LD 319 LR 926(04)
An Act To Strengthen the Economic Stability of Qualified Maine Citizens by Expanding Coverage of Reproductive Health Care and Family Services
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-243)
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note
FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Projections  FY 2017-18 Projections  FY 2018-19
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $636,942 ($864,425) ($2,372,141) ($2,360,799)
General Fund $636,942 ($864,425) ($2,372,141) ($2,360,799)
Federal Expenditures Fund $1,500,194 $1,122,770 ($1,431,346) ($1,431,346)
Other Special Revenue Funds $454,433 $557,094 $570,762 $582,104
Federal Expenditures Fund $1,500,194 $1,122,770 ($1,431,346) ($1,431,346)
Other Special Revenue Funds $454,433 $557,093 $570,762 $582,104
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill includes a General Fund appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services of $636,942 in fiscal year 2015-16 and a deappropriation of $864,425 in fiscal year 2016-17 to expand eligibility for family planning services. Federal Expenditures Fund and Other Special Revenue Funds allocations are also included in this bill.

The expansion of family planning services creates multiple changes in the department including:
 1) adding 15 staff to handle increased caseload;
 2) increased OIT costs for technology changes to 2 systems: Automated Client Eligibility System and Maine Integrated Health Management Solution;
 3) increased claims costs within MaineCare.