LD 1551
RESOLVE Chapter 171

Signed on 2010-03-25 00:00:00.0 - Second Regular Session - 124th Maine Legislature
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LR 2130
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, Directing the Right To Know Advisory Committee To Examine Issues Related to Communications of Members of Public Bodies

Sec. 1. Right To Know Advisory Committee review and recommendations. Resolved: That the Right To Know Advisory Committee shall examine the following issues and include recommendations in the annual report due January 15, 2011 under Title 1, section 411, subsection 10 concerning:

1. How the freedom of access laws can appropriately address the use of communication technologies, both existing and those to be developed in the future, to ensure that decisions are made in proceedings that are open and accessible to the public;

2. If penalties for violations of the freedom of access laws should be revised, including consideration of criminalizing violations and making the individual who violates the laws responsible for the penalty, rather than the governmental entity; and

3. If partisan party caucuses should be specifically excluded from the definition of "public proceedings."

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