| Date Filed | Agency | Notice Type | Title | Documents |
Select | 12-18-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | SNAP 235 - Procedures for Replacing Benefits Stolen Electroncially | 2 |
Select | 12-18-2024 | Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Rules for Operation of the Farmers Drought Relief Fund | 1 |
Select | 12-18-2024 | Public Utilities Commission | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Customer Net Energy Billing | 3 |
Select | 12-18-2024 | Department of Marine Resources | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Lobster Minimum Size | 1 |
Select | 12-17-2024 | Department of Administrative and Financial Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Filing of Maine Tax Returns | 3 |
Select | 12-16-2024 | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Species of Special Concern | 1 |
Select | 12-11-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MaineCare Rule 310P-Part 2, Section 9 Update | 2 |
Select | 12-10-2024 | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Establishment of fees and application requirements for supervised lenders | 2 |
Select | 12-09-2024 | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Prescribing, Dispensing and Administering HIV Prevention | 2 |
Select | 12-06-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | SAFE HAVEN BABY BOXES | 3 |
Select | 12-05-2024 | Public Utilities Commission | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Video Service Franchise Dispute Resolution | 3 |
Select | 12-03-2024 | Other | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Rules of Practice and Procedure | 3 |
Select | 12-03-2024 | Other | Notice of Agency Regulatory Agenda | Rules of Practice and Procedure | 1 |
Select | 11-26-2024 | Public Utilities Commission | Notice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda | Amended Regulatory Agenda | 1 |
Select | 11-26-2024 | Maine Milk Commission | Notice of Emergency Rule Adoption | Schedule of Minimum Prices | 4 |
Select | 11-22-2024 | Department of Administrative and Financial Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Direct Payment Permits | 3 |
Select | 11-22-2024 | Department of Administrative and Financial Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Apportionment | 3 |
Select | 11-21-2024 | Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Permitting of Solar Energy Development on High-Value Agricultural Land | 1 |
Select | 11-20-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | S|NAP 234A - ABAWD Exemptions | 2 |
Select | 11-20-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | SNAP 236A FFY25 Budgeting Figures | 2 |
Select | 11-20-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Community Paramedicine | 5 |
Select | 11-20-2024 | Department of Environmental Protection | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Natural Resources Protection Act – Permit by Rule | 2 |
Select | 11-20-2024 | Department of Environmental Protection | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Wetlands and Waterbodies Protection | 2 |
Select | 11-19-2024 | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Establishment of License Fees | 1 |
Select | 11-19-2024 | Indigent Legal Services Commission | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Eligibility Requirements for Specialized Case Types | 2 |
Select | 11-14-2024 | Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program | 1 |
Select | 11-13-2024 | Department of Corrections | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Detention and Correctional Standards for Counties and Municipalities | 3 |
Select | 11-12-2024 | Department of Marine Resources | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Aquaculture Lease Regulations | 1 |
Select | 11-12-2024 | Department of Marine Resources | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Scallops; 2024-2025 Season | 1 |
Select | 11-09-2024 | Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Bear Baiting on Public Lands | 1 |
Select | 11-07-2024 | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Hunting (Registration of Big Game and Furbearers) | 1 |
Select | 11-07-2024 | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Furbearers and Trapping (Registration of Furbearing Animals and Bears Taken by Hunting or Trapping) | 1 |
Select | 11-07-2024 | Department of Administrative and Financial Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Powerball Rules | 1 |
Select | 11-07-2024 | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | BCCP Procedural Rules | 2 |
Select | 11-06-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Emergency Rule Adoption | General Assistance Emergency Rule #26 | 2 |
Select | 11-06-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | General Assistance Propose Rule #26 | 2 |
Select | 11-06-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | TANF 122P Mileage Reimbursement Update | 2 |
Select | 11-01-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Section 45: Hospital Services | 5 |
Select | 10-30-2024 | Maine State Housing Authority | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Housing First Program Administrative Responsibility Rule | 2 |
Select | 10-30-2024 | Public Utilities Commission | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Late Payment Charges, Interest Rates to Be Paid on Customer Deposits And Charges For Returned Checks | 3 |
Select | 10-29-2024 | Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Land Use Districts and Standards | 1 |
Select | 10-28-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda | Criteria for Independent Laboratory Certification | 1 |
Select | 10-28-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda | Criteria for Independent Laboratory Certification | 1 |
Select | 10-28-2024 | Maine State Housing Authority | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Homeless Solutions Rule | 1 |
Select | 10-25-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | Section 43: Hospice Services | 5 |
Select | 10-25-2024 | Maine Milk Commission | Notice of Emergency Rule Adoption | Schedule of Minimum Prices | 5 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Assisted Housing Licensing Rule | 4 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency) | MaineCare Rule #308A | 1 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code - Administrative Procedures | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING ENERGY CODE – THIRD PARTY INSPECTORS (“TPI”) | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING AND ENERGY CODE - COMMERCIAL BUILDING CODE OF MAINE | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING AND ENERGY CODE - EXISTING BUILDING CODE | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING AND ENERGY CODE - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE FOR ONE AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS IN MAINE | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING AND ENERGY CODE – ENERGY CODE | 2 |
Select | 10-23-2024 | Department of Public Safety | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | MAINE UNIFORM BUILDING AND ENERGY CODE - MECHANICAL CODE | 2 |
Select | 10-22-2024 | Department of Health and Human Services | Notice of Proposed Agency Rulemaking | Housing First Program Administrative Responsibility Rule | 3 |