LD 259 LR 886(04)
An Act To Increase the Waste Handling Fee Imposed on the Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-882)
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources
Fiscal Note
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $796,000 $796,000 $796,000
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $796,000 $796,000 $796,000
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill increases the fee imposed on landfilled municipal solid waste and municipal solid waste ash from $1 per ton to $2 per ton. The Department of Environmental Protection has indicated that based on the current volume of material subject to this fee annual revenue will increase by $796,000 starting in fiscal year 2022-23 to the Maine Solid Waste Management Fund (MSWMF). The bill includes a corresponding allocation to the MSWMF to allow expenditure of the additional revenue.