SP0750 Session - 129th Maine Legislature
LR 3199
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status


WHEREAS,  in order to promote 211 Maine, a Maine-based health and human services and emergency preparedness and response helpline that provides Maine citizens free and confidential referrals to needed resources, we recognize February 2020 as 211 Month; and

WHEREAS,  211 Maine provides around-the-clock service statewide through efficient and effective responses from people employed in Maine to questions arising from the growing complexities and needs in health, financial and human services; and

WHEREAS,  since 2006, 211 Maine call specialists have assisted with more than 750,000 requests to locate health and human services information, fielding more than 40,000 calls, text messages and e-mails in 2019 from people looking for help for themselves or someone they know; and

WHEREAS,  during this past year, 211 Maine has directed more than 16,000 Maine citizens to heating and utility assistance services, which may have prevented people from contacting the wrong agency for heating assistance, prevented utility shutoffs and saved people from spending winter nights without fuel; and

WHEREAS,  211 Maine provides emergency planning and response support during natural and other disasters, including providing accurate and timely information for preparations and longer-term referrals for follow-up services, as evidenced by its role in supporting the Maine Emergency Management Agency during the agency's responses to the October 2017 windstorm, as well as its support of seasonal needs such as warming and cooling centers and fielding questions about growing issues such as browntail moth infestations; and

WHEREAS,  211 Maine handles a number of specialized services, including the opiate helpline and the gambling helpline, and is also a resource for finding information about needs such as tax preparation and mental health services; and

WHEREAS,  211 Maine provides a powerful example of how the government and nonprofit and private sectors can work together to improve the quality of life of Maine citizens; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Legislature now assembled in the Second Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize February 2020 as 211 Month.

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