LD 280 LR 672(04)
An Act To Increase Funding for Snowmobile Trails and Capital Equipment Grants
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-188)
Committee: Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Fiscal Note
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Other Special Revenue Funds $1,011,002 $1,011,002 $1,011,002 $1,011,002
Other Special Revenue Funds $1,011,002 $1,011,002 $1,011,002 $1,011,002
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill will increase Snowmobile registration fees from $45 to $55 for a resident annual registration, $49 to $74 for a nonresident three-day registration, $75 to $99 for a nonresident ten-day registration and $99 to $119 for a nonresident seasonal registration. The bill directs $10 from each resident registration fee and $15 from each nonresident registration fee to a special fund administered by the Off-Road Vehicle Division of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (ACF). The bill also directs $17 from each resident registration fee, $16 from each nonresident three-day registration fee, $16 from each nonresident ten-day registration fee and $21 from each nonresident seasonal snowmobile registration fee to the Snowmobile Trail Fund within the ACF. Finally, the bill directs $5 from each nonresident three-day and each ten-day registration fee to the Snowmobile Enforcement Fund within the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW).
Based on current snowmobile registrations, it is estimated that the registration fee increases will generate an additional $1,011,002 in Other Special Revenue Funds revenue starting in fiscal year 2021-22. This bill includes Other Special Revenue Funds allocations of $984,062 to the ACF and $26,940 to the IFW starting in fiscal year 2021-22 to allow for the expenditure of the additional revenue.