LD 20 LR 279(01)
An Act Regarding the First Judicial District and the District Court Locations in the Judicial Divisions of Androscoggin and Western Aroostook
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Sen. Carney of Cumberland
Committee: Judiciary
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 Projections  FY 2027-28 Projections  FY 2028-29
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund ($44,056) ($52,868) ($53,122) ($53,385)
General Fund ($44,056) ($52,868) ($53,122) ($53,385)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill includes a deappropriation to the Judicial Branch of $44,056 in fiscal year 2025-26 and $52,868 in fiscal year 2026-27 due to the closure of the district court in Madawaska.