LD 204 LR 982(04)
An Act to Ensure Safe Access to Schools by Implementing Interlocking Door Controller Technology
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment " " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Sen. Rotundo of Androscoggin
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
State Mandate - funded in fiscal year 2024-25, unfunded in fiscal year 2023-24 and after fiscal year 2024-25
FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 Projections  FY 2025-26 Projections  FY 2026-27
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund ($187,500) $0 ($187,500) ($187,500)
General Fund ($187,500) $0 ($187,500) ($187,500)
State Mandates
Required Activity Unit Affected Local Cost
Requires school administrative units to install interlocking door controller technology when constructing a new elementary or secondary school or renovating an existing elementary or secondary school. School $187,500
The required local activities in this bill may represent a state mandate pursuant to the Constitution of Maine. If the bill does require a local unit of government to expand or modify its activities so as to necessitate additional expenditures from local revenue, the state mandate provisions of the Constitution of Maine require either: (1) General Fund appropriations be provided to fund at least 90% of any additional necessitated local costs of the mandate; or (2) a Mandate Preamble be added to the bill and two-thirds of the members of each House vote to exempt the mandate from the funding requirement. If the bill does represent a state mandate and neither one of these actions occurs, the local units of government will not be required to implement the mandated activities.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment eliminates the ongoing General Fund appropriation of $187,500 per year beginning in fiscal year 2023-24 included in the bill to the School Finance and Operations program within the Department of Education to fund 100% of the cost to local school administrative units to install interlocking door controller technology when constructing a new elementary or secondary school or renovating an existing elementary or secondary school and instead provides a one-time General Fund  appropriation of $187,500 in fiscal year 2024-25 only for the same purpose.