LD 1557 LR 2122(03)
An Act To Raise the Speed Limit on Interstate 95 between the City of Old Town and the Town of Houlton
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-447)
Committee: Transportation
Fiscal Note
Minor revenue decrease - General Fund
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Raising the speed limit from 65 miles per hour to 75 miles per hour on Interstate 95 between Old Town and Houlton is not expected to have a significant impact on fine revenue from speeding tickets issued in that area.  The actual impact over time will depend on enforcement policies of the State Police and how drivers choose to adjust to the new speeds.
Additional costs to the Department of Transportation associated with new speed limit signs on Interstate 95 between Old Town and Houlton can be absorbed with existing staff and within existing budgeted resources.