LD 1699 LR 1030(01)
An Act to Amend the Freedom of Access Act and Related Provisions
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Andrews of Paris
Committee: Judiciary
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 Projections  FY 2025-26 Projections  FY 2026-27
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $308,411 $419,091 $435,284 $452,483
General Fund $308,411 $419,091 $435,284 $452,483
Correctional and Judicial Impact Statements
This bill establishes new civil violations and may also increase the number of civil suits filed. The additional workload associated with the minimal number of new cases filed in the court system does not require additional funding at this time.
The collection of additional filing fees and fines will increase General Fund or other dedicated revenue by minor amounts.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The Office of the Attorney General will require ongoing General Fund appropriations of $105,085 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $147,119 in fiscal year 2024-25 to establish one Assistant Attorney General position and fund related All Other costs.
The Department of Administrative and Financial Services will require ongoing General Fund appropriations of $203,326 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $271,972 in fiscal year 2024-25 to establish one Public Service Manager I position and one Information Technology Consultant position and for related All Other costs.
Any additional costs to the various other agencies impacted by the bill are anticipated to be minor and can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.