Amend the amendment by inserting after the title the following:
Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘An Act To Allow the Town of Fort Kent To Use the Current Assessed Valuation of the Downtown To Create a Downtown Tax Increment Financing District and for the Calculation of General Purpose Aid for Local Schools
Amend the amendment by inserting after section 1 the following:
2. State valuation for the Town of Fort Kent. Due to the sudden and severe disruption of valuation caused by the fire in the downtown, notwithstanding the conditions required under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 208-A, subsection 2, the Town of Fort Kent shall request a reduction in its state valuation pursuant to Title 36, section 208-A to the equalized assessed valuation of the town on April 1, 2012 for the purpose of the calculation of the local share of education funding under Title 20-A, chapter 606-B for fiscal year 2012-13.’
This amendment allows the Town of Fort Kent to use the equalized assessed valuation of the town on April 1, 2012 for the calculation of general purpose aid for local schools for fiscal year 2012-13.