Executive Orders 1942-






Governor No. Date Title
Sewall 1 01/26/1942 [Untitled order relating to the Maine Civilian Defense Corps]
Sewall 2 02/19/1942 [Untitled order relating to the powers of Inland Fish and Game Wardens]
Sewall 3 02/28/1942 [Untitled order relating to air raid blackouts]
Sewall 4   [Untitled and undated order recalled and rescinded]
Sewall 5 [Untitled order relating to the Maine Civilian Defense Corps insignia]
Sewall 6 [Untitled order relating to dependents of active military receiving state aid]
Sewall 7 [Untitled order relating to fireworks]
Sewall 8 [Untitled order relating to coordination of law enforcement groups with the Civilian Defense organization]
Sewall 9 [Untitled order relating to the basic duties of State Police and Game and Fish Wardens]
Sewall 10 [Untitled order relating to speed limits]
Sewall 11 [Untitled order relating to lights on Maine's coastline and waterways]
Sewall 12 [Untitled order relating to the powers of the Forest Commissioner, Supervisors, Chief Wardens, and Airplane Guards of the Maine Forestry District]
Sewall 13 [Untitled order relating to Kennebec River fishing]
Sewall 14 [Untitled order relating to coastal lights]
Sewall 15 [Untitled order relating to motor vehicle lights]
Sewall 16 [Untitled order relating to tractors and semi-trailers]
Sewall 17 [Untitled order relating to speed limits]
Sewall 18 [Untitled order relating to the Maine Civilian Defense Corps]
Sewall 19 [Untitled order relating to lights on Maine's coastline and waterways]
Sewall 20 [Untitled order realting to Maine Wartime Child Care Services]
Sewall 21 [Untitled order relating to air raid blackouts]
Sewall 22 [Untitled order relating to air raid blackouts]
Sewall 23 [Untitled Maine Wartime Child Care Services]
Sewall 24 [Untitled order relating to internal combustion engine fuel]
Sewall 25 [Untitled order relating to emergency evacuation plans]
Sewall 26 [Untitled order relating to lights]
Sewall 27 [Untitled order relating to United Staets Navy practice bombing targets]
Sewall 28 [Untitled order relating to United States Navy flight training]
Sewall 29 [Untitled order relating to lights]
Sewall 30 [Untitled order relating to United States Navy practice strafing targets]
Sewall 31 [Untitled order relating to United States Navy practice strafing targets]
Sewall 32 [Untitled order relating to deer hides]
Sewall 33 [Untitled order relating to United States Navy practice bombing targets]
Sewall 34 [Untitled order relating to air raids]
Sewall 35 [Untitled order relating to the basic duties of the Department of Health and Welfare]
Sewall 36 [Untitled order relating to services for the transition of members of the armed forces to civilian life]
Sewall 37 [Untitled order relating to the State Professional Advisory Committee]
Sewall 38 [Untitled order relating to the activities of the Maine Civilian Defense Corps]
Sewall 39 [Untitled order relating to United States Navy practice strafing targets]
Hildreth 40 02/08/1945 [Untitled order relating to weight limits on bridges]
Hildreth 41 02/21/1945 [Untitled order relating to the Maine Civilian Defense Corps]
Hildreth 42 07/13/1945 [Untitled order rescinding Executive Order 13-42, about Kennebec River fishing]
Hildreth 43 09/05/1945 [Untitled order relating to previous orders on civil defense]
Hildreth 44 03/19/1946 [Untitled order rescinding Executive Order 17-42, about speed limits]
Hildreth 45 04/10/1946 [Untitled order rescinding Executive Order 07-42, about fireworks]
Hildreth 46 04/16/1946 [Untitled order relating to clams, quahaugs, and mussels]
Hildreth 47 10/09/1946 [Untitled order relating to the records of the Maine Civilian Defense Corps]
Hildreth 48 08/06/1947 [Untitled order relating to the transportation of potatoes]
Curtis [1] 04/24/1967 [Untitled order relating to federal or other non-state funds]
Curtis [2] 05/18/1967 [Untitled order creating the Interdepartmental Task Force on Data Processing]
Curtis [3] 12/05/1967 [Untitled order relating to Maine's archeological and early historical heritage]
Curtis [4] 12/15/1967 [Untitled order relating to closing of state offices for the Christmas holiday]
Curtis [5] [1967] [Untitled and undated order relating to the State Committee on Aging]
Curtis [1] 03/04/1968 Evaluation of flood hazard in locating state owned, state insured, and state approved public improvements and other faclities
Curtis [2] 03/05/1968 [Untitled order relating to correspondence sent to state agencies]
Curtis 3 [1968] Procedure for preparing the State Financial Plan
Curtis [4] 03/08/1968 [Untitled order relating to budget requests from state agencies]
Curtis [5] 04/29/1968 [Untitled order relating to the State Planning Office
Curtis 4 11/04/1968 [Untitled order establishing the Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped]
Curtis 5 11/08/1968 Maine Law Enforcement Planning and Assistance Agency
Curtis 5 01/13/1969 [Untitled order relating to the Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System (CAMPS)]
Curtis 6 02/28/1969 [Untitled order relating to state assistance to the Indians of the State]
Curtis 7 03/27/1969 Maine Advisory Council on Vocational Education
Curtis 8 04/29/1969 Comprehensive water resources planning
Curtis 1 07/07/1969 Maine representative to the New England River Basins Commission
Curtis 2 08/25/1969 Management development in Maine State Government
Curtis 2 08/25/1969 Economy in Maine State Government
Curtis 3 11/24/1969 [Untitled order relating to the designation of the Official Highway Safety Representative]
Curtis 4 12/01/1969 [Untitled order relating to the designation of the Highway Safety Program Manager]
Curtis 5 12/29/1969 [Untitled order relating to contractual agreements review]
Curtis 6 02/04/1970 [Untitled order relating to outdoor recreation in Maine]
Curtis 7 03/27/1970 Cooperative action to protect Maine's coastal zone
Curtis 8 03/27/1970 Interagency Commission on Drug Abuse
Curtis 9 04/06/1970 Flood disaster assistance
Curtis 10 05/04/1970 Government reorganization
Curtis 1 08/14/1970 Maine Woodlands Taxation Study Committee
Curtis 1 09/21/1971 Preparation for special session of the 105th Legislature
Curtis 2 08/26/1970 Procedures for preparing budget recommendations and legislation for 105th Legislature
Curtis 3 01/27/1971 [Untitled order relating to air pollution and leaded gasoline]
Curtis 4 02/09/1971 [Untitled order relating to communication between state agencies and the Chief Executive]
Curtis 5 02/18/1971 [Untitled order relating to the Administrative Cabinet]
Curtis 5 05/17/1971 Task Force on Learning Disabilities
Curtis 6 03/09/1971 Veterans' Job Opportunities Task Force
Curtis 7 04/09/1971 Advisory Committee on Business Taxation
Curtis 8 04/28/1971 [Untitled order relating to jury duty for state employees]
Curtis 9 05/20/1971 Maine Youth Commission
Curtis 10 06/09/1971 State acquisition and sale of land
Curtis 11 06/10/1971 Planning Committee on the Observance of the American Revolution Bicentennial
Curtis 12 06/30/1971 State clearinghouse review of certain federally aided projects
Curtis 1 08/12/1971 Government reorganization
Curtis 2 10/07/1971 Interim Planning Committee for the Human Rights Commission
Curtis 3 10/11/1971 Employment by state agencies under Emergency Employment Act
Curtis 4 11/22/1971 Planning and Advisory Council for Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction
Curtis 5 12/06/1971 Providing for listing of job vacancies by state agencies and state contractors and sub-contractors
Curtis 6 01/26/1972 An order establishing a system of planning and development districts for the purpose of encouraging federal, state and local comprehensive planning and coordinated development
Curtis 7 03/31/1972 [Untitled order relating to February, 1972 disaster]
Curtis 8 04/24/1972 Prohibiting discrimination in the hiring and employment of ex-offenders and ex-patients of the state correction and mental health institutions
Curtis 9 05/01/1972 An order establishing a State Community Coordinated Child Care Committee
Curtis 10 05/15/1972 State Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Curtis 11 07/01/1972 Code of fair practices
Curtis 1 07/28/1972 Preparation for the 106th Legislature
Curtis 2 07/28/1972 Establishing a clearing house for federal and other non-state assistance
Curtis 3 08/14/1972 [Untitled order establishing a liaison officer to represent the State in the participation of the benefits of the "National Historic Preservation Act of 1966"]
Curtis 4 10/06/1972 Establishment of a Cabinet Committee for Research and Development
Curtis 5 10/05/1972 Establishing a Bureau of Community Affairs in the Maine Department of Commerce and Industry
Curtis 6 12/06/1972 Youth services coordination
Curtis 7 01/18/1973 Establishment of a Special Assistant for Revenue Sharing in the Office of the Governor
Curtis 8 01/29/1973 Office of Canadian Relations
Curtis 9 03/02/1973 Executive order to create a Land Use Tax Committee
Curtis 10 03/28/1973 Executive order to create Committee on Rent and Sub-Standard Housing
Curtis 11 03/30/1973 Executive order establishing a State Advisory Board on Wage Guidelines
Curtis 12 06/22/1973 [Untitled order relating to jury duty for state employees]
Curtis 13 07/02/1973 Executive order creating a Maine Advisory Committee on State Communications
Curtis 14 07/19/1973 Executive order declaring state of emergency and requiring investigations into possible rental housing abuses
Curtis 15 08/31/1973 Preparation for 106th Legislature -- Special Session -- January 1974
Curtis 16 09/19/1973 Area Planning Agencies on Aging
Curtis 17 09/19/1973 Maine state agencies' implementation phase of Maine Management Cost Survey
Curtis 18 09/28/1973 Review of implementation of executive order establishing code of fair practices
Curtis 19 10/02/1973 Governor's Task Force on Corrections
Curtis 20 11/07/1973 Review Committee for Contractual Services
Curtis 21 12/12/1973 An order consolidating and more effectively coordinating committees serving children and youth
Curtis 22 01/10/1974 Energy crisis - limitations on lease and purchase of motor vehicles
Curtis 23 01/15/1974 An order establishing Phase II of the State Government Operation Energy Conservation Program
Curtis 24 03/20/1974 Code of Fair Practices and Affirmative Action
Curtis 25 04/03/1974 Designation of non-smoking areas for state employees
Curtis 26 04/08/1974 Mapping Advisory Committee
Curtis 27 04/08/1974 Maine Postsecondary Education Commission
Curtis 28 05/07/1974 State acquisition and sale of land
Curtis 29 05/08/1974 [Untitled order relating to state agency representatives to the Bureau of Civil Defense]
Curtis 30 07/29/1974 Coordination of planning, research and preparation for the Commission on Maine's Future
Curtis 31 09/17/1974 Credit rating of the State of Maine
Curtis 32 10/16/1974 Recycling of waste paper products
Curtis 33 10/17/1974 Fuel Control Unit
Curtis 34 11/05/1974 Natural disaster planning
Curtis 35 12/20/1974 An order amending the system of planning and development districts previously established
Longley 1 02/04/1975 [Untitled order relating to affirmative action]
Longley 2 02/05/1975 Governor's Economic Advisory Committee
Longley 3 02/13/1975 Governor's Advisory Committee on the University of Maine
Longley 4 03/11/1975 Prohibiting discrimination in the employment of ex-offenders and ex-patients of the state correction and mental health institutions
Longley 5 03/14/1975 Planning and Advisory Council for Developmental Disabilities Services Facilities Construction
Longley 6 03/25/1975 Governor's Advisory Committee on Coastal Development and Conservation
Longley 7 04/01/1975 The Governor's Advisory Council on Business Development and Promotion
Longley 8 04/21/1975 Review procedure for federal and other non-state assistance
Longley 9 05/14/1975 The Governor's Distinguished Service Award Program
Longley 10 05/23/1975 Policy and procedure on the use of state owned vehicles
Longley 11 06/13/1975 Establishment of Coordinator of Canadian Affairs
Longley 1 08/22/1975 Sharing costs of federal state programs
Longley 2 09/09/1975 State employees called for jury duty
Longley 3 09/10/1975 Preparation for 107th Legislature - Special Session - 1976
Longley 4 09/19/1975 Division of Community Services
Longley 5 10/17/1975 Maine State Policies Plan
Longley 6 11/04/1975 An executive order to provide for the handling of citizen inquiries and complaints regarding the functioning of state government
Longley 6 10/30/1975 Review procedure for federal and other non-state assistance
Longley 7 12/12/1975 To provide for more effective control of state expenditures
Longley 8 12/16/1975 Out-of-state travel regulations
Longley 9 01/27/1976 An order establishing a government operation energy conservation program
Longley 10 02/04/1976 Governor's Advisory Committee on Coastal Development and Conservation
Longley 11 02/25/1976 Special services contract review
Longley 12 03/19/1976 Providing for the establishment of a Maine Land and Water Resources Council
Longley 13 05/06/1976 Executive order: Task Force on Employee Performance Appraisal
Longley 14 05/28/1976 Coordination of the impact of federal activities
Longley 15 06/23/1976 Preparation for 108th Legislature - Regular Session
Longley 16 07/12/1976 Designation of non-smoking areas for state employees
Longley 1 09/24/1976 Governmental Metric Policies Committee
Longley 2 02/11/1977 State of Maine Self-Insurance Flood Program
Longley 3 04/25/1977 State of Maine energy policies
Longley 3 04/25/1977 State of Maine energy policies (this version includes a date correction)
Longley 3 04/25/1977 State of Maine energy policies (this version incorporates a date correction)
Longley 4 05/13/1977 Task Force to Study the Maine Human Rights Act
Longley 5 05/16/1977 Governor's Advisory Board on Executive Clemency
Longley 6 05/18/1977 Governor's Advisory Committee on Coastal Development and Conservation
Longley 7 05/25/1977 Establishment of a Special Task Force to Study the Problems of Alcoholism Within State Government
Longley 8 07/21/1977 Providing for the establishment of a Maine Land and Water Resources Council
Longley 1 08/02/1977 Federal assistance and state plan review
Longley 2 08/11/1977 State of Maine housing policies
Longley 3 08/25/1977 To establish the Advocates for the Developmentally Disabled as the implementing agency for the developmental disabilities protection and advocacy system
Longley 4 09/07/1977 State policy re: alcoholism within state government
Longley 5 09/07/1977 Preparation for 108th Legislature - Second Regular Session - 1978
Longley 6 10/17/1977 Task Force on Regional and District Organizations
Longley 7 10/24/1977 Policy and procedure on the use of state-owned vehicles
Longley 8 11/08/1977 Governor's Task Force on Product Liability
Longley 9 11/14/1977 Consolidation of state computer services
Longley 10 12/13/1977 Establishment of Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Longley 11 12/28/1977 State Government Socio-Economic Data Center
Longley 12 01/26/1978 Implementation procedures - Commission on Maine's Future report
Longley 13 02/22/1978 Providing for improved coordination and effectiveness of state agency marketing and information efforts for Maine industry
Longley 14 03/08/1978 An order establishing a Government Operation Energy Conservation Program
Longley 15 08/01/1978 Preparation for 109th Legislature First Regular Session
Longley 1 08/18/1978 Maine Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (Superseded by another order with the same number)
Longley 1 08/18/1978 Maine Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (Supersedes another order with the same number)
Longley 2 09/07/1978 Committee to Study the Administration of Worker's Compensation Laws
Longley 3 09/22/1978 Sunset review of state administrative paperwork
Longley 4 09/26/1978 An order to implement Maine's Coastal Program
Brennan 5 03/05/1979 Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
Brennan 6 03/19/1979 Governor's Advisory Board on Executive Clemency
Brennan 7 03/20/1979 An order establishing the Governor's Commission on Mental Health Manpower Development
Brennan 8 03/23/1979 Governor's Office of Employee Relations
Brennan 9 03/30/1979 Prohibition of smoking at all executive proceedings
Brennan 10 04/13/1979 [Untitled order relating to the Maine Vacation-Travel Council]
Brennan 11 05/02/1979 [Untitled order relating to the Governor's Municipal Advisory Council]
Brennan 11 10/06/1980 Municipal Advisory Council (amends Executive Order 11 FY 78/79)
Brennan 11 05/29/1985 Municipal Advisory Council (amends Executive Order 11 FY 78/79)
Brennan 12 05/09/1979 Providing for the establishment of a Maine Land and Water Resources Council
Brennan 13 05/23/1979 Maine Occupational Information Coordinating Committee
Brennan 14 05/23/1979 State Employment and Training Council
Brennan 15 07/11/1979 Office of Maine CETA
Brennan 1 07/11/1979 Office of Maine CETA
Brennan 2 08/10/1979 Special Task Force on Highway and Bridge Financing
Brennan 3 08/22/1979 State policy on motor vehicle purchase and operation
Brennan 4 10/05/1979 Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
Brennan 5 10/02/1979 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Maternal and Child Health
Brennan 6 10/02/1979 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Foster Care for Children
Brennan 7 10/10/1979 An order establishing the Governor's Advisory Committee on World Trade
Brennan 8 10/15/1979 Governor's Management Task Force
Brennan 9 11/15/1979 Maine's rural development goals and priorities
Brennan 10 01/31/1980 Federal grants and state plan review
Brennan 11 02/04/1980 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Long Term Care for Adults
Brennan 12 02/04/1980 An order establishing the State Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
Brennan 13 03/21/1980 An order establishing the Governor's Citizen Advisory Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
Brennan 14 03/21/1980 Maine Workers' Compensation Commission (An amended version of this order followed)
Brennan 14 03/21/1980 Maine Workers' Compensation Commission (Amended previously issued version of this order)
Brennan 15 05/19/1980 An order amending the system of planning and development districts previously established and amended
Brennan 16 06/13/1980 Advisory Committee on Small Business
Brennan 1 08/11/1980 Establishment of Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Brennan 2 08/18/1980 Providing for the reform of management of workers compensation claims for state government employees
Brennan 3 09/19/1980 Providing for the cooperation of all state government departments and agencies with the Refugee Coordinator Department of Human Services
Brennan 4 10/06/1980 Maine Consumer Coordinating Council
Brennan 5 10/08/1980 Maine Vacation Travel Council (as enlarged)
Brennan 6 12/10/1980 Highway Safety Program Administration
Brennan 7 02/06/1981 Commissioner of Personnel's responsibility for employee relations
Brennan 8 03/13/1981 State mandatory temperature standards
Brennan 9 03/24/1981 Providing for the establishment of a Maine Land and Water Resources Council
Brennan 10 04/08/1981 Governor's Citizen Commission to Evaluate the Department of Environmental Protection
Brennan 11 04/13/1981 Clarification of executive branch rule-making procedures
Brennan 12 04/13/1981 Small business and state procurement policy
Brennan 13 04/13/1981 Small Business Advisory Council
Brennan 14 01/25/1985 Memo explaining that there is no Executive Order 14 FY 80/81, despite it being present in various indexes
Brennan 1 07/02/1981 State Agency Housing Coordinating Committee
Brennan 2 07/16/1981 Improvements in state government in energy use and administrative support services
Brennan 3 07/20/1981 Maine Advisory Council on Vocational Education
Brennan 4 09/21/1981 Making public meetings accessible to the disabled
Brennan 5 11/03/1981 An order revising the State Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities
Brennan 6 12/29/1981 An order establishing a Governor's Task Force on the Washington County Economy
Brennan 7 01/11/1982 An order amending the system of planning and development districts previously established and amended
Brennan 8 02/09/1982 Maine Vacation Travel Council (as enlarged)
Brennan 9 02/18/1982 Office of the State Handicapped Accessibility Coordinator
Brennan 10 03/08/1982 Agent Orange
Brennan 11 03/16/1982 Providing for the coordination of state agency review of applications to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Brennan 12 03/19/1982 Transfer of positions from the Department of Labor to the Department of Human Services
Brennan 13 03/26/1982 Providing for the establishment of an Energy Coordinating Council
Brennan 14 04/09/1982 An order amending the system of planning and development districts previously established and amended
Brennan 15 05/24/1982 Governor's Commission to Study the Laws Relating to Bail in Criminal Cases
Brennan 16 06/24/1982 Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
Brennan 17 06/24/1982 State of Maine housing policies
Brennan 1 07/06/1982 Maine rivers policy
Brennan 2 07/07/1982 Designating State Planning Office as coordinator for National Flood Insurance Program
Brennan 3 07/22/1982 Establishment of the Maine Criminal Justice Data Center
Brennan 4 12/07/1982 Governor's Advisory Committee on Fisheries and International Trade
Brennan 5 12/21/1982 Maine's rural development goals and priorities
Brennan 6 01/06/1983 Administrative designation of Maine's labor market information programs
Brennan 7 01/24/1983 Integration of workers' compensation management with overall personnel, employee relations and fiscal management in state government
Brennan 8 02/10/1983 Order relating to the establishment of procedures for the administration of the Fishery Conservation & Management Act
Brennan 9 02/25/1983 Maine Job Training Council
Brennan 10 04/01/1983 A long-term capital planning process for Maine public facilities
Brennan 11 04/14/1983 Waterfront and port revitalization policy
Brennan 12 04/27/1983 Designation of Maine Education Loan Marketing Corporation, to acquire educational loan notes incurred under the Higher Education Act of 1965
Brennan 13 05/09/1983 Special budget and expenditure order of 1983
Brennan 14 05/27/1983 Program review - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded
Brennan 15 06/09/1983 Order defining the Unified State Social Services Plan
Brennan 1 07/14/1983 Extension of special budget and expenditure order of 1983
Brennan 2 07/22/1983 Governor's Commission on the Status of Education in Maine
Brennan 3 07/22/1983 Improving the state job classification system
Brennan 4 09/22/1983 Policy and procedure on the use of state owned vehicles
Brennan 5 11/15/1983 Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
Brennan 6 11/15/1983 State policy on regional councils
Brennan 7 01/23/1984 Intergovernmental review of federal programs
Brennan 8 03/14/1984 Task Force on Telecommunications Policy
Brennan 9 03/23/1984 Contract Review Committee
Brennan 10 03/29/1984 An order to establish a Governor's Advisory Committee on Washington County Development
Brennan 11 06/01/1984 An order to establish a Governor's Advisory Committee for the Development of a Rail Transportation Policy for the State of Maine
Brennan 12 06/12/1984 Providing for the establishment of the Coastal Advisory Committee
Brennan 1 08/09/1984 Private activity bonds
Brennan 2 08/10/1984 Maine Science and Technology Board
Brennan 3 08/17/1984 Visiting Committee to the University of Maine
Brennan 4 10/18/1984 Maine Business Advisory Council
Brennan 5 02/01/1985 State policy regarding use of safety belts by state employees and their passengers
Brennan 6 02/21/1985 Private activity bonds
Brennan 7 02/21/1985 Maine Advisory Council on Vocational Education
Brennan 8 03/21/1985 Agriculture in the Classroom Task Force
Brennan 9 05/02/1985 Maine Task Force to Study Homelessness
Brennan 10 05/14/1985 Maine tourism policy
Brennan 11 05/16/1985 Civil emergency planning
Brennan 12 05/24/1985 Classification of executive branch rulemaking procedures
Brennan 13 06/06/1985 State of Maine capital investment and debt management
Brennan 14 06/10/1985 Maine ground water policy
Brennan 15 06/11/1985 Limitation on hours of work for non-standard employees of state government
Brennan 16 06/12/1985 Allocation of federal ceiling on private activity bonds
Brennan 17 06/27/1985 Providing for the coordination of a consistent state position in federal hydropower licensing proceedings
Brennan 1 07/16/1985 Establishment of a Cabinet Committee on the Distribution of Oil Overcharge Funds
Brennan 2 08/09/1985 Truck size, weight, and fine study
Brennan 3 09/06/1985 Maine Harness Racing Study Advisory Committee
Brennan 4 09/19/1985 Office of the State Handicapped Accessibility Coordinator
Brennan 5 10/04/1985 Change to standard pay schedule for certain Warden Service employees
Brennan 6 12/02/1985 Revocation of hours limitation for non-standard employees and compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act
Brennan 7 12/16/1985 Prohibition of smoking in state workplaces except in designated areas
Brennan 8 12/24/1985 Designating the state agencies responsible for water quality certification
Brennan 9 01/16/1986 Governor's Task Force on High Level Nuclear Waste
Brennan 10 03/21/1986 Allocation of state ceiling on nongovernmental bonds
Brennan 11 03/28/1986 Establishing the Governor's Commission on Outdoor Recreation in Maine
Brennan 12 05/13/1986 Cabinet Committee on Homelessness
Brennan 13 05/27/1986 Omnibus regulatory reform
Brennan 1 08/15/1986 Contract Review Committee
Brennan 2 08/20/1986 Maine Justice Assistance Council
Brennan 3 09/16/1986 Providing for the implementation of the state's coastal management policies
Brennan 4 09/19/1986 Governor's Task Force on Asbestos Management
Brennan 5 09/24/1986 An order establishing a Governor's Task Force on the Katahdin Region Economy
Brennan 6 10/07/1986 Allocation of state ceiling on private activity bonds
Brennan 7 11/25/1986 To establish a Cabinet Level Council to Implement the Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on the Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting
Brennan 8 12/15/1986 Allocation of state ceiling on private activity bonds
McKernan 9 01/16/1987 Governor's Board on Executive Clemency (Note: see below for revised version of Executive Order 09 FY 86/87)
McKernan 9 01/16/1987 Governor's Advisory Board on Executive Clemency (Note: this is a revised version of Executive Order 09 FY 86/87)
McKernan 10 01/16/1987 Designation of Maine Educational Loan Marketing Corporation, to provide expanded services for the furtherance of educational opportunities to Maine citizens
McKernan 11 02/03/1987 Re-establishment of Cabinet Committee on the Distribution of Oil Overcharge Funds
McKernan 12 02/20/1987 An order revising the State Planning and Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities
McKernan 13 03/04/1987 Providing for the establishment of a timely and coordinated state process and the development of a consistent state position in federal hydropower licensing and relicensing proceedings
McKernan 14 03/24/1987 An order revising the Governor's Municipal Advisory Council
McKernan 15 04/13/1987 An order to create the Maine Emergency Response Commission
McKernan 16 05/15/1987 An order creating the Maine Human Resource Development Council
McKernan 17 05/15/1987 An order designating the administration of a labor market information system
McKernan 18 06/09/1987 An order revising the Contract Review Committee
McKernan 19 06/24/1987 An order to create the Maine Drug Policy Board
McKernan 20 07/24/1987 An order accepting a gift to the state and creating the Blaine House Restoration Committee
McKernan 1 07/24/1987 An order accepting a gift to the state and creating the Blaine House Restoration Committee
McKernan 2 08/13/1987 An order creating the Governor's Economic Growth Council
McKernan 3 08/21/1987 An order providing state policy concerning employee contact with asbestos-containing building materials
McKernan 4 08/26/1987 An order reestablishing the Govenor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
McKernan 5 09/24/1987 An order creating the Maine Business Advisory Council
McKernan 6 09/25/1987 An order creating the Fisheries By-Product Task Force
McKernan 7 10/15/1987 An order revising the rulemaking process
McKernan 8 12/30/1987 An order creating the Maine Task Force on Affordable Housing
McKernan 9 01/11/1988 An order establishing the Maine Aspirations Compact: an education-business partnership
McKernan 10 01/12/1988 An order to restrict state government purchase of CFC-containing polystyrene foam products
McKernan 11 01/19/1988 An order establishing rural development goals and priorities for Maine and the Governor's Committee on Rural Development
McKernan 12 03/01/1988 An order establishing a Task Force to Revise the State of Maine Air Search and Rescue Plan
McKernan 13 06/02/1988 An order establishing the Governor's Supported Employment Commission
McKernan 14 07/06/1988 An order establishing a State of Maine Emergency Response Team as a part of maintaining a comprehensive state emergency preparedness plan
McKernan 1 07/06/1988 An order establishing a State of Maine Emergency Response Team as a part of maintaining a comprehensive State Emergency Preparedness Plan
McKernan 2 11/02/1988 Revising the state policy on motor vehicle purchases
McKernan 3 01/11/1989 An order creating the Governor's Commission on Smoking or Health
McKernan 4 01/23/1989 An order revising the Maine Justice Assistance Council
McKernan 5 01/25/1989 An order reconstituting the Maine Human Resource Development Council
McKernan 6 01/27/1989 An order for state government agencies to recycle office paper and increase purchase of products with recycled content
McKernan 7 01/30/1989 An order providing for Maine's participation in the programs of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
McKernan 8 02/16/1989 An order establishing the Commission on Maine's Common Core of Learning
McKernan 9 02/13/1989 An order for state government agencies to eliminate or find alternatives to the use of CFC-containing products
McKernan 10 04/01/1989 An order establishing a code of ethics and conduct for the executive branch of Maine state government
McKernan 11 04/25/1989 An order to establish an Interagency Task Force on Marine Infrastructure
McKernan 12 05/01/1989 An order revising the Contract Review Committee
McKernan 13 05/15/1989 An order establishing the Interdepartmental Committee on Safety in the Workplace
McKernan 14 05/22/1989 An order establishing a Geographic Information System Steering Committee
McKernan 15 06/28/1989 An order establishing an Advisory Committee on Reducing Color, Odor, and Foam in Maine's Rivers
McKernan 1 07/01/1989 An order creating the Maine Products Advisory Panel
McKernan 2 08/23/1989 Civil emergency planning
McKernan 3 09/14/1989 Special budget and expenditure order of 1990
McKernan 4 12/08/1989 An order establishing an Advisory Committee on State Revenues
McKernan 5 12/08/1989 Special budget and expenditure order of 1990
McKernan 6 01/16/1990 Establishing the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Energy Policy for Maine's Low Income Citizens
McKernan 7 02/13/1990 An order creating the Advisory Panel on Prescription Drug Diversion and Abuse
McKernan 8 04/10/1990 Voluntary cost savings order for fiscal years 1990 and 1991
McKernan 9 05/11/1990 Governor's Task Force to Improve Services for Maine's Children, Youth, and Families
McKernan 1 07/05/1990 Guidelines for controlling the filling of vacancies
McKernan 2 07/23/1990 An order establishing a Task Force on Defense Realignment and the Maine Economy
McKernan 3 08/15/1990 Department of Human Services Bioethics Advisory Committee
McKernan 4 08/16/1990 Governor's Commission to Analyze the Service System for Persons with Mental Retardation
McKernan 5 09/11/1990 State energy conservation order of 1990
McKernan 6 09/14/1990 Governor's Task Force on Family, Work, and Quality of Life
McKernan 7 10/03/1990 Governor's Commission to Review the Capacity of the Maine Technical College System
McKernan 8 10/19/1990 An order establishing the Commission on Scientific Literacy
McKernan 9 11/21/1990 An order revising the Maine Justic Assistance Council
McKernan 10 01/04/1991 Order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 MRSA §1668
McKernan 11 02/13/1991 Temporary layoff of state employees balance of FY '91
McKernan 12 03/14/1991 An order providing for asset forfeitures to the State Police
McKernan 13 05/01/1991 Revision to state energy conservation order of 1990
McKernan 14 05/03/1991 Special budget and expenditure order of 1991
McKernan 15 06/24/1991 An order to reconstitute the Maine Council on Vocational Education
McKernan 1 07/01/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 1, 1991
McKernan 2 07/03/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 3, 1991
McKernan 3 07/06/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 6, 1991
McKernan 4 07/11/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 11, 1991
McKernan 5 07/12/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 12, 1991
McKernan 6 07/15/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 15, 1991
McKernan 7 07/16/1991 Civil preparedness emergency order of July 16, 1991
McKernan 8 08/05/1991 An order establishing the State of Maine's commitment to the Presidential Initiative on Rural Economic Development
McKernan 9 08/15/1991 Special budget and expenditure order of 1992
McKernan 10 09/19/1991 An order amending Executive Order 09 FY 90/91 revising the Maine Justice Assistance Council
McKernan 11 11/27/1991 Order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 MRSA §1668
McKernan 12 12/23/1991 Order regarding the initiative of administrative rulemaking
McKernan 13 01/31/1992 Order establishing the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports
McKernan 14 05/14/1992 An order establishing a Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission and a Revenue Forecasting Committee
McKernan 15 05/22/1992 Order establishing new waste reduction and recycling initiatives for state agencies
McKernan 16 06/01/1992 Executive order designating the state agencies responsible for water quality certification
McKernan 1 07/08/1992 An order establishing a Task Force to Provide Recommendations Regarding School Funding Issues
McKernan 2 07/17/1992 An order designating and revising the Maine Developmental Disabilities State Planning Council
McKernan 3 08/10/1992 An order establishing a process for budget planning, analysis, management, and capital expenditure analysis in the Bureau of the Budget
McKernan 4 09/10/1992 An order revising the Consensus Economic Forecasting Commission and the Revenue Forecasting Committee
McKernan 5 10/07/1992 An order establishing the Advisory Task Force to the Maine Employers' Mutual Insurance Company
McKernan 6 11/05/1992 An order revising the Contract Review Committee
McKernan 7 02/09/1993 Special budget and expenditure order of 1993
McKernan 8 05/18/1993 An order creating the Maine Quality Management Council
McKernan 9 05/24/1993 An order establishing the Maine Environmental Priorities Steering Committee
McKernan 1 07/22/1993 An order providing that confidential and other excluded employees be treated similarly and equitable with bargaining unit employees
McKernan 2 01/04/1994 An order to improve occupational health and safety in state government and to reduce the associated costs of workplace illnesses and injuries
McKernan 3 01/17/1994 Executive order creating the Commission to Promote the Understanding of Diversity in Maine
McKernan 4 02/17/1994 An order establishing the Maine Quality Promotion Council under the leadership of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development
McKernan 5 02/25/1994 An order establishing the Maine Business Assistance Center within the Department of Economic and Community Development
McKernan 6 03/25/1994 Executive order creating the Maine Commission for Community Service
McKernan 7 06/29/1994 Executive order establishment of sister-state relationship between the state of Maine and Aomori Prefecture, Japan
McKernan 1 08/03/1994 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Motor Carrier Safety Laws
McKernan 2 09/15/1994 Executive order accepting the management plan for the St. Croix International Waterway
McKernan 3 12/01/1994 An order establishing the Maine Rail Policy Advisory Committee
McKernan 4 12/09/1994 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Pineland Center Reuse
King 5 01/05/1995 Special budget and expenditure order of 1995
King 6 01/05/1995 An order regarding administrative rulemaking
King 7 01/05/1995 An order concerning the State Purchases Review Committee
King 8 01/27/1995 Governor's Board on Executive Clemency
King 9 02/10/1995 An order reestablishing the Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
King 10 03/07/1995 An order amending Executive Order 10 FY 91/92
King 11 04/25/1995 An order creating the Maine Council on Sustainable Forest Management
King Note: it appears that there was no Executive Order 12 FY 94/95 issued.
King 13 05/31/1995 Order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Prevention of Adolescent Self-Destructive Behavior
King 1 08/02/1995 An order establishing the Maine Task Force on Interstate Banking and Branching
King 2 10/17/1995 Special budget and expenditure order of October, 1995
King 3 10/20/1995 An order to establish the Maine Atlantic Salmon Task Force
King 4 01/03/1996 An order to establish the Land Acquisition Priorities Advisory Committee
King 5 01/30/1996 An order establishing the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
King 6 02/12/1996 An order establishing the Maine Harness Racing Task Force
King 7 03/07/1996 An order to establish the Recreational Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee
King 8 04/03/1996 An order to establish the Advisory Committee on Gambling
King 9 04/11/1996 An order concerning state grants and contracts
King 10 05/20/1996 An order creating the Maine Task Force on Mental Health
King 1 10/01/1996 An order to achieve greater efficiencies in intergovernmental relations
King 2 11/08/1996 An order transferring funds from unallocated highway surplus account pursuant to 23 M.R.S.A. §1654
King 3 12/17/1996 An order designating the state agencies responsible for water quality certification
King 4 01/16/1997 An order to establish the Communities for Children Partnership
King 5 04/22/1997 An order establishing the Council on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
King 6 05/22/1997 An order revising the Maine Justice Assistance Council
King 7 05/22/1997 An order establishing the Maine Environmental Priorities Council
King 8 06/18/1997 An order establishing the State Correctional Facilities Improvement Advisory Committee
King 1 07/01/1997 An order to revise and improve school construction policy
King 2 12/15/1997 An order to implement the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Plan
King 3 05/27/1998 An order establishing the Financial Services Taxation Advisory Group
King 1 10/12/1998 An order to reconstruct the Mast Landing Bridge in the town of Freeport and damage to the connecting state aid highway
King 2 02/16/1999 An order establishing the Year 2000 Readiness Task Force
King 3 04/16/1999 An order to implement amendments to the Maine Atlantic Salmon Conservation Plan
King 1 11/05/1999 An order establishing the Maine Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center
King 2 02/01/2000 An order establishing the Year 2000 Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Care
King 3 05/31/2000 Order confirming initiative protocol of administrative rulemaking
King 4 05/31/2000 An order establishing a State of Maine Emergency Response Team as a part of maintaining a comprehensive State Emergency Preparedness Plan
King 1 08/22/2001 An order establishing the Maine-Aomori Sister State Advisory Council (Note: this Executive Order was improperly numbered as part of FY 00/01. It was later correctly numbered as part of FY 01/02 See Executive Order 01 FY 01/02)
King 1 08/22/2001 An order establishing the Maine-Aomori Sister State Advisory Council (Note: this Executive Order was originally improperly issued as part of FY 00/01. It was later correctly numbered as part of FY 01/02 See Executive Order 01 FY 00/01)
King 2 10/05/2001 Special budget and expenditure order of October, 2001
King 3 10/19/2001 An order establishing the OneMaine Advisory Council
King 4 11/21/2001 Order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 MRSA §1668
King 5 05/09/2002 Special budget and expenditure order of May 2002
King 6 06/19/2002 June 19, 2002 order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 M.R.S.A. §1668
King 7 06/19/2002 Limited "temporary layoffs" of state employees during fiscal year 2002-03
King 1 07/01/2002 July 1, 2002 order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 M.R.S.A. § 1668
King 2 09/03/2002 Order modifying Executive Order 05 FY 01/02, dated May 9, 2002
King 3 12/17/2002 Procurement of mercury free products
King 4 12/24/2002 December 23, 2002 order curtailing allotments pursuant to Title 5 M.R.S.A. §1668
King 5 01/07/2003 Procurement of fuel efficient, less polluting vehicles
Baldacci 6 01/09/2003 An order establishing the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance
Baldacci 7 01/09/2003 Special budget and expenditure order of January 9, 2003
Baldacci 8 02/05/2003 An order establishing the Task Force on Increasing Efficiency and Equity in the Use of K-12 Education Resources
Baldacci 9 02/14/2003 An order establishing the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness, Sports, Health, and Wellness
Baldacci 10 04/09/2003 An order regarding executive review of administrative rulemaking
Baldacci 11 05/06/2003 An order creating the Task Force on the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Maine
Baldacci 12 05/14/2003 An order to amend the order reestablishing the Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
Baldacci 13 05/13/2003 An order establishing the Advisory Council for the Reorganization and Unification of the Department of Human Services and the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services
Baldacci 14 05/14/2003 An order establishing the Maine Science and Technology Advisory Board
Baldacci 15 05/14/2003 An order amending the order creating the Task Force on the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Maine
Baldacci 16 05/14/2003 An order requesting the Finance Authority of Maine to acquire educational loan notes
Baldacci 17 05/19/2003 An order regarding executive review of administrative rulemaking
Baldacci 18 05/29/2003 An order creating the Maine Task Force on All-Terrain Vehicle Operation
Baldacci 19 06/12/2003 An order amending the order creating the Maine Task Force on All-Terrain Vehicle Operation
Baldacci 1 07/01/2003 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2003
Baldacci 1 07/25/2003 An order amending the order creating the Maine Task Force on All-Terrain Vehicle Operation
Baldacci 2 08/13/2003 An order regarding the purchasing of wood and paper products from certified sources
Baldacci 3 08/22/2003 An order creating the Task Force on the Maine Groundfish Industry
Baldacci 4 08/29/2003 An order establishing the Public Purchasers' Steering Group
Baldacci 5 09/05/2003 An order establishing the Maine-Aomori Sister-State Advisory Council
Baldacci 6 09/26/2003 An order establishing the Working Group to Identify and Prioritize Options to Resolve Inequities in the Retirement Benefits of State Employees and Teachers
Baldacci 7 09/29/2003 An order creating the Office of the State Accessibility Coordinator
Baldacci 8 11/24/2003 An order regarding the use of "LEED" building standards for state buildings
Baldacci 9 01/08/2004 An order creating the Governor's Advisory Council on the Sustainability of the Forest Products Industry in Maine
Baldacci 10 02/09/2004 An order creating a Steering Committee to Coordinate and Oversee Progress of Implementation of Recommendations from the Blaine House Conference on Natural Resource-Based Industries
Baldacci 11 03/17/2004 An order concerning increasing the efficiency of state government's transportation sector
Baldacci 12 03/26/2004 An order establishing the Task Force to Create Seamless Pre-Kindergarten through Sixteenth Grade Educational Systems
Baldacci 13 04/09/2004 An order concerning access to state services by all entitled Maine residents
Baldacci 14 04/28/2004 An order to amend the order creating a Steering Committee to Coordinate and Oversee Progress of Implementation of Recommendations from the Blaine House Conference on Natural Resource-Based Industries
Baldacci 15 05/06/2004 An order creating the Governor's Gambling Control Advisory Council
Baldacci 16 05/26/2004 An order to strengthen and restore the vitality of Maine's downtowns
Baldacci 17 06/21/2004 An order regarding State of Maine contracts for services
Baldacci 18 06/23/2004 An order to establish the Governor's Advisory Council on the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Prosection of Related Crimes in Maine
Baldacci 19 07/01/2004 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2004
Baldacci 20 07/06/2004 An order to amend the order establishing the Governor's Advisory Council on the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Prosecution of Related Crimes in Maine
Baldacci 21 07/08/2004 An order to establish a Homeland Security Advisory Council and to define state agency roles in homeland security
Baldacci 22 07/13/2004 An order to develop methods of financing civic, convention and cultural facilities statewide
Baldacci 23 07/16/2004 An order to advise the Governor on implementing the School Finance and Tax Reform Act of 2003
Baldacci 24 09/22/2004 An order creating the Task Force on Traditional Uses and Public Access to Lands in Maine
Baldacci 25 10/07/2004 An order regarding the establishment of domestic violence in the workplace policies within the departments of state government
Baldacci 26 11/24/2004 Special budget and expenditure order of November 24, 2004
Baldacci 27 12/20/2004 An order increasing the coordination of state government's passenger transportation sector
Baldacci 28 01/04/2005 An order amending the order establishing the Task Force to Create Seamless Pre-Kindergarten Through Sixteenth Grade Educational Systems
Baldacci 29 01/06/2005 An order concerning effective application of information technology
Baldacci 30 01/25/2005 An order to advance Maine's creative economy
Baldacci 31 02/02/2005 An order to create the Maine Wireless Telecommunications Infrastructure Board
Baldacci 32 02/10/2005 An order to develop methods of financing sustainable passenger rail services
Baldacci 33 02/18/2005 An order to strengthen Maine's youth suicide prevention efforts
Baldacci 34 02/28/2005 An order amending the order concerning access to state services by all entitled Maine residents
Baldacci 35 03/29/2005 An order amending the order to advance Maine's creative economy
Baldacci 36 04/07/2005 An order constituting the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Blaine House, a private nonprofit corporation
Baldacci 37 04/15/2005 An order amending the order to create the Maine Wireless Telecommunications Infrastructure Board
Baldacci 38 04/20/2005 An order establishing a Task Force to Plan for Higher Education in the Kennebec Valley
Baldacci 39 05/03/2005 An order to amend the amendment to the order reestablishing the Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
Baldacci 40 05/05/2005 An order amending the order establishing a Task Force to Plan for Higher Education in the Kennebec Valley
Baldacci 41 05/06/2005 An order to create the PK-20 Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Board, the Broadband Access Infrastructure Board, and the Telecommunications Infrastructure Steering Committee to prioritize, coordinate and implement the necessary enhancements and accessibility of wireless telecommunications and broadband technology
Baldacci 42 05/31/2005 An order amending the amendment to the order to advance Maine's creative economy
Baldacci 43 06/03/2005 An order amending the Maine Science and Technology Advisory Board
Baldacci 44 06/24/2005 An order to establish the personal representative of the Governor for Washington County
Baldacci 1 07/01/2005 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2005
Baldacci 2 08/04/2005 An order creating an Economic Development Task Force for Washington County
Baldacci 3 08/25/2005 An order creating the Governor's Office of Redevelopment and Re-Employment
Baldacci 4 09/01/2005 An order directing state government to coordinate state resources to address major workforce reductions
Baldacci 5 09/05/2005 An order establishing a Task Force to Assist Americans Affected by Hurricane Katrina
Baldacci 6 09/16/2005 An order expediting the licensing of professionals displaced by Hurricane Katrina
Baldacci 7 10/04/2005 An order designating the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the basis for all incident management in the State of Maine
Baldacci 8 10/20/2005 An order establishing the State of Maine Emergency Response and Disaster Assistance Teams
Baldacci 9 11/14/2005 An order to create the Sub-Cabinet for Immigrant Services and the Immigrant Advisory Council
Baldacci 10 11/29/2005 An order amending the order that created the Governor's Office of Redevelopment and Re-Employment
Baldacci 11 12/16/2005 An order amending the executive order to develop methods of financing sustainable passenger rail services
Baldacci 12 02/22/2006 An order promoting safer chemicals in consumer products and services
Baldacci 13 02/24/2006 An order regarding Maine state government as a model employer of people with disabilities
Baldacci 14 05/24/2006 An order regarding Dirigo Health Reform
Baldacci 15 06/19/2006 An order establishing the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Working Group
Baldacci 16 06/27/2006 An order amending the order promoting safer chemicals in consumer products and services
Baldacci 17 07/01/2006 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2006
Baldacci 18 07/06/2006 An order to amend the order regarding Dirigo Health Reform
Baldacci 19 07/10/2006 An order to create a Tribal-State Work Group to Study Issues Associated with the Maine Implementing Act
Baldacci 20 08/17/2006 An order to amend the amendments to the order reestablishing the Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
Baldacci 21 08/28/2006 An order establishing the Maine Hydrogen Energy Fuel Cell Partnership
Baldacci 22 09/01/2006 An order to strengthen the community and economic impact of Amtrak's Downeaster service, and to advance plans for passenger rail service north of Portland
Baldacci 23 12/04/2006 An order establishing the Governor's Council on Jobs, Innovation and the Economy
Baldacci 24 12/08/2006 An order establishing the Maine Intelligence Analysis Center
Baldacci 25 01/05/2007 An order to create the Sub-Cabinet for Multicultural Affairs and the Multicultural Affairs Advisory Council
Baldacci 26 01/11/2007 An order creating the Maine International Relations Planning Committee
Baldacci 27 02/20/2007 An order creating the Task Force Regarding the Management of Public Lands and Publicly-Held Easements in Maine
Baldacci 28 02/27/2007 An order declaring Machias Bay petroglyph sites an area of historical significance
Baldacci 29 03/13/2007 An order establishing the Governor's Council on Maine's Quality of Place
Baldacci 30 03/28/2007 An order to implement the recommendations of the bay management study
Baldacci 31 05/08/2007 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Wind Power Developments in Maine
Baldacci 32 05/16/2007 An order creating the Maine Veterans' Home "Veterans Campus" Planning Committee
Baldacci 33 06/01/2007 An order establishing the Committee to Review the Taxation of Slot Machine Revenues
Baldacci 1 07/07/2007 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2007
Baldacci 2 07/03/2007 An order to enhance the state's reproting of information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
Baldacci 3 07/25/2007 An order creating the Maine Interoperable Communications Committee
Baldacci 4 08/02/2007 An order directing MaineDOT to review Maine's bridge inspection and programming
Baldacci 5 08/22/2007 An order to amend the establishment of the Committee to Review the Taxation of Slot Machine Revenues
Baldacci 6 09/14/2007 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Expanding Access to Oral Health Care for Maine People
Baldacci 7 11/16/2007 An order establishing a Pre-Emergency Energy Task Force on Escalating Home Heating Oil and Diesel Fuel Prices
Baldacci 8 11/19/2007 An order establishing the Governor's Council on Competitiveness and the Economy
Baldacci 9 12/18/2007 December 18, 2007 order curtailing allotments pursuant to Title 5 M.R.S.A. Section 1668
Baldacci 10 01/04/2008 An order to amend the executive order to create the Sub-Cabinet for Multicultural Affairs and the Multicultural Affairs Advisory Council
Baldacci 11 02/29/2008 An order to create a Working Group to Increase the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the State Economic Development Delivery System
Baldacci 12 04/28/2008 An order establishing the Pre-K Through Adult Advisory Council to Plan for and Coordinate a Seamless Public Education System in Maine
Baldacci 13 06/06/2008 An order to create a Maine Quality of Place Jobs and Investment Stategy
Baldacci 14 06/17/2008 An order establishing the Maine Juvenile Fire Safety Collaborative
Baldacci 15 06/18/2008 An order regarding Maine state government purchasing of paper products from certified wood sources
Baldacci 16 06/18/2008 An order regarding the use of green construction technology and certified wood for state-owned and state-financed building construction and renovation
Baldacci 17 07/01/2008 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2008
Baldacci 18 08/15/2008 An order to promote alternative work schedules to reduce commuting costs
Baldacci 19 10/24/2008 An order to create the Governor's Task Force on the Economic Sustainability of Maine's Lobster Industry
Baldacci 20 11/07/2008 An executive order establishing the Ocean Energy Task Force
Baldacci 21 11/19/2008 November 19, 2008 order curtailing allotments pursuant to Title 5 M.R.S.A. Section 1668
Baldacci 22 12/05/2008 An order amending the order establishing the Ocean Energy Task Force
Baldacci 23 01/14/2009 An order establishing the Joint Enforcement Task Force on Employee Misclassification
Baldacci 24 01/22/2009 An order implementing the recommendations of the Sears Island Planning Initiatives Joint Use Planning Committee
Baldacci 25 02/17/2009 An order to implement transparency and oversight regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Baldacci 26 03/09/2009 An order establishing the Maine Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee
Baldacci 27 04/06/2009 An order to direct state agencies and instrumentalities to collaborate with the Department of Economic and Community Development and Maine's Economic Development Districts in creation of regional asset-based development strategies
Baldacci 28 04/07/2009 An order authorizing the Baxter State Park Authority to accept gifts and bequests
Baldacci 29 04/13/2009 An order to facilitate community partnerships and recommend efficiencies and simplifications in the delivery of public benefits to help Maine weather the economic downturn
Baldacci 30 06/19/2009 An order to facilitate school administrative unit reorganization
Baldacci 1 07/01/2009 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2009
Baldacci 2 07/01/2009 An order to designate the Maine Association of Nonprofits as the authorized entity to apply for and administer the Federal Strengthening Communities Fund Grant #HHS-2009-ACF-OCS-SN-0092
Baldacci 3 08/14/2009 An order to amend the executive order establishing the Maine Juvenile Fire Safety Collaborative
Baldacci 4 11/06/2009 An order establishing the Committee on the Implementation of the Maine Medical Marijuana Act
Baldacci 5 11/20/2009 November 20, 2009 order curtailing allotments pursuant to Title 5 M.R.S.A. Section 1668
Baldacci 6 02/24/2010 An order to promote effective communication between the State of Maine and the Native American Tribes located within the State of Maine
Baldacci 7 03/16/2010 An order establishing the State Procurement Review Committee
Baldacci 8 03/17/2010 An order to amend an order establishing the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness, Sports, Health, and Wellness
Baldacci 9 04/06/2010 An order to improve health information exchange by establishing the Office of the State Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the Health Information Technology Steering Committee
Baldacci 10 04/13/2010 An order to create the Aroostook Rail Advisory Task Force
Baldacci 11 04/14/2010 An order to convene stakeholders to begin reviewing evaluation models that meet federal race to the top criteria
Baldacci 12 04/22/2010 An order implementing national health reform in Maine
Baldacci 13 04/26/2010 An order to amend the executive order creating the Aroostook Rail Advisory Task Force
Baldacci 14 06/10/2010 An order to amend the executive order establishing the Office of the State Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the Health Information Technology Executive Steering Committee
Baldacci 15 06/15/2010 An executive order establishing the Work Group to Review Standards by Which State Law Enforcement Officers May Stop All-Terrain Vehicles
Baldacci 1 07/01/2010 Special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2010
Baldacci 2 07/14/2010 An order commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and reaffirming the State of Maine's commitment to accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities
Baldacci 3 10/01/2010 October 1, 2010 order curtailing allotments pursuant to PL 2009, chapter 571, Part OOOO
Baldacci 4 10/05/2010 An order establishing the Bi-State Bridge Funding Task Force
Baldacci 5 10/12/2010 An order designating the Maine Emergency Management Agency to Designate Health Care Personnel to Participate in School-Based H1N1 Vacination Clinics
Baldacci 6 12/20/2010 An order to amend the executive order establishing the Maine-Aomori Sister-State Advisory Council
LePage 7 01/06/2011 An order amending the special budget and expenditure order of July 1, 2010
LePage 8 01/06/2011 An order to enhance cooperation between state and federal law enforcement officials
LePage 9 01/10/2011 An order to improve review of the rulemaking process
LePage 10 01/20/2011 An order abolishing the Joint Enforcement Task Force on Employee Misclassification
LePage 11 03/02/2011 An order to ensure the prescribed standard of discipline is maintained in the Maine National Guard
LePage 12 03/03/2011 An order establishing the Governor's Business Advisory Council
LePage 13 03/11/2011 An order amending the order to improve review review of the rulemaking process
LePage 14 03/15/2011 An order declaring state policy
LePage 15 03/15/2011 An order directing state agencies to give priority to Maine state armories when renting meeting space
LePage 16 05/10/2011 An order establishing the Maine Military and Community Leadership Council
LePage 17 06/01/2011 An order creating business liaisons to assist job creators in interactions with state government
LePage 18 07/11/2011 An order increasing oversight over sales of state-owned real estate
LePage 19 07/26/2011 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Expanding Early Post-Secondary Access for High School Students in Maine
LePage 20 08/24/2011 An order establishing comprehensive rulemaking oversight
LePage 21 08/26/2011 An order recognizing the special relationship between the State of Maine and the Sovereign Native American Tribes located within the State of Maine
LePage 22 08/30/2011 An order updating the State of Maine emergency response and Disaster Assistance Teams
LePage 23 09/07/2011 An order regarding domestic violence awareness and workplace policies within departments of state government
LePage 24 09/28/2011 An order establishing a school bus refurbishment pilot program
LePage 25 11/01/2011 An order establishing the Governor's Board on Executive Clemency
LePage 26 11/22/2011 An order to enhance competitive bidding
LePage 27 12/07/2011 An order regarding the use of green building standards in state buildings
LePage 1 02/01/2012 An order to expand opportunities for digital learning
LePage 2 02/01/2012 An order establishing the Maine Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force
LePage 3 02/22/2012 An order establishing the Task Force to Reduce Domestic Violence Through Technology
LePage 4 04/27/2012 An order directing certain evaluation criteria in competitive bidding
LePage 5 05/03/2012 An order regarding relocation of state agencies to reduce facility costs
LePage 6 06/01/2012 An order establishing the E-Fairness Tax Force
LePage 7 12/27/2012 An order curtailing allotments pursuant to 5 MRSA §1668
LePage 1 02/06/2013 An order establishing the Court Order Enforcement Task Force
LePage 2 05/10/2013 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Review of Needs, Resources and Opportunities for Efficiency Among Natural Resource Law Enforcement
LePage 3 05/29/2013 An order establishing the Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission
LePage 4 07/09/2013 An order directing MaineDOT to review the safety of freight rail transportation in Maine
LePage 5 08/15/2013 An order regarding law enforcement use of unmanned aircraft systems
LePage 6 09/04/2013 An order regarding protection of local education control and student privacy rights
LePage 7 09/10/2013 An order regarding suicide prevention and workplace policies within departments of state government
LePage 8 10/21/2013 An order establishing the Environment and Energy Resources Council
LePage 1 02/28/2014 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on the Invasive European Green Crab
LePage 2 04/15/2014 An order regarding administrative rulemaking
LePage 3 07/17/2014 An order establishing the State of Maine Information Protection Working Group and for other purposes
LePage 1 02/05/2015 An order establishing the Governor's Civil Service Review Panel
LePage 2 02/15/2015 An order clarifying state management's response to certain prohibited misconduct
LePage 3 02/27/2015 An order to amend the requirements to serve on the Governor's Select Committee on Judicial Appointments
LePage 4 04/02/2015 An order updating the State of Maine Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery Teams
LePage 5 04/16/2015 An order regarding the safe, reasonable use of chemicals
LePage 6 04/16/2015 An order respecting joint sovereignty and interdependence
LePage 7 04/21/2015 An order establishing the Governor's Panel to Review and Make Recommendations for Improvement of the Maine Human Rights Commission and its Operations
LePage 8 10/14/2015 An order to rescind recent executive orders that will be reissued
LePage 9 10/14/2015 An order establishing the Governor's Panel to Review and Make Recommendations for Improvement of the Maine Human Rights Commission and its Operations
LePage 10 10/14/2015 An order updating the State of Maine Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery Teams
LePage 11 10/14/2015 An order regarding the safe, reasonable use of chemicals
LePage 12 10/14/2015 An order respecting joint sovereignty and interdependence
LePage 13 11/13/2015 An order establishing the Governor's Panel to Review and Make Recommendations for Improvement of the Maine Human Rights Comission and its Operations
LePage 1 03/03/2016 An order re-establishing the State Procurement Review Committee
LePage 2 03/17/2016 An order to promote the hiring of skilled veterans in the state of Maine
LePage 3 06/16/2016 An order regarding the use of ethanol in gasoline
LePage 4 06/27/2016 An order regarding unfunded legislative mandates and legislative misallocations
LePage 5 08/31/2016 An order to enhance collaboration and efficiencies between natural resources enforcement agencies
LePage 6 08/31/2016 An order establishing the State Information Technology Governance Committee
LePage 1 01/02/2017 An order regarding support for regional efforts to achieve efficiencies in delivering educational services
LePage 2 01/30/2017 An order regarding executive branch implementation of the Marijuana Legalization Act
LePage 3 04/14/2017 An order re-establishing certain evaluation criteria in competitive bidding
LePage 4 06/30/2017 An order regarding civil emergency preparedness
LePage 5 07/03/2017 An order regarding civil emergency preparedness
LePage 6 07/04/2017 An order rescinding the civil preparedness emergency Executive Order of July 3, 2017
LePage 7 07/06/2017 An order to rescind the Executive Order regarding the Marijuana Legalization Act
LePage 8 07/24/2017 An order to offer assistance to municipalities in the review of land enrolled in the Tree Growth Tax Law Program
LePage 1 01/17/2018 An order establishing the Maine Highly Automated Vehicles Advisory Committee
LePage 2 01/24/2018 An order establishing the Maine Wind Energy Advisory Commission
LePage 3 01/29/2018 An order establishing the Committee to Review Maine Animal Cruelty Investigations
Mills 1 01/03/2019 An order to require expeditious implementation of the MaineCare expansion
Mills 2 02/06/2019 An order to implement immediate responses to Maine's opioid epidemic
Mills 3 02/14/2019 An order concluding the Maine Wind Energy Advisory Commission and wind permit moratorium
Mills 4 03/04/2019 An order regarding administrative rulemaking
Mills 5 03/06/2019 An order to study the threats of PFAS contamination to public health and the environment
Mills 6 3/15/2019 An order establishing the Governor's Board on Executive Clemency
Mills 7 04/10/2019 An order establishing the Governor's Judicial Nominations Advisory Committee
Mills 8 04/26/2019 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on All-Terrain Vehicle Trail Initiatives
Mills 9 06/12/2019 An order implementing the Death With Dignity Act
Mills 10 6/23/2019 An order to strengthen Maine's economy and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045
Mills 11 10/23/2019 An order establishing the Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership
Mills 12 10/24/2019 An order creating the Maine Complete Count Committee
Mills 13 11/26/2019 An order for state agencies to lead by example through energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability measures
Mills 14 03/18/2020 An order to protect public health
Mills 15 03/19/2020 An order regarding school readiness
Mills 16 03/20/2020 An order suspending provisions of certain health care professional licensing statutes and rules in order to facilitate the treatment and containment of COVID-19
Mills 17 03/20/2020 An order regarding certain laws enforced by The Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
Mills 18 03/23/2020 An order extending compliance dates under certain motor vehicle laws
Mills 19 03/24/2020 An order regarding essential businesses and operations
Mills 20 03/24/2020 An order modifying requirements applicable to family child care providers in order to facilitate employment of persons needed for the treatment and containment of COVID-19
Mills 21 03/25/2020 An order regarding certain elver fishing laws
Mills 22 03/26/2020 An order increasing flexibility in scheduling physical exams for children ordered into the custody of DHHS for their protection and containment of COVID-19
Mills 23 03/26/2020 An order suspending provisions of the Maine Pharmacy Act and related rules in order to facilitate the continuation of out-of-state clinical trials of investigational drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mills 24 03/26/2020 An order regarding recycling and solid waste facility operating hours enforced by the Department of Environmental Protection
Mills 25 03/27/2020 An order regarding the Maine Quality Centers Program
Mills 26 03/27/2020 An order regarding certain watercraft laws enforced by the Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
Mills 27 03/30/2020 An order regarding state certified hypodermic apparatus exchange programs
Mills 28 03/31/2020 An order regarding further restrictions on public contact and movement, schools, vehicle travel and retail business operations
Mills 29 03/31/2020 An order modifying provisions of the Maine General Assistance Program and related rules in order to meet the basic needs of people during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mills 30 03/31/2020 An order regarding an extension of the current use taxation deadline
Mills 31 03/31/2020 An order extending deadlines related to certain property tax exemptions
Mills 32 04/01/2020 An order regarding fire burn permits
Mills 33 04/01/2020 An order regarding expiration of certain licenses and permits issued by the Department of Marine Resources
Mills 34 04/03/2020 An order establishing quarantine restrictions on travelers arriving in Maine
Mills 35 04/06/2020 An order suspending enforcement provisions of certain licensing statutes and rules in order to facilitate health care and veterinary care during the state of emergency created by COVID-19
Mills 36 04/07/2020 An order regarding guide licensing and outdoor ethics laws enforced by the Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife
Mills 19-A 04/07/2020 An order extending the effective date of Executive Order 19 FY 19/20
Mills 37 04/08/2020 An order temporarily modifying certain in-person notarization and acknowledgement requirements
Mills 30-A 04/09/2020 An order regarding an extension of the current use taxation deadline
Mills 38 04/10/2020 An order regarding the expiration of optometric lens prescriptions
Mills 39 04/10/2020 An order modifying the primary election to reduce exposure to COVID-19
Mills 28-A 04/10/2020 An order updating Executive Order 28 FY 19/20
Mills 40 04/16/2020 An order regarding unlawful evictions, writs of possession and initiation of eviction proceedings
Mills 41 04/21/2020 An order regarding certain laws enforced by the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Mills 42 04/21/2020 An order regarding a COVID-19 related loan guarantee program
Mills 43 04/24/2020 An order expediting extraordinary emergency financial orders and allotments by waiving the thirty day waiting period during the state of emergency
Mills 44 04/24/2020 An order extending a certain reporting period
Mills 45 04/24/2020 An order to expedite the delivery of certain unclaimed property
Mills 46 04/24/2020 An order regarding certain law enforcement related licensing requirements and training deadlines
Mills 37-A 04/24/2020 An order amending Executive Order 37 FY 19/20
Mills 47 04/27/2020 An order increasing eligibility for children's homeless shelters during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mills 29-A 04/27/2020 An order amending Executive Order 29 FY 19/20
Mills 48 04/28/2020 An order modifying certain procedural requirements for emergency rulemaking to maximize federal COVID-19 funding for MaineCare
Mills 49 04/29/2020 An order to stay safer at home
Mills 50 04/30/2020 An order regarding watercraft excise tax
Mills 51 05/06/2020 An order establishing the Economic Recovery Committee
Mills 52 05/12/2020 An order regarding certain educational matters
Mills 53 05/12/2020 An order regarding certain municipal and taxation matters
Mills 54 05/15/2020 An order regarding admissions to the Department of Corrections
Mills 41-A 05/26/2020 An order amending Executive Order 41 FY 49/20
Mills 53-A 05/26/2020 An order amending Executive Order 53 FY 49/20
Mills 55 05/29/2020 An order to further implement the restarting plan
Mills 56 06/03/2020 An order to further facilitate the state primary and local elections within public health restrictions due to COVID-19
Mills 57 06/09/2020 An order regarding travelers into Maine
Mills 28-A-2 06/16/2020 An order reamending Executive Order 28 FY 19/20
Mills 53-A-2 06/26/2020 An order amending Executive Order 53-A FY 19/20
Mills 1 07/07/2020 An order suspending enforcement of certain licensing statutes and rules
Mills 2 07/08/2020 An order strengthening the use of face coverings
Mills 3 07/22/2020 An order regarding certain MaineCare laws
Mills 4 07/22/2020 An order regarding car dealer plates
Mills 5 07/30/2020 An order expanding rent supports and continuing housing protections
Mills 6 08/01/2020 An order regarding outdoor gatherings and face coverings for children
Mills 7 08/26/2020 An order regarding pre-K-12 education
Mills 8 08/26/2020 An order to facilitate the November 2020 general election, to ensure the integrity of the ballot and to protect the public health during the COVID-19 emergency
Mills 9 08/31/2020 An order amending Executive Orders 55 FY 19/20 and 1 FY 20/21
Mills 10 08/31/2020 An order extending the date for agencies to submit proposed biennial budgets
Mills 11 09/17/2020 An order curtailing allotments
Mills 12 09/17/2020 An order restoring work search requirements for unemployment benefit eligibility
Mills 13 09/21/2020 An order to expedite the delivery of certain unclaimed property
Mills 10-A 09/30/2020 An order amending Executive Order 10 FY 20/21
Mills 14 10/06/2020 An order to implement phase four of the Restarting Maine's Economy Plan
Mills 15 10/19/2020 An order addressing motor vehicle registration requirements
Mills 16 11/04/2020 An order to revise indoor gathering limits, strengthen face covering requirements and delegate certain authority
Mills  17  11/18/2020 An order addressing training deadlines for judicial marshals
Mills 18 12/09/2020 An order authorizing the modification of the COVID-19 quarantine period to reflect the best available science
Mills 19 12/11/2020 An order simplifying and strengthening enforcement of face covering requirements
Mills 19-A 12/15/2020 An order simplifying and strengthening enforcement of face covering requirements
Mills 20 12/23/2020 An order extending the Maine Bicentennial Commission's terms
Mills 21 12/23/2020 An order addressing the critical need for certified nursing assistants during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mills 07-A 12/31/2020 An order regarding pre-k-12 education and suspending certain licensing requirements within institutional settings
Mills 22-R-1 12/31/2020 An order rescinding Executive Order 18 FY 19/20
Mills 23 01/07/2021 An order expanding staffing for unemployment appeals
Mills 24 01/13/2021 An order establishing the Governor's Task Force on Creation of a Forest Carbon Program
Mills 25 01/13/2021 An order establishing the State of Maine Cybersecurity Advisory Council
Mills 26 01/13/2021 An order transferring authority to waive overpayments from the Unemployment Insurance Commission to the Commissioner of the Department of Labor
Mills 27 01/13/2021 An order extending the effectiveness of certain provisions of Maine's emergency COVID-19 response statutes
Mills 28 01/15/2021 An order activating the Maine National Guard as a precautionary measure to protect the State House and Capitol grounds
Mills 29 02/03/2021 An order amending Executive Order 35 FY 19/20 and reinstating certain licensing requirements
Mills 30 02/08/2021 An order regarding certain fishing license requirements of the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Mills 31 02/12/2021 An order amending indoor gathering limits
Mills 27-A 02/18/2021 An order extending the effectiveness of certain provisions of Maine's emergency COVID-19 response statutes
Mills 32 02/24/2021 An order updating the Governor's Judicial Nominations Advisory Committee
Mills 33 02/24/2021 An order amending Executive Orders 16 FY 19/20, 21 FY 19/20, 27 FY 19/20, and 36 FY 19/20
Mills 34 03/04/2021 An order extending the term of conditional adult use marijuana establishment licenses
Mills 35 03/05/2021 An order amending gathering limits and travel restrictions to reflect current conditions and the best available science
Mills 36 03/30/2021 An order to advance clean transportation solutions for Maine
Mills 36 04/28/2021 An order to amend face covering requirements
Mills 37 04/28/2021 An order to amend face covering requirements
Mills 38 05/13/2021 An order to amend indoor gathering and in-store customer limits
Mills 39 05/19/2021 An order to repeal certain face covering requirements
Mills 40 06/30/2021 An order providing an orderly transition following the termination of the state of civil emergency
Mills 41 06/30/2021 An order establishing the Governor's review of the aerial application of herbicides for forest management
Mills 1 03/24/2022 An order establishing the Governor's Advisory Council on Military Sexual Trauma to more effectively prevent, deter, and prosecute sexual assault and sexual harassment
Mills 2 04/21/2022 An order establishing the Governor's Infrastructure Implementation Committee
Mills 3 06/13/2022 An order to create a Cabinet on Aging
Mills 4 An order protecting access to reproductive health care services in Maine
Mills 4-A An order regarding administrative rulemaking
Mills 1
Mills 2
Mills 3
Mills 4
Mills 5
Mills 6
Mills 7
Mills 8
Mills 1
Mills 2 An order establishing the Maine Artificial Intelligence Task Force



This resource is provided by the Maine State Legislature 12/23/2024