LD 1103 LR 1719(02)
An Act To Allow a 5-year Open Enrollment in the Participating Local District Retirement Program for Certain Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and Other Municipal Employees
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Labor and Housing
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
No net fiscal impact - Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill allows eligible employees in a participating local district who chose not to enroll in the Participating Local District (PLD) Retirement Plan at the beginning of their employment to become a member any time up to and including their 5th-year employment anniversary.  The bill also provides a one-time election for employees whose 5-year anniversary has passed.  Requiring that member contributions for employees that choose to become members under this provision not be made with pre-tax dollars may result in increased costs to participating municipalities and other local districts to update payroll systems in order to process after-tax contributions.
The Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) estimates their cost to implement the requirements of this legislation to be $20,000.  This cost will be reflected in future contribution rates for the PLD Retirement Plan.  Future costs for eligible individuals to join the PLD Retirement Plan as a result of this legislation will be the responsibility of the participating municipalities and other local districts and their employees and will have no fiscal impact on the State.