue one limited-period Attorney position established by financial order in fiscal year 1998-99, to serve in the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and to provide funds for related All Other expenses. This position will end on June 15, 2001.

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT ____________ ____________
TOTAL 57,614 64,374

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment needs.

Employment Security Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

Safety Education and Training Programs

Provides for the allocation of funds to transfer one Data Entry Specialist position from the Regulation and Enforcement program, Federal Expenditures Fund.

Safety Education and Training Programs

Provides for the allocation of funds for equipment and building improvement needs.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ____________ ____________
TOTAL 147,558 146,799
Division of Administrative Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to receive and expend privately or publicly awarded resources.

Bureau Of Resource Management

Provides for the allocation of funds to reorganize one Marine Resource Scientist I position from half to full time to improve management of the sea urchin fishery data.

Bureau of Resource Management

Provides for the deallocation of funds from the elimination of one 1040-FTE-hour Marine Resource Scientist I position.

Bureau of Resource Management

Provides for the allocation of funds to reorganize one Marine Resource Technician position to a Marine Resource Specialist I position to meet increased levels of responsibility.

Division of Administrative Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Senior Planner position to review license applications and documentation pursuant to Public Law 1997, chapter 693 that establishes eligibility requirements in a marine fishery. This position is funded with revenue from the Lobster Management - Admin account, Eel and Elver Management Fund and the Sea Urchin Research Fund.

Marine Patrol - Bureau of

Provides for the deallocation of funds to reduce one Clerk Typist II position from full time to part time to more appropriately align work assignments and responsibilities.

Marine Patrol - Bureau of

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish 1/2-time Clerk Typist II position to more appropriately align work assignments and responsibilities.

DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 105,541 104,350
Augusta Mental Health Institute

Provides for the allocation of funds for psychiatric services in the outpatient clinic.

Augusta Mental Health Institute

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue one Physician III position, one Nurse IV position and 2 part-time Medical Care Coordinator positions for the dental clinic in Regions I and II.

Bangor Mental Health Institute

Provides for the allocation of funds for the continuation of the dental clinic in Region III.

Disproportionate Share - Bangor Mental Health Institute

Provides for the elimination of one Habilitation Aide position.

Bangor Mental Health Institute

Provides for the deallocation of funds in order to transfer savings to the regional system by transferring 2 Management Analyst II positions to Regional Administration and eliminating one Director of Administrative Services position, one Food Services Worker position, one Librarian I position, one Teacher Aide Institution position, one Assistant Team Leader position, 3 Mental Health Worker I positions, one Institutional Custodial Worker position, one Occupational Therapy Assistant position, one part-time Custodial Worker II position and one Painter position.

TOTAL (162,623) (169,337)
Bureau of Banking

Provides for the allocation of funds for salary, benefits and support costs of 2 Senior Securities Specialist positions.

Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

Provides for the allocation of funds for the increase in the number of part-time hours by 456 hours for a Clerk Typist I position.

TOTAL 96,964 101,356

Provides for the deallocation of funds to permit the transfer of the licensing and inspection functions to the Licensing and Enforcement - Beano and Games and to the State Fire Marshal's Office program in order to align departmental structure to authorizing statutes.


Provides for the elimination of one Public Safety Inspector I position.

Emergency Services Communication Bureau

Provides for the allocation of funds for the continuation of 2 limited period positions, one Staff Development Coordinator and one Director, Special Projects. These positions were established by Financial Orders 2383 F9 and 2384 F9.

Office of Fire Marshal

Provides for the allocation of funds to permit the transfer of licensing and inspection functions to the State Fire Marshal's Office that is necessary to align departmental structure to authorizing statutes.

Licensing And Enforcement

Provides for the allocation of funds to permit the transfer in of the licensing functions to Licensing and Enforcement - Beano and Games that is necessary to align departmental structure to authorizing statutes.

Office of Fire Marshal

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish one Public Safety Inspector I position necessary to reduce inspection backlogs.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 224,523 227,634
Administration - Archives

Provides for the appropriation of funds to continue one project Clerk Typist II position as established by Financial Order 2642 F9 through September, 1999.

DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ____________ ____________
TOTAL 5,685 0

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Computer Programmer position and one Programmer Analyst position to the Department of Labor and for the costs associated with contracting for these programming services.

Administration - Workers' Compensation Board

Provides for the allocation of funds for 3 positions in the Worker Advocate program. These positions are currently authorized and will be funded through the use of cash reserves.

Administration - Workers' Compensation Board

Provides for the deallocation of funds as a result of efficiencies and streamlining identified by the Workers' Compensation Board for the purpose of complying with assessment limitations in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 39-A, section 154, subsection 6. The Workers' Compensation Board is authorized to transfer, by financial order, these savings between the Personal Services and All Other line categories within the Administration - Workers' Compensation Board program.

Administration - Workers' Compensation Board

Provides for the allocation of funds for the range change of 3 Deputy Directors from range 82 to range 85.

WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD ____________ ____________
TOTAL 242,062 0
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 10,618,126 11,018,026

     Sec. A-4. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Federal Block Grant Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Corrections - Administration

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue funding of 3 positions established in fiscal year 1998-99 and related All Other funds including funding for technology and programming, which will be used to develop programs in juvenile justice.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ____________ ____________
TOTAL 1,884,000 1,884,000
Central Bureau of Child and Family Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds due to the transfer of one Management Analyst II position to the Social Services Block Grant Purchased Services account.

Child Care Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds from the transfer of 2 Community Careworker positions, one Planning and Research Associate I position and one Social Services Program Specialist II position to the Auditing, Contracting and Licensing Service Center Block Grant account.

Dental Disease Prevention

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of a Clerk Typist II position from the Oral Health Program to support Bureau of Health administrative activities.

Bureau of Health

Provides for the allocation of funds for the transfer of one Clerk Typist II position from the Oral Health Program to support Bureau of Health administrative activities.

Purchased Social Services

Provides for the allocation of funds from the transfer of one Management Analyst II position from the Bureau of Child and Family Services Block Grant account.

Auditing, Contracting and Licensing Service Center

Provides for the allocation of funds from the transfer of 2 Community Careworker positions, one Planning and Research Associate I position and one Social Services Program Specialist II position from the Child Care Development Fund Block Grant account.

Auditing, Contracting and Licensing Service Center

Provides for the deallocation of funds through the transfer of one Drug/Alcohol Research Analyst position to the Office of Substance Abuse in the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services.

Additional Support for Persons in Retraining and Employment

Provides for the allocation of funds to establish 6 Human Services Aide III positions resulting from the transfer of All Other funds for contracted case management services that have an employer/employee relationship.

Additional Support for Persons in Retraining and Employment

Provides for the allocation of funds from the balance brought forward from fiscal year 1997-98 for ASPIRE-TANF to cover the expansion of transitional child care for working TANF families who voluntarily withdraw from the TANF benefit program, and the increased cost of support services and child care services due to policy changes.

Bureau of Family Independence

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES). These funds were originally allocated in fiscal year 1997-98 ($4,850,000) and in fiscal year 1998-99 ($884,180) and will be available for reallocation.

Bureau of Family Independence - Regional

Provides for the allocation of funds from the balance brought forward from fiscal year 1997-98 to be used for data processing and computer costs in the regional offices related to the Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES).

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Provides for the allocation of funds from the balance brought forward from fiscal year 1997-98 in the TANF Block Grant benefits into fiscal year 1999-00 to provide for cost-of-living benefit adjustments and similar treatment of earned income statewide.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Provides for the allocation of funds into the TANF Block Grant account in fiscal year 2000-01 from the balance brought forward from fiscal year 1997-98 in the ASPIRE Block Grant account to provide for cost-of-living benefit adjustments and similar treatment of earned income statewide.

DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL 9,910,644 4,360,532
Office of Substance Abuse

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Drug/Alcohol Research Analyst position from the Department of Human Services, Audit, Contracting and Licensing Service Center.

Office of Substance Abuse

Provides for the allocation of funds as a result of an increase in the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment block grant for the purpose of providing substance abuse services.

TOTAL 933,191 933,191
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 12,727,835 7,177,723

     Sec. A-5. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Office of Information Services Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Information Services

Provides for the allocation of funds to reflect the transfer of 2 Programmer Analyst positions and one Senior Programmer Analyst position from the Bureau of Accounts and Control.

Information Services

Provides for the allocation of funds for the continuation of 2 limited-period GIS Coordinator positions and 6 limited-period Cartographer position as established by Financial Order 2418 F9 to aid in the establishment of the enhanced 911 system. Three of the Cartographer positions will be terminated December 31, 1999. The remainder of the positions will end June 30, 2001.

Information Services

Provides for the allocation of funds through the transfer of one Tax Examiner position, one Accountant I position, 3 Information Systems Support Technician positions, 2 Information System Support Specialist II positions, one Information System Support Manager position and one Information System Support Specialist position from the Bureau of Revenue Services program.

Information Services

Provides for the deallocation of funds to reflect the transfer of one Clerk Typist II position no longer required for operations in the Bureau of Information Services to the Division of Financial and Personnel Services.

TOTAL 791,283 767,414
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 791,283 767,414

     Sec. A-6. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Risk Management Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Claims Risk Management

Provides for the allocation of funds for the establishment of one Claims Manager position and the elimination of one Clerk Typist II position.

Administration - Risk Management

Provides for the allocation of funds to pay for the costs associated with an Assistant Attorney General to handle employment discrimination cases.

TOTAL 72,873 72,389
SECTION ____________ ____________

     Sec. A-7. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Workers' Compensation Management Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Workers' Compensation Management Fund Program

Provides for the allocation of funds to continue one project Employee Benefits Technician position established by Financial Order 2637 F9 to December 1, 1999.

Administration - Workers' Compensation

Provides for the allocation of funds to pay for the costs associated with a Limited-period Assistant Attorney General position to handle workers' compensation cases.

TOTAL 76,781 57,045
SECTION ____________ ____________

     Sec. A-8. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Real Property Lease Internal Service Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Buildings and Grounds Operations

Provides for the allocation of funds for the operation of the Lewiston Office Complex that is to be eliminated as a separate operation account and absorbed into the Lease Operations Fund.

TOTAL 583,914 592,693
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 583,914 592,693

     Sec. A-9. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Island Ferry Services Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

Island Ferry Service

Provides for the allocation of funds to provide for the cost of barging highway materials to the islands serviced by the Maine State Ferry Service.

Island Ferry Service

TOTAL 66,461 67,451
Provides for the allocation of funds for one Ferry Service Terminal Agent position, one part-time Ferry Service Terminal Agent position, 1,040 hours, and 2 seasonal Ferry Service Terminal Agent positions, 2,600 hours, to provide additional staffing at the terminals in Rockland and Islesboro.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ____________ ____________
TOTAL 116,461 117,451
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 116,461 117,451

     Sec. A-10. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Highway Fund for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 to carry out the purposes of this Part.

1999-00 2000-01

State Police

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Highway Fund share of one Forensic Chemist II position, one DNA Forensic Analyst position and one Forensic Specialist position to support the DNA function of the Maine State Police Crime Laboratory.

State Police

Provides for the deallocation of funds for the Highway Fund share of 7 vehicles in fiscal year 1999-00 in order to properly align budget request for the purchase of these vehicles in fiscal year 2000-01.

State Police

Provides for the allocation of funds for the Highway Fund share of one Identification Specialist III position, one Identification Specialist II position, 2 Identification Specialist I positions, one Programmer Analyst position and one Management Analyst II position. These positions are required to service an increased demand for noncriminal justice background checks, to provide support necessary to maintain the criminal history records system, and to provide audit, training and validation services required by law.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ____________ ____________
TOTAL 107,259 336,687
SECTION ____________ ____________
TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 107,259 336,687

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