‘Resolve, To Encourage Regional Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Initiatives’
HP0626 LD 908 |
First Regular Session - 124th Maine Legislature C "A", Filing Number H-308
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LR 315 Item 2 |
Bill Tracking | Chamber Status |
Amend the resolve by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘Resolve, To Encourage Regional Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Initiatives’
Amend the resolve by striking out everything after the title and before the summary and inserting the following:
‘Sec. 1. Regional energy conservation and renewable energy initiatives. Resolved: That, in the administration of energy conservation and renewable energy programs and funding, the Public Utilities Commission shall encourage collaboration between municipalities of the State in the development and implementation of regional energy conservation and renewable energy projects. The commission shall ensure that energy conservation and renewable energy programs and funding administered by the commission for which municipalities are eligible incorporate opportunities for regional projects proposed by multiple municipalities. The commission shall require a proposal for a regional energy conservation project or renewable energy project to include information regarding the expected impact of the project on the electric load of the transmission and distribution utility or utilities serving the participating municipalities; and be it further
Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Public Utilities Commission shall, in the annual report due on December 1, 2009 under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, section 3211-A, subsection 11, report on its efforts to encourage regional energy conservation and renewable energy projects pursuant to section 1.’
This amendment replaces the resolve. The amendment directs the Public Utilities Commission to encourage collaboration between municipalities in the development and implementation of regional energy conservation and renewable energy projects. The amendment requires the commission to report on its efforts to encourage such projects as part of its December 1, 2009 annual report on conservation programs.