HP0995 First Regular Session - 125th Maine Legislature
"", Filing Number S-34, Sponsored by
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LR 525
Item 2
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Amend the joint resolution by striking out the title and substituting the following:


Amend the joint resolution by striking everything after the title and inserting the following:

WE,  your Memorialists, the Members of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Maine now assembled in the First Regular Session, most respectfully present and petition the United States Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service as follows:

WHEREAS,  the State of Maine has long been famous for its magnificent wilderness and natural beauty and its plentiful game, fish and birds and, with these natural riches, Maine is a haven for vacationers, campers, hunters, anglers, outdoor sports enthusiasts and recreationists; and

WHEREAS,  Maine has a long and important tradition of trapping and, although fewer people make a living from trapping now, it is still an important tradition for many of Maine's citizens; and

WHEREAS,  Maine has been involved for many years in the research and conservation of Canada lynx and is one of the nation’s leaders in the conservation of lynx; and

WHEREAS,  deer are widely loved and appreciated by the public and are important contributors to the State's economy; and

WHEREAS,  the deer population in areas of northern, eastern and western Maine is low and, although there are several interrelated factors that are likely causing low deer numbers, coyote predation is considered an important component of winter deer losses and early losses among newborn fawns in summer; and

WHEREAS,  during the decade-long process to obtain an incidental take permit for Maine's trapping program, opponents of trapping have filed 2 lawsuits against the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife alleging Maine was in violation of the federal Endangered Species Act because trappers participating in Maine's trapping program could incidentally capture Canada lynx in their traps; and

WHEREAS,  this litigation resulted in a court-ordered consent decree that provided significant protections to Canada lynx by imposing a number of restrictions on trapping activities conducted in northern, eastern and western Maine. The consent decree and its restrictions on types, size and location of foothold and killer-type traps in northern, eastern and western Maine remain in effect unless and until the United States Fish and Wildlife Service acts favorably on Maine's application for an incidental take permit; and

WHEREAS,  Maine's Game Plan for deer identifies a number of strategies to rebuild Maine's diminished deer population in northern, eastern and western Maine, including working with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to obtain an incidental take permit for Maine's trapping program; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That We, your Memorialists, respectfully urge and request that the United States Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service make its highest priority in Maine the process, publication for public comment and issuance of an incidental take permit for Maine's trapping program; and be it further

RESOLVED: That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated by the Secretary of State, be transmitted to the United States Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service and to each Member of the Maine Congressional Delegation.’


This amendment changes the title of the resolution by referring to Maine's trapping program, rather than focusing on coyotes only. It changes the same focus in the body of the resolution and clarifies how receiving an incidental take permit will help the State.

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