LD 690 LR 1132(04)
An Act To Ensure the Safety of Home Birth
Fiscal Note for Senate Amendment " " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Sen. Hamper of Oxford
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Projections  FY 2017-18 Projections  FY 2018-19
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 ($76,365) ($26,985) ($26,985)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($76,365) ($26,985) ($26,985)
General Fund $0 $76,365 $26,985 $26,985
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($76,365) ($26,985) ($26,985)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This amendment eliminates the requirement that the State Controller transfer $76,635 in fiscal year 2016-17 and $26,985 per year in fiscal year 2017-18 through fiscal year 2019-20 from the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to the Licensing and Enforcement program, Other Special Revenue Funds account within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to fund the cost of this legislation until revenue from licensing fees becomes available.  Because this source of revenue will not be available to support the additional costs to the board until after January 1, 2020 and the board does not have sufficient resources to absorb the costs of this measure, the board may not be able to implement the requirements of this legislation until after that date unless another source of funding is provided.
This amendment also eliminates the Other Special Revenue Funds allocations in the bill beginning in fiscal year 2016-17 to support the increased costs to the board.