WHEREAS, May is Jewish American Heritage Month, established by the United States Congress to recognize the more than 360-year history of Jewish contributions to American culture; and
WHEREAS, Jewish Americans, in the face of unspeakable discrimination and adversity, have fought tirelessly to realize the promise of the nation’s founding and their achievements have enriched the country, stirred our conscience and challenged us to extend the miracles of freedom and security; and
WHEREAS, Jewish Americans have worked to strengthen the promise of religious freedom because their ancestors were tested from the moment they came together and professed their faith, and Jewish Americans continue to teach us empathy and compassion, inspired by their parents and grandparents, who know how it felt to be a stranger, and to stand up for a more perfect union for all; and
WHEREAS, Jewish communities continue to confront hostility and bigotry, including in America; and
WHEREAS, our nation shares an obligation to condemn and combat anti-Semitism and hatred wherever it exists and we remain committed to standing against the ugly tide of anti-Semitism in all its forms, including the denial or trivialization of the Holocaust; and
WHEREAS, during Jewish American Heritage Month, we celebrate the hard-fought progress won through struggle and sacrifice and we rededicate ourselves to building a world where diversity is cherished and faith is protected; now, therefore, be it