LD 696 LR 1087(02)
An Act To Protect Public Employees from Identity Theft
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: State and Local Government
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential State Mandate - Unfunded
State Mandates
Required Activity Unit Affected Local Cost
Requires notification to residents when there is a security breach of personal information. Municipality
Insignificant statewide
The required local activities in this bill may represent a state mandate pursuant to the Constitution of Maine. If the bill does require a local unit of government to expand or modify its activities so as to necessitate additional expenditures from local revenue, the state mandate provisions of the Constitution of Maine require either: (1) General Fund appropriations be provided to fund at least 90% of any additional necessitated local costs of the mandate; or (2) a Mandate Preamble be added to the bill and two-thirds of the members of each House vote to exempt the mandate from the funding requirement. If the bill does represent a state mandate and neither one of these actions occurs, the local units of government will not be required to implement the mandated activities.