‘Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §122-A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 364, §4, is amended to read:
§ 122-A. Alternative registration procedure for participants in Address Confidentiality Program
Notwithstanding sections 122 and 152 and subchapter 9, a person who is certified by the Secretary of State as a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program pursuant to Title 5, section 90-B may register to vote using the designated address and voter code assigned to that person pursuant to rules adopted to implement the program. To register to vote, a voter must present the registrar with that voter's authorization card assigned to the voter pursuant to rules adopted by the Secretary of State showing that voter's name, voter code, designated address and certification expiration date. The registrar may contact the Address Confidentiality Program administrator in the Secretary of State's office to determine the voter's eligibility to register in the municipality and to verify the electoral district in which the voter is voting for purposes of issuing an absentee ballot to the voter pursuant to section 753-C. All registration records for such voters must be designated as confidential and kept sealed in the registrar's office. The name of any voter certified as a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program may not be placed on any voter list that is available for public inspection or copying.
Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §129, first ¶, as amended by PL 2011, c. 399, §11, is further amended to read:
When Notwithstanding subchapter 9, when a voter's name is changed by marriage or other process of law , or when the voter moves within a municipality, the following provisions apply.
Sec. 3. 21-A MRSA §152, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2015, c. 447, §§4 and 5, is further amended to read:
(1) First name and last name;
(2) First initial, middle name and last name; or
(3) First name, middle name or middle initial and last name;
Sec. 4. 21-A MRSA §155, first ¶, as amended by PL 2011, c. 342, §8, is further amended to read:
The registrar shall conditionally accept the registration and enrollment of any person who is 16 or 17 years of age and who is otherwise qualified to be a voter. The conditional registration automatically becomes effective on the person's 18th birthday and the registrant then is eligible to vote.
Sec. 5. 21-A MRSA §195, as amended by PL 2009, c. 564, §6, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:
§ 195. Report
The Secretary of State shall report annually by January 15th to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over voter registration matters on the administration of the central voter registration system and the automatic voter registration system established pursuant to subchapter 9.
As used in this subsection, "pending voter registration record" and "source agency" have the same meanings as in section 231, subsections 2 and 4, respectively.
Sec. 6. 21-A MRSA c. 3, sub-c. 9 is enacted to read:
§ 231. Definitions
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.
§ 232. Automatic registration by the bureau
§ 233. Automatic registration by source agencies other than the bureau
§ 234. Voluntary opt-out from voter list
§ 235. Protection against liability of individuals on basis of information transferred; false information
§ 236. Nondiscrimination
A person acting under color of law may not discriminate against an individual on the basis of the individual's absence from the central voter registration system, the information supplied by the individual for voter registration purposes at a source agency or the individual's declining to supply such information, except as required to administer elections or enforce the laws against election crimes.
§ 237. Secretary of State duties
§ 238. Rule of construction
Sec. 7. Report. By January 1, 2020, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs on the progress made toward implementing automatic voter registration and the estimated time required to complete all activities necessary for implementation. The report may include recommended legislation for the proper implementation of the automatic voter registration system, including recommended adjustments to the implementation date. The Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs may report out legislation to the Second Regular Session of the 129th Legislature based on the report.
Sec. 8. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made.
Elections and Commissions 0693
Initiative: Provides one-time funding for computer programming costs to scan automatic voter registration information and transfer pending voter registration applications to the central voter registration system.
FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND | 2019-20 | 2020-21 |
All Other
$0 | $140,000 |
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Sec. 9. Effective date. That section of this Act that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 21-A, section 155, first paragraph takes effect January 1, 2020. Those sections of this Act that amend Title 21-A, section 122-A, section 129, first paragraph and section 152, subsection 1 and that section of this Act that enacts Title 21-A, chapter 3, subchapter 9 take effect January 1, 2022. That section of this Act that repeals and replaces Title 21-A, section 195 takes effect January 1, 2023.’