SP0100 Session - 127th Maine Legislature
LR 1881
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status


WHEREAS,  in order to promote the federal earned income tax credit, which enhances family household budgets, we recognize January 30, 2015 as EITC Awareness Day; and

WHEREAS,  it is estimated that every year 20 percent of Maine residents do not apply for the federal earned income tax credit, which demonstrates the importance of raising awareness of this credit and urging individuals to find out if they qualify for it; and

WHEREAS,  throughout the State, IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers who are members of CA$H Maine and AARP Tax-Aide, a collaboration of 10 statewide coalitions including 50 nonprofit and for-profit partners, provide free federal and state tax preparation; and

WHEREAS,  in 2013, these volunteers helped Maine residents save more than $3,200,000 in filing fees and claim $5,480,000 in earned income tax credits, returning $21,450,000 to Maine residents in federal income tax refunds; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Legislature now assembled in the First Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize January 30, 2015 as EITC Awareness Day; and be it further

RESOLVED: That we send our appreciation to all the volunteers who participate in EITC Awareness Day for the benefit of Maine residents and we urge participation in this worthy cause.

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