LD 514 LR 1248(02)
Resolve, Directing the Office of the State Auditor to Report on Taxpayer Money Funding Maine Nonprofits
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: State and Local Government
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential impact on existing audit functions
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This resolve requires the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) to analyze the past 20 years of state funding to nonprofit corporations in the State and deliver a report by December 6, 2023 that ranks them in 5-year increments by amounts received and lists the percentage per state budget disbursed to nonprofits each year. The report must be completed using existing budgeted resources. The State Auditor has indicated that resources are not available within the existing budget to conduct the additional work required by this resolve. The impact of this resolve on the Office's existing obligations, including the State's Single Audit and other audit services, cannot be determined at this time.