LD 1579 LR 2449(02)
An Act To Facilitate Voting by Uniformed Service and Overseas Voters 
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "   "
Committee: Legal and Veterans Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Current biennium cost increase - Federal Expenditures Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This legislation incorporates provisions of the federal MOVE Act which was passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.  As a result of that federal legislation, states must provide an electronic process for transmitting and accepting absentee ballots of uniformed service and overseas voters.  The Department of Secretary of State expects to use the existing Accessible Voting Solution system to implement this provision.  The department expects that it will need to hire short-term temporary employees to issue the ballot requests.  A determination of these costs has not been made at this time.  The department will use existing federal Help America Vote Act  funds, and it is believed that adequate funds exist in this account to cover all implementation costs of this legislation.