SP0629 Session - 127th Maine Legislature
LR 2593
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status


WHEREAS,  Turner syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that involves the lack of all or part of a second X chromosome and that affects one in 2,500 live female births and is characterized by a cluster of symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening; and

WHEREAS,  the cause of Turner syndrome is not presently known but appears to be the result of random error during the formation of either the sperm or the egg; and

WHEREAS,  Turner syndrome can be diagnosed early during pregnancy through prenatal testing methods such as amniocentesis; and

WHEREAS,  early diagnosis facilitates prevention or remediation of growth failure, hearing problems and learning difficulties; and

WHEREAS,  there is presently no cure for Turner syndrome but there are treatment options and support groups available that can help a woman with Turner syndrome to live a happy and healthy life; and

WHEREAS,  women with Turner syndrome have a high risk of aortic dissection; and

WHEREAS,  Turner syndrome carries an increased risk of nonverbal learning disorders and these impairments can cause problems with math, visual-spatial skills, executive function skills and job retention; and

WHEREAS,  a disproportionately small amount of funding is available for Turner syndrome research and support; and

WHEREAS,  increased awareness of Turner syndrome among health care professionals and the public will help to encourage affected girls and women to seek treatment and utilize support groups, to promote early diagnosis and to raise support for organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives of people with Turner syndrome; and

WHEREAS,  the establishment of Turner Syndrome Awareness Month will provide the opportunity to share experiences and information with the public and the media and raise public awareness about Turner syndrome; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Legislature now assembled in the Second Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize February as Turner Syndrome Awareness Month.

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