LD 174 LR 1061(02)
An Act To Restrict the Raising of Money by Maine Clean Election Act Candidates
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Veterans and Legal Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential current biennium savings - Other Special Revenue Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill prohibits, during certain date ranges, Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) candidates from establishing a political action committee (PAC) for which they are a treasurer, principal officer or primarily responsible for fundraising or decision making. The amount of savings will depend on the number of MCEA eligible candidates who choose to establish these PACs. Based on 2014 MCEA payments from the Maine Clean Election Fund there would have been an approximate savings of $4,910 and $22,705 for each MCEA certified candidate for State Representative and State Senator, respectively, that chose not to become MCEA certified. No estimate is made at this time of the number of candidates that might forego MCEA certification to establish these PACs moving forward.