LD 719 LR 2197(03)
An Act To Amend the Adult Use Marijuana Law
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Veterans and Legal Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Projections  FY 2021-22 Projections  FY 2022-23
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $1,051,520 $3,800,600 $5,296,600 $7,408,600
General Fund $83,520 $104,600 $104,600 $104,600
Other Special Revenue Funds $968,000 $3,696,000 $5,192,000 $7,304,000
General Fund ($968,000) ($3,696,000) ($5,192,000) ($7,304,000)
Other Special Revenue Funds $968,000 $3,696,000 $5,192,000 $7,304,000
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Provisions in this bill would transfer 25% of sales and excise tax receipts to the Local Government Marijuana Revenue Fund (LGMRF).  The bill includes an Other Special Revenue Funds allocation of $968,000 in fiscal year 2019-20 and $3,696,000 in fiscal year 2020-20 to allow for the distribution of the amounts credited to the LGMRF. Transferring sales and excise tax receipts to the LGMRF will reduce revenue to the General Fund by the same amounts, $968,000 in fiscal year 2019-20 and $3,696,000 in fiscal year 2020-21.
The bill includes ongoing General Fund appropriations to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services of $78,520 in 2019-20 and $104,600 in fiscal year 2020-21 for one Senior Tax Examiner position to process transfers of sales and excise tax receipts on adult use marijuana. Another $5,000 is appropriated in the first year for one-time All Other costs to update sales reports and create an excise tax report to facilitate distribution to municipalities. 
Other provisions in this bill regarding ownership requirements may result in litigation which could incur additional costs and delay implementation. Such a delay would decrease anticipated revenue to the State and the distribution of funds.