S.P. 223 - L.D. 682
Resolve, Authorizing the State Tax Assessor to Convey the Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the Unorganized Territory
Sec. 1. State Tax Assessor authorized to convey real estate. Resolved: That the State Tax Assessor is authorized to convey by sale the interest of the State in real estate in the Unorganized Territory as indicated in this resolve. The sale, except as otherwise directed in this resolve, must be made to the highest bidder subject to the following provisions:
1. Notice of the sale must be published 3 times prior to the sale, once each week for 3 consecutive weeks in some newspaper in the county where the real estate lies; except in those cases in which the sale is to be made to a specific individual or individuals as authorized in this resolve, in which case notice need not be published; and
2. A parcel may not be sold for less than the amount as authorized in this resolve. If identical high bids are received, the bid postmarked with the earliest date is considered the highest bid.
If bids in the minimum amount recommended in this resolve are not received after the notice, the State Tax Assessor may sell the property for not less than the minimum amount, without again asking for bids, if the property is sold on or before March 1, 1998.
Employees of the Bureau of Taxation and members of the immediate family of employees of the Bureau of Taxation are barred from acquiring from the State any of the real property subject to this resolve.
The State Tax Assessor, upon receipt of payment as specified in this resolve, shall record the deed in the appropriate registry at no additional charge to the purchaser before sending the deed to the purchaser.
Abbreviations, plan and lot references are identified in the 1994 State Valuation.
T17 R4 WELS, Aroostook County
Map AR021, Plan 02, Lot 18 038980376
Wilma Ely, Trustee
U/D/T 0.23 Acres
1994 $13.28
1995 12.66
1996 5.50
1997 (estimated) 5.50
Estimated Total Taxes $36.94
Interest 2.84
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $63.78
Recommendation: Sell to Wilma Ely, Trustee U/D/T for $63.78. If she does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $75.00.
TC R2 WELS, Aroostook County
Map AR002, Plan 01, Lot 1 loc GG 038140013
Peter Foster, Sr. Building on leased land
1994 $21.15
1995 20.17
1996 17.52
1997 (estimated) 17.52
Estimated Total Taxes $76.36
Interest 4.53
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $104.89
Recommendation: Sell to Peter Foster, Sr. for $104.89. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $125.00.
T11 R4 WELS, Aroostook County
Map AR019, Plan 02, Lot 36 038330167
John Nelson Building on leased land
1994 $41.24
1995 39.33
1996 50.80
1997 (estimated) 50.80
Estimated Total Taxes $182.17
Interest 8.85
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $215.02
Recommendation: Sell to John Nelson for $215.02. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $225.00.
E Township, Aroostook County
Map AR108, Plan 02, Lot 35 031600053
George Patterson 1.00 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $30.98
1995 29.54
1996 23.46
1997 (estimated) 23.46
Estimated Total Taxes $107.44
Interest 6.65
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $138.09
Recommendation: Sell to George Patterson for $138.09. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $150.00.
Silver Ridge, Aroostook County
Map AR106, Plan 01, Lot 4.1 038090167
Charlie Qualey Building on leased land
1994 $68.85
1995 65.66
1996 57.03
1997 (estimated) 57.03
Estimated Total Taxes $248.57
Interest 14.79
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $287.36
Recommendation: Sell to Charlie Qualey for $287.36. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $300.00.
T3 R2 WELS, Aroostook County
Map AR004, Plan 01, Lot 5.1 038050001
Bernard Webb Building on leased land
1994 $73.19
1995 69.80
1996 71.03
1997 (estimated) 71.03
Estimated Total Taxes $285.05
Interest 15.72
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $324.77
Recommendation: Sell to Bernard Webb for $324.77. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $350.00.
Salem Township, Franklin County
Map FR027, Plan 01, Lot 18.1 078200020
David J. Boynton 109.95 Acres
1993 $364.66
1994 344.45
1995 351.99
1996 301.31
1997 (estimated) 301.31
Estimated Total Taxes $1,663.72
Interest 170.82
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,874.54
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $1,874.54. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,900.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 105 078080038
David J. Boynton 114.03 Acres
1993 $396.82
1994 374.84
1995 393.03
1996 239.89
1997 (estimated) 239.89
Estimated Total Taxes $1,644.47
Interest 185.93
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,870.40
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $1,870.40. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,875.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 7 078080036
David J. Boynton 38.42 Acres
1993 $174.23
1994 164.58
1995 168.18
1996 143.97
1997 (estimated) 143.97
Estimated Total Taxes $794.93
Interest 81.76
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $916.69
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $916.69. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $925.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 66 078080037
David J. Boynton 42.2 Acres
1993 $147.40
1994 139.23
1995 142.28
1996 121.79
1997 (estimated) 121.79
Estimated Total Taxes $672.49
Interest 68.99
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $781.48
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $781.48. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $800.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 115 078080040
David J. Boynton 51.71 Acres
1993 $209.59
1994 197.98
1995 202.31
1996 173.18
1997 (estimated) 173.18
Estimated Total Taxes $956.24
Interest 98.15
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,094.39
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $1,094.39. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,100.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 2 078080035
David J. Boynton 28.34 Acres
1993 $147.40
1994 139.23
1995 142.28
1996 121.79
1997 (estimated) 121.79
Estimated Total Taxes $672.49
Interest 68.99
Costs 32.00
Deed 8.00
Total $781.48
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $781.48. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $800.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 65 078080496
David J. Boynton 20.9 Acres
1992 $145.81
1993 148.89
1994 140.64
1995 143.71
1996 123.02
1997 (estimated) 123.02
Estimated Total Taxes $825.09
Interest 109.48
Costs 48.00
Deed 8.00
Total $990.57
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $990.57. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,000.00.
Freeman Township, Franklin County
Map FR025, Plan 01, Lot 65.2 078080497
David J. Boynton 6.5 Acres
1992 $108.26
1993 110.55
1994 104.42
1995 106.71
1996 91.34
1997 (estimated) 91.34
Estimated Total Taxes $612.62
Interest 76.17
Costs 48.00
Deed 8.00
Total $744.79
Recommendation: Sell to David J. Boynton for $744.79. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $750.00.
T8 SD, Hancock County
Map HA004, Plan 03, Lot 26 098040078
John Kuper 0.25 Acre
1994 $7.30
1995 16.14
1996 5.53
1997 (estimated) 5.53
Estimated Total Taxes $34.50
Interest 2.06
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $60.56
Recommendation: Sell to John Kuper for $60.56. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $75.00.
Albany Township, Oxford County
Map OX016, Plan 01, Lot 63 178020089
Thomas A. Murray, Jr. 0.50 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $33.94
1995 40.35
1996 15.13
1997 (estimated) 15.13
Estimated Total Taxes $104.55
Interest 7.73
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $136.28
Recommendation: Sell to Thomas A. Murray Jr. for $136.28. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $150.00.
Kingman Township, Penobscot County
Map PE036, Plan 03, Lots 41 and 42 198080215
Dwight R. Fahey 0.25 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $273.66
1995 232.41
1996 176.36
1997 (estimated) 176.36
Estimated Total Taxes $858.79
Interest 57.23
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $940.02
Recommendation: Sell to Dwight R. Fahey for $940.02. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $950.00.
Prentiss Township, Penobscot County
Map PE038, Plan 03, Lot 22 195400077
James A. and Jill M. Moffett 48.00 Acres
1994 $129.19
1995 269.22
1996 275.42
1997 (estimated) 275.42
Estimated Total Taxes $949.25
Interest 35.79
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,009.04
Recommendation: Sell to James A. and Jill M. Moffett for $1,009.04. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the ef
Greenfield Township, Penobscot County
Map PE039, Plan 11, Lot 2a 192700362
Robert Moleon 5.29 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $212.77
1995 180.69
1996 185.82
1997 (estimated) 185.82
Estimated Total Taxes $765.10
Interest 44.50
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $833.60
Recommendation: Sell to Robert Moleon for $833.60. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $850.00.
T2 R6 WELS, Penobscot County
Map PE008, Plan 01, Lot 30 198030021
Robert Moleon 368.86 Acres
1994 $1,278.30
1995 213.75
1996 336.63
1997 (estimated) 336.63
Estimated Total Taxes $2,165.31
Interest 219.41
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $2,408.72
Recommendation: Sell to Robert Moleon for $2,408.72. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $2,425.00.
Greenfield Township, Penobscot County
Map PE039, Plan 11, Lot 1c 192700359
Robert Moleon 3.31 Acres
1994 $39.85
1995 58.10
1996 52.66
1997 (estimated) 52.66
Estimated Total Taxes $203.27
Interest 9.66
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $236.93
Recommendation: Sell to Robert Moleon for $236.93. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $250.00.
Argyle Township, Penobscot County
Map PE035, Plan 02, Lot 46 198010036
Sean J. Murray 19.50 Acres
1994 $119.76
1995 101.70
1996 92.18
1997 (estimated) 92.18
Estimated Total Taxes $405.82
Interest 25.04
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $454.86
Recommendation: Sell to Sean J. Murray for $454.86. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $475.00.
Greenfield Township, Penobscot County
Map PE039, Plan 04, Lot 33E 192700188
Earl and Sandra Palmer Building on leased land
1994 $83.34
1995 0.00
1996 13.79
1997 (estimated) 13.79
Estimated Total Taxes $110.92
Interest 13.53
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $148.45
Recommendation: Sell to Earl and Sandra Palmer for $148.45. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $150.00.
Prentiss Township, Penobscot County
Map PE038, Plan 02, Lot 32.12 195400224
Thomas Perry and Anna Martin 57.00 Acres
1994 $47.90
1995 44.45
1996 45.08
1997 (estimated) 45.08
Estimated Total Taxes $182.51
Interest 10.22
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $216.73
Recommendation: Sell to Thomas Perry and Anna Martin for $216.73. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $225.00.
T3 Indian Purchase, Penobscot County
Map PE032, Plan 01, Lot 3 198060150
Carl Preble Building on leased land
1994 $20.78
1995 17.64
1996 0.00
1997 (estimated) 0.00
Estimated Total Taxes $38.42
Interest 4.34
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $66.76
Recommendation: Sell to Carl Preble for $66.76. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $75.00.
Argyle Township, Penobscot County
Map PE035, Plan 01, Lot 22 198010019
James O. Thompson 14.80 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $299.81
1995 254.62
1996 230.76
1997 (estimated) 230.76
Estimated Total Taxes $1,015.95
Interest 62.70
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,102.65
Recommendation: Sell to James O. Thompson for $1,102.65. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,125.00.
Connor Township, Aroostook County
Map AR105, Plan 02, Lot 24 038020228
Ronald D. Kohler 38.00 Acres
1994 $88.15
1995 84.06
1996 73.01
1997 (estimated) 73.01
Estimated Total Taxes $318.23
Interest 18.93
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $361.16
Recommendation: Sell to Ronald D. Kohler for $361.16. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $375.00.
Benedicta Township, Aroostook County
Map AR107, Plan 02, Lot 3 030500119
Earl McNally 10.80 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $301.79
1995 287.80
1996 187.06
1997 (estimated) 187.06
Estimated Total Taxes $963.71
Interest 64.85
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,052.56
Recommendation: Sell to Earl McNally for $1,052.56. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,075.00.
Argyle Township, Penobscot County
Map PE035, Plan 01, Lot 22.2 198010279
Joseph D. Thompson 2.30 Acres
1994 $73.07
1995 62.06
1996 56.24
1997 (estimated) 56.24
Estimated Total Taxes $247.61
Interest 15.28
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $286.89
Recommendation: Sell to Joseph D. Thompson for $286.89. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effec
T3 R5 BKP EKR, Piscataquis County
Map PI008, Plan 04, Lot 15.1 218160173
Virginia A. Eastman 0.06 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $171.71
1995 162.70
1996 185.23
1997 (estimated) 185.23
Estimated Total Taxes $704.87
Interest 36.82
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $765.69
Recommendation: Sell to Virginia A. Eastman for $765.69. If she does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $775.00.
Blanchard Township, Piscataquis County
Map PI085, Plan 05, Lot 21 210400070
Milton Goodale 1.65 Acres
1994 $44.61
1995 42.27
1996 36.83
1997 (estimated) 36.83
Estimated Total Taxes $160.54
Interest 9.56
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $194.10
Recommendation: Sell to Milton Goodale for $194.10. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $200.00.
T3 R15 WELS, Piscataquis County
Map PI073, Plan 01, Lot 1 218200037
Honoria Hatheway Building on leased land
1994 $91.43
1995 86.64
1996 75.49
1997 (estimated) 75.49
Estimated Total Taxes $329.05
Interest 19.61
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $372.66
Recommendation: Sell to Honoria Hatheway for $372.66. If she does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $375.00.
T5 R13 WELS, Piscataquis County
Map PI054, Plan 02, Lot 76 218040070
Mary P. Smith Heirs 0.50 Acres
1994 $66.75
1995 63.25
1996 55.11
1997 (estimated) 55.11
Estimated Total Taxes $240.22
Interest 14.32
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $278.54
Recommendation: Sell to Mary P. Smith Heirs for $278.54. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $300.00.
T3 R5 BKP EKR, Piscataquis County
Map PI008, Plan 02, Lot 1 Unit 10E 218160118
Squaw Mountain Resort Inc. Condominium
1994 $169.69
1995 160.79
1996 151.74
1997 (estimated) 151.74
Estimated Total Taxes $633.96
Interest 36.40
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $694.36
Recommendation: Sell to Squaw Mountain Resort Inc. for $694.36. If it does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $700.00.
Orneville Township, Piscataquis County
Map PI082, Plan 01, Lot 15.6 218210523
Gregory Thomas 2.02 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $306.60
1995 290.52
1996 243.65
1997 (estimated) 243.65
Estimated Total Taxes $1,084.42
Interest 52.87
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,161.29
Recommendation: Sell to Gregory Thomas for $1,161.29. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,175.00.
T1 R9 WELS, Piscataquis County
Map PI010, Plan 04, Lot 17 218330321
Elden M. Davenport Building on leased land
1994 $144.81
1995 0.00
1996 119.56
1997 (estimated) 119.56
Estimated Total Taxes $383.93
Interest 23.52
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $431.45
Recommendation: Sell to Elden M. Davenport for $431.45. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $450.00.
T2 R3 BKP WKR, Somerset County
Map SO003, Plan 04, Lot 37 258150122
Scott R. and Tracey A. Boyd 41.95 Acres
1994 $42.14
1995 45.42
1996 43.26
1997 (estimated) 43.26
Estimated Total Taxes $174.08
Interest 9.33
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $207.41
Recommendation: Sell to Scott R. and Tracey A. Boyd for $207.41. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $225.00.
T2 R1 BKP WKR, Somerset County
Map SO001, Plan 01, Lot 96.4 258310258
Emmons Pinkham
Per Rep of M. Pinkham 2.00 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $560.99
1995 630.67
1996 506.74
1997 (estimated) 506.74
Estimated Total Taxes $2,205.14
Interest 125.82
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $2,354.96
Recommendation: Sell to Emmons Pinkham, Per Rep of M. Pinkham, for $2,354.96. If he does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $2,375.00.
T2 R1 BKP WKR, Somerset County
Map SO001, Plan 06, Lot 1.1 258310279
Eva A. Vallee 1.09 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $191.45
1995 186.56
1996 163.66
1997 (estimated) 163.66
Estimated Total Taxes $705.33
Interest 41.36
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $770.69
Recommendation: Sell to Eva A. Vallee for $770.69. If she does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $775.00.
Indian Township, Washington County
Map WA030, Plan 02, Lot 57.2 298320017
Richard Gabriel and Rita Brooks 0.50 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $283.65
1995 276.35
1996 245.79
1997 (estimated) 245.79
Estimated Total Taxes $1,051.58
Interest 61.27
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $1,136.85
Recommendation: Sell to Richard Gabriel and Rita Brooks for $1,136.85. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the Passamaquoddy Tribe for $1,136.85. If it does not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $1,150.00.
T9 R4 NBPP, Washington County
Map WA027, Plan 01, Lot 33 298060100
Richard H. and Judith A. Sabot 3.00 Ac. w/Bldg.
1994 $593.63
1995 587.35
1996 514.40
1997 (estimated) 514.40
Estimated Total Taxes $2,209.78
Interest 128.25
Costs 16.00
Deed 8.00
Total $2,362.03
Recommendation: Sell to Richard H. and Judith A. Sabot for $2,362.03. If they do not pay this amount within 60 days after the effective date of this resolve, sell to the highest bidder for not less than $2,375.00.
Effective September 19, 1997, unless otherwise indicated.
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