HP1139 Session - 127th Maine Legislature
LR 2738
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status


WHEREAS,  social workers have paved the way for change by enhancing the well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable in society; and

WHEREAS,  social workers have helped lead America's struggle for social justice and continue to advocate for positive social change and, more than the members of any other profession, social workers recognize that more must be done to address the persistent social problems that plague the State; and

WHEREAS,  social workers support diverse families in every community and understand that individuals and communities together can bring about change; and

WHEREAS,  social workers advocate for the rights of women, ethnic minorities and members of the LGBTQ community; and

WHEREAS,  social workers advocate for children's rights to a safe environment and a good education; and

WHEREAS,  social workers work to ensure good care is provided to older adults; and

WHEREAS,  social workers help provide community support for veterans and their families after their service; and

WHEREAS,  social workers strive to improve access to mental health treatment and health care services in order to save lives; and

WHEREAS,  social workers effect change and put the ideals of citizenship into action every day through legislative, regulatory and social policy efforts; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Legislature now assembled in the Second Regular Session, on behalf of the people we represent, take this opportunity to recognize March 2016 as Social Work Month; and be it further

RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary of State, be transmitted to the Maine chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.

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