LD 1492 LR 1623(02)
An Act to Increase the Transparency and Accountability of the Maine Information and Analysis Center
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 Projections  FY 2025-26 Projections  FY 2026-27
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $63,850 $93,479 $98,153 $102,785
General Fund $63,850 $93,479 $98,153 $102,785
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill includes ongoing General Fund appropriations to the Office of the Attorney General of $63,850 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $93,479 in fiscal year 2024-25 for one Research Assistant Paralegal position to conduct systematic, ongoing oversight and auditing of the Department of Public Safety, Maine Information and Analysis Center.
Additional costs to the Department of Public Safety associated with making available documents and personnel as requested by the auditor can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.