SP0467 Session - 129th Maine Legislature
LR 2471
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status


WHEREAS,  high-quality early childhood programs provide important benefits to children and families and our state and national economies; and

WHEREAS,  participation in these programs saves taxpayer dollars, makes working families more economically secure and prepares children to succeed in school, earn higher wages and live healthier lives; and

WHEREAS,  working families need an affordable, mixed-delivery early childhood education system that allows them to choose between many high-quality options when selecting the setting that best meets their needs; and

WHEREAS,  young children need skilled, educated, competent, consistent and well-compensated early childhood educators and developmentally appropriate and accessible early care and education settings; and

WHEREAS,  high-quality early childhood education depends on high-quality early childhood educators who ensure that children, supported by families, have the early experiences they need for a strong foundation to their lives; and

WHEREAS,  early childhood educators need opportunities to acquire critical skills, knowledge and competencies through pathways to credentials and higher education degrees, without incurring college debt, and the ability to earn a worthy wage that is commensurate with the required education and the skills they bring to the complex and valuable work they do; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Legislature now assembled in the First Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize April 8-12, 2019 as the Week of the Young Child and to recognize that high-quality early childhood education, provided in a mixed-delivery system, is a public good and should be financed as such.

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