LD 1280
First Regular Session - 124th Maine Legislature
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LR 1673
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Provide a Program Model for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sec. 1. Department of Education to provide program model for children with autism spectrum disorder. Resolved: That the Department of Education shall develop a program model for children with autism spectrum disorder to be used statewide in elementary and secondary schools. In developing this model the Department of Education shall address, in the context of the statewide protocol for the early detection and treatment of autism developed pursuant to Resolve 2007, chapter 200, the following issues:

1. How schools currently ensure appropriate education for a student with pervasive developmental disorder and how the parents of that student are included in the process;

2. What the current process is to ensure a successful transition for a student with pervasive developmental disorder from one grade to the next grade;

3. What the current requirements are for training an education professional in dealing with a student with pervasive developmental disorder;

4. What information about pervasive developmental disorder is available to or is needed by an education professional; and

5. What gaps in information about pervasive developmental disorder for an education professional exist and need to be addressed; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Department of Education shall report on its findings under section 1 to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by December 2, 2009. The Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may submit legislation related to this report to the Second Regular Session of the 124th Legislature at the time of submission of the report.


This bill directs the Department of Education to develop a program model for children with autism spectrum disorder to be used statewide in elementary and secondary schools and submit its report to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs by December 2, 2009.

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