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Notices filed to the Legislature
 Date FiledAgencyNotice TypeTitleDocuments
Select01-13-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRequirements for Public Safety Answering Point and Dispatch Center Annual Reports Regarding Costs to Provision Enhanced 9-1-1 Services3
Select01-09-2025Department of Public SafetyNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingImplementation of EMS Sustainability Program2
Select01-08-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda 1
Select01-07-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRules Relating to the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act (BCCPTA) in Maine1
Select01-07-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRules Relating to the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) in Maine1
Select01-06-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionCertification Standards for Persons Conducting Chemical Analyses for the Detection and Identification of Drugs1
Select12-27-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingReasonably Available Control Technology for Facilities that Emit Nitrogen Oxides2
Select12-26-2024Maine State Housing AuthorityNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)Housing First Program Administrative Responsibility Rule1
Select12-23-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingPetroleum Liquid Storage Vapor Control2
Select12-23-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingNutrient Criteria for Class AA, A, B, and C Fresh Surface Waters2
Select12-23-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingProducts Containing Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances2
Select12-20-2024Indigent Legal Services CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingCo-counsel Requirements3
Select12-20-2024Department of the Secretary of StateNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingVoter List Maintenance Procedures1
Select12-20-2024Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSales for Resale and Sales of Packaging Materials3
Select12-20-2024Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingInstrumentalities of Interstate or Foreign Commerce3
Select12-20-2024Maine Milk CommissionNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionSchedule of Minimum Prices5
Select12-18-2024Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)SNAP 235 - Procedures for Replacing Benefits Stolen Electroncially2
Select12-18-2024Department of Agriculture, Conservation and ForestryNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRules for Operation of the Farmers Drought Relief Fund1
Select12-18-2024Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingCustomer Net Energy Billing3
Select12-18-2024Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingLobster Minimum Size1
Select12-17-2024Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingFiling of Maine Tax Returns3
Select12-16-2024Department of Inland Fisheries and WildlifeNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)Species of Special Concern1
Select12-11-2024Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingMaineCare Rule 310P-Part 2, Section 9 Update2
Select12-10-2024Department of Professional and Financial RegulationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingEstablishment of fees and application requirements for supervised lenders2
Select12-09-2024Department of Professional and Financial RegulationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingPrescribing, Dispensing and Administering HIV Prevention2
Select12-06-2024Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSAFE HAVEN BABY BOXES3
Select12-05-2024Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingVideo Service Franchise Dispute Resolution3
Select12-03-2024OtherNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRules of Practice and Procedure3
Select12-03-2024OtherNotice of Agency Regulatory AgendaRules of Practice and Procedure1
Select11-26-2024Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Amendment to Regulatory AgendaAmended Regulatory Agenda1
Select11-26-2024Maine Milk CommissionNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionSchedule of Minimum Prices4
Select11-22-2024Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingDirect Payment Permits3
Select11-22-2024Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingApportionment3
Select11-21-2024Department of Agriculture, Conservation and ForestryNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingPermitting of Solar Energy Development on High-Value Agricultural Land1
Select11-20-2024Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)S|NAP 234A - ABAWD Exemptions2
Select11-20-2024Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)SNAP 236A FFY25 Budgeting Figures2
Select11-20-2024Department of Public SafetyNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)Community Paramedicine5
Select11-20-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingNatural Resources Protection Act – Permit by Rule2
Select11-20-2024Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingWetlands and Waterbodies Protection2
Select11-19-2024Department of Professional and Financial RegulationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingEstablishment of License Fees1
Select11-19-2024Indigent Legal Services CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingEligibility Requirements for Specialized Case Types2
Select11-14-2024Department of Agriculture, Conservation and ForestryNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingTemporary Emergency Food Assistance Program1

Documents Included
No notices selected.

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