LD 628
First Regular Session - 125th Maine Legislature
LR 230
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Stagger the Terms of Members of the Maine Arborist Advisory Council

Sec. 1. Staggered terms for members of Maine Arborist Advisory Council. Resolved: That, notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 7, section 2191, subsection 1, in 2011 the terms of 4 members of the Maine Arborist Advisory Council described in Title 7, section 2191 are extended on a one-time basis. The terms of 2 members, one representing an electrical transmission company and one representing a municipality, are extended for one additional year, and the terms of 2 members, one representing the governing council of a statewide professional organization for licensed arborists and one representing the public, are extended for 2 additional years.


This resolve staggers the terms of the members of the Maine Arborist Advisory Council to ensure that there will always be some experienced members continuing to serve on the council.

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