‘An Act To Provide Oversight of the Marijuana Legalization Act by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and To Allocate Funds for Implementation’
HP0176 LD 243 |
Session - 128th Maine Legislature C "B", Filing Number H-222, Sponsored by
LR 2223 Item 3 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘An Act To Provide Oversight of the Marijuana Legalization Act by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and To Allocate Funds for Implementation’
Amend the bill by striking out everything after the enacting clause and before the emergency clause and inserting the following:
‘Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §281-A is enacted to read:
§ 281-A. State licensing authority for retail purposes
The Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall serve as the state licensing authority for retail purposes under Title 7, section 2444-A, subsection 2.
Sec. 2. 7 MRSA §1-C is enacted to read:
§ 1-C. State licensing authority for agricultural purposes
The department shall serve as the state licensing authority for agricultural purposes under section 2444-A, subsection 1.
Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §2442, sub-§§7 and 9, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, are repealed.
Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §2442, sub-§9-A is enacted to read:
Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §2442, sub-§44, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:
Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §2444, as amended by PL 2017, c. 1, §6, is repealed.
Sec. 7. 7 MRSA §2444-A is enacted to read:
§ 2444-A. State licensing authorities
(1) Grant or refuse licenses for the cultivation, preparation, manufacturing, testing, packaging and labeling of marijuana, retail marijuana and retail marijuana products as provided by this chapter;
(2) Suspend, fine, restrict or revoke licenses issued under subparagraph (1) upon a violation of this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant to this chapter; and
(3) Impose any penalty authorized by this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(1) The hearing of contested state license denials at a public hearing, employing full due process, including subpoena power, the taking of oaths, the calling of witnesses and maintaining the confidentiality of customer records. Provision must be made for the conduct of appeal hearings following license actions including but not limited to the denial of a license renewal or of an initial license and license revocation and suspension and for hearings contesting the imposition of a fine;
(2) The development of such forms, licenses, identification cards and applications as necessary for the administration of this chapter or of any of the rules adopted under this chapter;
(3) The preparation and transmission annually, in the form and manner prescribed by this chapter, of a report in collaboration with the Department of Administrative and Financial Services to the Legislature accounting for the efficient discharge of all responsibilities assigned by law or rules to the department as state licensing authority for agricultural purposes and to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services as state licensing authority for retail purposes;
(4) Procedures consistent with this chapter for the issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of licenses to operate retail marijuana cultivation facilities, retail marijuana products manufacturing facilities and retail marijuana testing facilities;
(5) Limits on the concentration of THC and other cannabinoids per serving in any retail marijuana products;
(6) Qualifications for licensure, including, but not limited to, the requirement for a fingerprint-based criminal history record check for all owners, officers, managers, employees and other support staff of retail marijuana cultivation facilities, retail marijuana products manufacturing facilities and retail marijuana testing facilities licensed pursuant to this chapter;
(7) Security requirements for any licensed premises under the jurisdiction of the department as state licensing authority for agricultural purposes under this chapter including, at a minimum, lighting, physical security, alarm requirements and other minimum procedures for internal control as determined necessary by the department as state licensing authority for agricultural purposes to properly administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter, including reporting requirements for changes, alterations or modifications to the licensed premises. Security requirements may not be unreasonably impracticable; and
(8) Securing and recording permission for a local fire department or the State Fire Marshal to conduct an annual fire inspection of a retail marijuana cultivation facility.
(1) The hearing of an appeal of the denial to issue a license or renew a license issued pursuant to this subsection at a public hearing, employing full due process, including subpoena power, the taking of oaths, the calling of witnesses and maintaining the confidentiality of customer records. Provision must be made for the conduct of appeal hearings following license actions including but not limited to the denial of a license renewal or of an initial license and license revocation and suspension and hearings for contesting the imposition of a fine;
(2) The development of such forms, licenses, identification cards and applications as necessary for the administration of this chapter or of any of the rules adopted under this chapter;
(3) The preparation and transmission annually, in the form and manner prescribed by this chapter, of a report in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to the Legislature accounting for the efficient discharge of all responsibilities assigned by law or rules to the department and the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry;
(4) Procedures consistent with this chapter for the issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of licenses to operate retail marijuana stores and retail marijuana social clubs;
(5) Qualifications for licensure, including, but not limited to, the requirement for a fingerprint-based criminal history record check for all owners, officers, managers, employees and other support staff of retail marijuana stores and retail marijuana social clubs licensed pursuant to this chapter; and
(6) Security requirements for any licensed premises under the jurisdiction of the department for retail purposes under this chapter including, at a minimum, lighting, physical security, alarm requirements and other minimum procedures for internal control as determined necessary by the department to properly administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter, including reporting requirements for changes, alterations or modifications to the licensed premises. Security requirements may not be unreasonably impracticable; and
Sec. 8. 7 MRSA §2445, first ¶, as amended by PL 2017, c. 1, §7, is further amended to read:
Beginning February 1, 2018, the state licensing authority Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry shall establish , within a specific time frame, a retail marijuana and retail marijuana products independent testing and certification program. This program must require licensees to test retail marijuana and retail marijuana products to ensure at a minimum that products sold for human consumption do not contain contaminants that are injurious to health and to ensure correct labeling.
Sec. 9. 7 MRSA §2445, last ¶, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
The establishment of an independent testing and certification program does not affect the adoption of rules in section 2444 2444-A, subsection 1 or affect the implementation of cultivation, production and sale of retail marijuana and retail marijuana products.
Sec. 10. 7 MRSA §2446, sub-§§2 to 4, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, are amended to read:
Sec. 11. 7 MRSA §2447, as amended by PL 2017, c. 1, §9, is further amended to read:
§ 2447. License application and issuance
Beginning February 1, 2018, an application for a license under the provisions of this chapter must be made to the state licensing authority Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry for licenses related to agricultural matters, as specified in section 2444-A, subsection 1, and to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services for licenses related to the retail sale of marijuana and marijuana products, as specified in section 2444-A, subsection 2, on forms prepared and furnished by the applicable state licensing authority and must set forth such information as the applicable state licensing authority may require to enable the that state licensing authority to determine whether a license should be granted. The information must include the name and address of the applicant and the names and addresses of the applicant's officers, directors or managers. Each application must be verified by the oath or affirmation of such person or persons as the state licensing authority may prescribe. The state licensing authority may issue a license to an applicant pursuant to this section upon completion of the applicable criminal history record check associated with the application. The license is conditioned upon municipal approval. An applicant is prohibited from operating a retail marijuana establishment or retail marijuana social club without state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services and municipal approval. If the applicant does not receive municipal approval within one year from the date of state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services approval, the license expires and may not be renewed. If an application is not approved by the municipality, the state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall revoke the license.
At the time of filing an application for issuance of a retail marijuana establishment or retail marijuana social club license, an applicant shall submit a set of the applicant's fingerprints and personal history information concerning the applicant's qualifications for a license on forms prepared by the state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services. The state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall submit the fingerprints and the municipality may forward fingerprints to the State Bureau of Investigation for criminal history background information. The state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall also forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of conducting a federal fingerprint-based criminal history record check. The state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services may acquire a name-based criminal history record check for an applicant or a licensee who has twice submitted to a fingerprint-based criminal history record check and whose fingerprints are unclassifiable. An applicant who has previously submitted fingerprints for state licensing purposes may request that the fingerprints on file be used. The state licensing authority shall use the information resulting from the fingerprint-based criminal history record check to investigate and determine whether an applicant is qualified to hold a license pursuant to this chapter. The state licensing authority or municipality may verify any of the information an applicant is required to submit.
(1) The state licensing authority department finds the applicant is not in compliance with this section or rules adopted by the state licensing authority;
(2) The state licensing authority department is notified by the relevant municipality that the applicant is not in compliance with an ordinance, rule or regulation in effect at the time of application; or
(3) The number of retail marijuana establishments or retail marijuana social clubs allowed in the municipality has been limited pursuant to local ordinance or is limited by subsection 7 and the state licensing authority department has already licensed the maximum number of retail marijuana establishments or retail marijuana social clubs allowed in the municipality for the class of license that is sought.
(1) If a greater number of applications are received from qualified applicants to operate a retail marijuana store in a municipality than are allowed under the limits enacted by that municipality pursuant to subsection 4, the state licensing authority department shall solicit and consider input from the municipality as to the municipality's preferences for licensure. Within 180 days of the date the first application is received, the state licensing authority department shall issue the maximum number of applicable licenses.
(2) In any competitive application process to determine which applicants receive licenses for any class of license, the state licensing authority department shall give first preference to an applicant who has at least 2 years of previous experience cultivating marijuana in compliance with Title 22, section 2423 and who has been continuously registered with the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act. Preference must be given to an applicant who has 3 medical marijuana caregiver registrations when determining which applicants receive licenses.
The state licensing authority department shall license 2 types of retail marijuana cultivation facilities, those with 3,000 square feet or less of plant canopy and those with more than 3,000 square feet of plant canopy. The state licensing authority department shall license marijuana cultivation at retail marijuana cultivation facilities by unit blocks of 10 feet by 10 feet, or 100 square feet, of plant canopy, with 40% of all licenses issued going to licensees of 30 unit blocks or less. The maximum amount of unit blocks allowed to a single licensee is 300.
An applicant who applies for a retail marijuana cultivation facility license for a facility with more than 3,000 square feet of plant canopy but is not licensed by the state licensing authority department may be considered for a license for a facility with 3,000 square feet or less of plant canopy.
No more than 6 retail marijuana cultivation facilities or more than 300 unit blocks of plant canopy may be located on the same parcel of property.
The state licensing authority department may reduce the number of unit blocks a retail marijuana cultivation facility is authorized to cultivate if 50% or fewer of the unit blocks a facility is authorized to cultivate are not used by the end of the first year of operation.
Sec. 12. 7 MRSA §2448, sub-§1, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:
(1) Retail marijuana cultivation facility license;
(2) Retail marijuana products manufacturing facility license;
(3) Retail marijuana testing facility license; and
(4) Occupational licenses and registrations for owners, managers, operators, employees, contractors and other support staff employed at, working in or having access to restricted access areas of the premises licensed pursuant to this paragraph, as determined by the department.
(1) Retail marijuana store license;
(2) Retail marijuana social club license; and
(3) Occupational licenses and registrations for owners, managers, operators, employees, contractors and other support staff employed at, working in or having access to restricted access areas of the premises licensed pursuant to this paragraph, as determined by the department.
Sec. 13. 7 MRSA §2448, sub-§4, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
(1) A retail marijuana cultivation facility licensee is permitted to cultivate retail marijuana for sale and distribution only to licensed retail marijuana stores, retail marijuana products manufacturing facilities, other retail marijuana cultivation facilities or retail marijuana social clubs.
(2) A retail marijuana cultivation facility may have a retail marijuana store if it is located on the same licensed premises as the retail marijuana cultivation facility. If the retail marijuana cultivation facility chooses the option to have a retail marijuana store it must meet all requirements set by the state licensing authority Department of Administrative and Financial Services for retail marijuana stores and the municipality in which it the retail marijuana store is located. A retail marijuana store located on the licensed premises of a retail marijuana cultivation facility does not count against any municipal limits on the number of retail marijuana stores.
(3) A retail marijuana cultivation facility shall track the marijuana it cultivates from seed or immature plant to wholesale purchase. The state licensing authority Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry may not make rules that are unreasonably impracticable concerning the tracking of marijuana from seed or immature plant to wholesale purchase.
(4) A retail marijuana cultivation facility may provide, except as required by subsection 6, a sample of its products to a retail marijuana testing facility for testing and research purposes. A retail marijuana cultivation facility shall maintain a record of what was provided to the retail marijuana testing facility, the identity of the retail marijuana testing facility and the testing results.
Sec. 14. 7 MRSA §2448, sub-§5, ¶D, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is repealed.
Sec. 15. 7 MRSA §2448, sub-§10, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
Sec. 16. 7 MRSA §2448, sub-§20 is enacted to read:
Sec. 17. 7 MRSA §2449, sub-§2, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
Sec. 18. 7 MRSA §2450, last ¶, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
For a transfer of ownership, a licensee shall apply to the state licensing authority that issued the license for which a transfer is being sought on forms prepared and furnished by the that state licensing authority. Upon receipt of an application for transfer of ownership, the state licensing authority shall, within 7 days, submit a copy of the application to the appropriate municipality to determine whether the transfer complies with any local restriction on transfer of ownership. In determining whether to permit a transfer of ownership, the state licensing authority shall consider only the requirements of this chapter, any rules adopted by the state licensing authority and any other local restrictions. The municipality may hold a hearing on the application for transfer of ownership. The municipality may not hold a hearing pursuant to this section until the municipality has posted a notice of hearing in the manner described in section 2449, subsection 5 on the licensed premises for a period of 10 days and has provided notice of the hearing to the applicant at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Any transfer of ownership hearing by the state licensing authority must be held in compliance with the requirements specified for a municipality in this section.
Sec. 19. 7 MRSA §2451, sub-§1, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
Sec. 20. 7 MRSA §2451, sub-§7, as enacted by IB 2015, c. 5, §1, is amended to read:
Sec. 21. 7 MRSA §2455 is enacted to read:
§ 2455. Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund
The Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund, referred to in this section as "the fund," is established as a dedicated, nonlapsing other special revenue fund in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services for use by the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The fund must be administered and used by the commissioners of both departments for the purposes of adopting rules as required by this chapter and by any department of State Government that is authorized to adopt rules under this chapter. The commissioners of both departments may expend funds to enter into contracts with consultants and employ staff, as determined necessary by the commissioners, conduct meetings with stakeholders and conduct other activities related to the operation of this chapter.
Sec. 22. Progress reports. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services and the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry each shall submit written reports to the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation beginning 30 days after the effective date of this section and continuing every 30 days until February 1, 2018. The reports must indicate the amounts, dates and purposes of all expenditures and the fund balances available to each department as of the date of the report and must include a progress report on adopting rules as required by the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 7, section 2444-A.
Sec. 23. Transfer from General Fund unappropriated surplus; Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund, Other Special Revenue Funds account; fiscal year 2016-17. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer $1,100,000 from the General Fund unappropriated surplus to the Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund program, Other Special Revenue Funds account within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services no later than 10 days after the effective date of this Act.
Sec. 24. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made.
Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund N233
Initiative: Allocates funds to establish the Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund.
OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
All Other
$1,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
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OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL | $1,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
DEPARTMENT TOTALS | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
$1,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
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DEPARTMENT TOTAL - ALL FUNDS | $1,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
Legislature 0081
Initiative: Appropriates funds on a one-time basis to the Legislature to provide resources for the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation for the purposes of covering the costs of consultant services and necessary travel and expenses and any other purposes determined to be appropriate by the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation to assist the committee in the performance of its duties.
GENERAL FUND | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
All Other
$500,000 | $0 | $0 |
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GENERAL FUND TOTAL | $500,000 | $0 | $0 |
DEPARTMENT TOTALS | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
$500,000 | $0 | $0 |
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DEPARTMENT TOTAL - ALL FUNDS | $500,000 | $0 | $0 |
SECTION TOTALS | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 |
$500,000 | $0 | $0 |
$1,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
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SECTION TOTAL - ALL FUNDS | $1,600,000 | $0 | $0 |
This amendment is the minority report of the committee.
The amendment strikes the bill and changes the title. The amendment also does the following.
1. It provides that the Department of Administrative and Financial Services serves as the state licensing authority for retail purposes under the Marijuana Legalization Act.
2. It provides that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry serves as the state licensing authority for agricultural purposes under the Marijuana Legalization Act.
3. It assigns to the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry licensing and regulatory jurisdiction from the point of marijuana seed, clone, seedling and plant, through cultivation, use of pesticides, harvesting, preparation of marijuana, retail marijuana manufacturing and retail marijuana products manufacturing to the testing, packaging and labeling of marijuana, retail marijuana and retail marijuana products.
4. It assigns to the Department of Administrative and Financial Services licensing and regulatory jurisdiction over retail marijuana and retail marijuana products distribution and tracking, retail marijuana stores and retail marijuana social clubs.
5. It appropriates funds for consultant services and necessary travel and expenses and other appropriate purposes as determined by the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation in the amount of $500,000 to the Legislature for use by the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation and allocates funds in the amount of $1,100,000 for the Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund. The amendment establishes the Retail Marijuana Regulatory Coordination Fund and authorizes its use by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services and the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The amendment requires the 2 commissioners to report to the Joint Select Committee on Marijuana Legalization Implementation beginning 30 days after the effective date and continuing every 30 days until February 1, 2018. The reports must provide information on the expenditure of funds and the progress on adopting required rules.
6. It changes the allocation of the definition of "disqualifying drug offense" from the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 7, section 2447, subsection 1, paragraph B to the definitions section in Title 7, section 2442, subsection 9-A to comport with drafting standards.
7. It changes the allocation of a provision on investigation of unlawful activity from Title 7, section 2448, subsection 5, paragraph D to section 2448, subsection 20.