LD 209 LR 2408(09)
An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations from the General Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2025
Fiscal Note for House Amendment " " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Rep. Ducharme of Madison
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential current biennium savings - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment limits housing assistance under the general assistance program to a maximum of 3 months in a 12-month period, except for temporary housing and emergency shelters. This limit could reduce the amount of general assistance expended on housing assistance. A more precise estimate of the fiscal impact is not possible because recipient data related to number of months on assistance, amounts paid to each recipient, and what type of assistance was received resides at the municipal level and varies over time.