LD 1968 LR 2352(05)
An Act To Expand Access to Mental Health and Crisis Care for Individuals in Jails and Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Fiscal Note for House Amendment " " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Rep. Talbot Ross of Portland
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 ($1,698,000) ($1,494,887) ($1,527,974)
General Fund $0 ($1,698,000) ($1,494,887) ($1,527,974)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment adds language that allows for a delay of the 30-day placement of a defendant by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in an institution for the care and treatment of persons with mental illness, if extraordinary circumstances exist, and requires the commissioner to notify the court of such a delay. Additionally, it strikes the General Fund appropriations in the bill and clarifies some language in the bill. It would still require the DHHS to do case management, coordination of housing, substance use services and mental health services, a needs study to identify the current and predicted residential needs of individuals with behavioral health diagnoses, reporting to the legislature, developing policy changes and ensuring the State has a plan following a needs study. DHHS expects that this will require them to establish multiple positions to carry out this work. It is unknown exactly when these new costs would be incurred, but it is estimated that at full implementation the total ongoing cost would be around $1,500,000 annually to the General Fund. There will also be a one-time cost to complete a study and needs assesment by January 2023, which is estimated to cost $215,000 to the General Fund. As this bill provides no new funding, the impact of these new unfunded costs on other programs in the DHHS cannot be determined at this time.