LD 1501 LR 945(02)
An Act To Protect Oral Health for Children in Maine
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $194,110 $293,342 $464,377 $587,907
General Fund $194,110 $293,342 $464,377 $587,907
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill includes General Fund appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services of $194,110 in fiscal year 2021-22 and $293,342 in fiscal year 2022-23 for one Health Program Manager position to be the Oral Health Coordinator within the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, rural health and primary care division, to lead the center's public health functions related to oral health and to provide preventive oral health services through the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to all schools in the State by January 1, 2025.