LD 1652 LR 2639(03)
An Act To Authorize the Commissioner of Marine Resources To Limit the Number of Shrimp Licenses That May Be Used in Certain Seasons
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (S-376)
Committee: Marine Resources
Fiscal Note
Contingent future biennium revenue increase - General Fund
Contingent future biennium revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill would authorize the Department of Marine Resources to adopt rules to limit the number of licenses issued to establish a limited commercial northern shrimp fishery when the total allowable catch as authorized by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is less than 2,000 metric tons.  Because the number of licenses issued would be contingent upon the total allowable catch authorized, no estimate is made at this time of the number of licenses that will be issued.  However, since no commercial northern shrimp licenses have been issued since fiscal year 2013-14, any licenses issued would increase revenue to the General Fund and the Shrimp Management Fund.  Any additional costs to the department to adopt rules limiting the number of commercial northern shrimp licenses or to report on the commercial northern shrimp industry are anticipated to be minor and can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.