LD 883
First Regular Session - 125th Maine Legislature
LR 1618
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Name the Katahdin Rest Area on Interstate 95

Sec. 1. Katahdin rest area on Interstate 95. Resolved: That the Department of Transportation shall designate the public rest area that overlooks Mount Katahdin on Interstate 95 the "Katahdin View Rest Area," and install a sign at the rest area with an explanation of what is seen in the panoramic view; and be it further

Sec. 2. Stone monument erected. Resolved: That the Department of Transportation shall erect a monument at the Katahdin View Rest Area. The monument must be made of a large stone with a bronze plaque attached to it with a brief description of Mount Katahdin and its importance to the State.


This resolve directs the Department of Transportation to designate the public rest area that overlooks Mount Katahdin on Interstate 95 the "Katahdin View Rest Area," and to install a sign at the rest area with an explanation of what is seen in the panoramic view. It also requires the department to erect a stone monument at the rest area with a bronze plaque describing Mount Katahdin and its importance to the State.

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