LD 882
First Regular Session - 124th Maine Legislature
C "A", Filing Number S-154
Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF
LR 908
Item 2
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Amend the bill in section 2 in the 4th line (page 1, line 20 in L.D.) by striking out the following: "$61,000,000" and inserting the following: '$67,500,000'

Amend the bill by inserting after section 2 the following:

Sec. 3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made.


Courts - Supreme, Superior and District 0063

Initiative: Provides funds for the debt service cost associated with a $67,500,000 increase in the authorization to issue securities to support courthouse construction and renovation costs and for additional debt service for similar securities previously authorized.

GENERAL FUND 2009-10 2010-11
All Other
$109,375 $573,824
inline graphic sline.gif inline graphic sline.gif
GENERAL FUND TOTAL $109,375 $573,824


This amendment corrects the total amount to be available for the identified court construction and renovation projects.

The amendment also adds and appropriations and allocations section.

(See attached)

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