WHEREAS, it is with deep regret that We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Legislature now assembled in the First Regular Session, take this opportunity to honor the memory of the Honorable Edwin H. Pert, who served the State of Maine as a dedicated public servant for many years; and
WHEREAS, the Honorable Edwin H. Pert was born in Bath and graduated from Morse High School in 1950 and from the University of Maine in 1954; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Pert was a veteran of the United States Army, having served a tour of duty in Korea as a public information officer; and
WHEREAS, upon his return home, he worked as a reporter for the Bath Daily Times and as news director for WMMS/WJTO radio; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Pert served in the Maine House of Representatives representing Bath in the 99th Legislature and served as executive director of the Maine Democratic Party; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Pert worked as Secretary of the Senate from 1965 to 1966 and he also served 18 years as the Clerk of the House of Representatives, from 1975 to 1992; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Pert spent several years as executive director of the Maine chapters of the March of Dimes and the Arthritis Foundation; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Pert served the Town of Georgetown in many capacities, including as town moderator and as a member of the board of selectmen, the planning board, the town-owned property management board, the recreation commission and committee and the financial advisory committee, and he was named Georgetown Citizen of the Year in 2003; and
WHEREAS, Edwin H. Pert will be sadly missed and long remembered by his family, his friends and his colleagues at the Legislature and throughout State Government; now, therefore, be it