LD 1867 LR 2905(01)
An Act To Reestablish Certain Positions within the Department of Health and Human Services
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Chace of Durham
Committee: Appropriations and Financial Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Projections  FY 2019-20 Projections  FY 2020-21
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $647,383 $647,383 $647,383
General Fund $0 $647,383 $647,383 $647,383
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $322,136 $322,136 $322,136
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill includes General Fund appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of $647,383 beginning in fiscal year 2018-19 and Other Special Revenue Funds allocations of $322,136 beginning in fiscal year 2018-19 to establish 8 positions in the Department of Health and Human Services to replace positions that were eliminated by Public Law 2017, chapter 284, Part ZZZZZZ, section 9.

DHHS has identified an error with the accounts used for 4 of these positions that should be corrected, which will impact the allocations associated with the positions. Accordingly, these account changes would decrease the General Fund appropriation by $631, increase the Federal Expenditures Fund allocation by $65,180 and decrease the Other Special Revenue Funds allocation by $64,549.