LD 1437 LR 1981(01)
An Act To Implement Recommendations on Reinventing Government
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Sen. Woodbury of Cumberland
Committee: Not Referred
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
Legislative Cost/Study - Undetermined Costs
Legislative Cost/Study
The general operating expenses of this study can not be estimated until the specifics of the membership of the study commission are established, in particular the number of legislator and other members that are authorized per diem and/or reimbursement of expenses and the number and timing of authorized meetings.  The Legislature's proposed budget includes $10,000 in fiscal year 2011-12 and $10,000 in fiscal year 2012-13 for legislative studies.  Whether the amounts are sufficient to fund all studies will depend on the number of studies authorized by the Legislative Council and the Legislature.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
If other state agencies are expected to provide assistance to the study commission, it is expected that the additional costs associated with this assistance will be minimal and can be absorbed by the affected state agencies.