LD 74 LR 85(01)
Resolve, To Ensure Appropriate Personal Needs Allowances for Persons Residing in Long-term Care Facilities
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. McCrea of Fort Fairfield
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $596,783 $1,190,070 $1,190,070 $1,190,070
General Fund $596,783 $1,190,070 $1,190,070 $1,190,070
Federal Expenditures Fund $974,085 $1,948,170 $1,948,170 $1,948,170
Other Special Revenue Funds $5,243 $0 $0 $0
Federal Expenditures Fund $974,085 $1,948,170 $1,948,170 $1,948,170
Other Special Revenue Funds $5,243 $0 $0 $0
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The Department of Health and Human Services will require General Fund appropriations of $596,783 in fiscal year 2021-22 and $1,190,070 in fiscal year 2022-23 to increase the personal needs allowances of residents in nursing facilities ($40 to $70) and residential care facilities ($70 to $100), including one-time funding for technolgy changes. Federal Expenditures Fund allocations will also be required for the FMAP match.

The department outlined that the implementation date of January 1, 2022 is likely not feasible due to technology changes and the state plan amendment (SPA) that are required. If the SPA is not submitted in time, some of the funding beginning January 1, 2022 would need to be General Fund only. If the technology changes are not completed in time, this change would need to be completed retroactively. Due to these timing issues, the department suggests a more practical implementation date would be June 1, 2022.